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Always Bring your C...
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Always Bring your Camera...

3 Posts
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Posts: 3756
Famed Member
Topic starter

I haven't seen it linked here and I love it to death, so here's, one of the most entertaining sites I've seen. Rob Cockerham, closest thing to a professional prankster I've ever seen, does a constant impersonation of someone with way too much free time. From awesome Halloween costumes to hilarious pranks to prying open the everyday world and seeing how it works.

For newbs, his How Much is Inside Stuff Adventures is something to start with. Ever wondered how long a printer cartridge or a Sharpie will last, or what a million bucks really looks like? Then check out Rob's smart, funny, image-laden articles, today!

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Bravo! :.claps.: Random link I clicked was "What's inside a Sharpie", and it made my night. Will definitely bookmark this gem.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

