Who else here is on Kingdom of Loathing? I know Becca is. But come now. As a way of reviving the forum a little....
Who else here is a disco bandit? Who else has refiled the defiled crypt? Who else dared to get the Evil Golden Arches? Who else has ventured into the stick figure world that is known as.....the Kingdom of Loathing?
Lend me your ears (and meat!)!!! 😀
I joined last year some time, under the name Jimmy Funk. meatplz
Which reminds me, Jick finally got the Naughty Sorceress quest finished, so you can complete the game and "ascend" to the final version.
Other KoL fans? Cool. I don't get on much, and I joined a couple weeks ago. I'm only level 4. My name is Cosmic Kid the accordian theif.
Yup. Ascension was put in this week.
Thats why the first 48 hours of it resulted in slowing the KoL servers down to a crawl. Everyone was ascending.
Except me, of course. 🙂
I think my laptop has some kind of php phobia. It wont load that page, or the Elite.
Any advice on how I'd get access to the page? It looks worth checking out.