The Pitsburgh steelers!
pretty good game, even though the Seahawks got some bad calls.
I don't like the Steelers or the Hawks. Im a Vikings-Green Bay fan so I say this.
Don't Care, Beautiful!
yay. I happy now. "> Feel a little bad for Seattle, especially since they'll be back to getting no respect whatsoever in the NFL, but that was awesome. I can't possibly think of a better way for Bettis to be able to end his career.
Also quite nice that I've now earned gloating rights, whereas I was going to be hearing about it all year if the Steelers had lost.
(although I'll probably still get it for being a traitor to my home team)
Now I just hope the Seahawks can build on this year and come back even stronger next year...
*does a happy freakin Steelers dance*
Mike, you're a fan of God's team too! AWESOME! I love America's Team...but as for the Vi-queens...well, you guess... I learned what a touchdown was when I moved to Wisconsin in 3rd grade...I lived in Minnesota before that, and I only knew about the T-wolves and the Twins... Since I've moved back, I've had to put up with a lot of crap about being a fan of the Pack, but I don't care...I just don my Packer themed Cat in the Hat hat and walk with pride...
Heh, heh. One for the thumb. I arrived in Pittsburgh for most of the Denver game, and considering what the city was like that week, I can only guess what's it's like right now. (Of course, I was in Tampa when the Bucs won a few years ago, so I've probably got some idea).
Mike, you're a fan of God's team too!
I guess the SuperBowl was subject to Divine Interception.
personaly i would have loved to see the Tampa Bay go to win it
Oh well, I wanted Seattle to win their first ever Super Bowl. All I know is next year...Dallas and Colts(unless they are in the same division which I doubt). ^_^
Gaaahhh! Just let it go! Let this topic have a nice, quiet, peaceful death!
I'd love to see the Packers take another SuperBowl (and let #4 retire on a high note)...But no one cares! Dallas? Dude...they barely broke even! 9-7 is a pretty crappy record...