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Posts: 276
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Her name is Angela. Everyone calls her Angie. She's been my friend for a while. She's a great person and she's absolutely beautiful in my eyes. I've liked her since the sixth grade. Pathetic huh? Anyway, last year it came to my attention that she liked me. Which was great for me. Anyway, she wrote me a few notes which I still have. Anyway it never worked out because she didn't want to ruin the friendship, which is understandable.

I thought I was over her, but I just started a new year of school. Y'see, I go to a school down the street from hers, but I hang out at her school in the morning since mine starts much later. We talk and laugh and carry on with her friends and...well I guess they're my firends too...but I don't think she likes me anymore. Her best friend, who says a whole lot of stuff behind her back ironically, even told me so.

Now, to the point...WHAT DO I DO?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I'm no expert...but if she is admittedly talking about you behind your back, then it might be time to cut ties, that is unless you think you can sort things out with her.

True friends are hard to come by. Judging from what you're saying, she might not be one. But then again, I don't live in your shoes, so I don't know.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I'd be careful. People can change in personality, depending on who they are with. If she is talking about you behind your back in a malicious manner then I would contimplate Ultra Sonic 007's suggestion of severing ties.
To be honest, it's just as what has been said.

I'm kinda in the same boat too with just a few differences but anyway. You say her best friend told you she doesn't like you. How reliable is she? Does her best friend have it in for you? The way I see it, you need answers but you can't be too sure if you are being told the truth or not.
The only solution I can see is to ask her yourself but I'm sure there are many ways to go about this.
You will know what the right thing to do is. Hope my input has helped.

Good luck man!:thumbsup

Posts: 276
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What you just said sounds vaguely familiar, but I talked to another person about it and they basically said that she chose friends instead of lovers. I didn't choose either yet, so I feel a bit strange, but I need to get her alone and tell her that I can't get over her. I might tell her that I'll love her forever. I don't know yet. I need her all to myself and alone with me first.

Posts: 286
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Easy. Love is a very strong word.

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To put it one way, she put "Bros before Hoes",
And I don't think there's really anything you can do about it. From the sounds of it, this is just a bad case of puppy love and/or teenage hormones and you should try to do your best to forget about it. It may be hard at first, but keep at it, go out with friends, go to movies, anything that will help you put the past behind you.

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

One more thing I have to add. Telling a girl you'll love her forever will probably... screw your chances, for want of a better phrase. And don't act clingy - girls don't want someone who clings to them. Trust me; I know. >>

Then again, it's up to you. It's your choice, my friend. Remember... Never show that you're a clingy fellow who seems to need a woman, because they tend to be put off by this kind of guy.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Another thing:
Women SAY they want honesty.
Trust me, they don't.
I may sound like a bad stand-up comic here, but If a woman asks you if her pants make her ass look fat, you had damn well BETTER say no.

I know from experience where honesty gets you.

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Watch 30 episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in a row.

You won't have to ask for girl advice ever again.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


I may sound like a bad stand-up comic here, but If a woman asks you if her pants make her ass look fat, you had damn well BETTER say no.

It depends on the person (as the same could be said for men if people want to stereotype ;p). I value honesty. It's the lack of it that would drive me up the wall, and those who know me best learn that lesson eventually. ;p

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

To be honest, it all depends on what kind of person she is.


Telling a girl you'll love her forever will probably... screw your chances, for want of a better phrase.

Agreed. Like I said before, love is a VERY strong word. I can almost guarantee that it isn't love you feel. Sorry to be so blunt, but you haven't reached that stage in your lives when you can appreciate the finer things in people at a more mature level. I apologise if I sound patronizing, I'm just trying to phrase it as best I can.

But then again, I might be wrong. To denote love, I think you've gotta ask yourself can I live without her? The answers is yes, it's just painful is all.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Wait, was it the girl you're in love with who talks behind people's backs - or her best friend who "informed you" that she doesn't like you anymore? At least in your first post the best friend seemed to be indicated, which is why I'm puzzled about everyone's responses. Because if the gabby best friend is the one who told you that, it's possible that she's either lying or she's saying it deliberately to disrupt your friendship.

Whatever the case, it would be best just to get it from the horse's mouth, but don't throw your entire soul out on the line for her - there will be plenty of time to dedicate your heart to her if it turns out she still likes you back and would like to continue the relationship. And if not, then don't take it personally; there are plenty more girls out there, and there's bound to be at least that special one.

Note that I'm just handing out advice as I see it here, take what helps you and shove the rest.

And what True Red said is the reason why that question "Does this dress make me look fat?" and its variants are so devastating to all men: because the answer is different for EACH WOMAN! I had always thought the best answer would be to just hug and kiss her and tell her she's beautiful (assuming it's my wife of course), but now I could see why I might just get a slap to the face or worse with that response. Oh well, better for me to figure this out before I actually have to put it into practice.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Because if the gabby best friend is the one who told you that, it's possible that she's either lying or she's saying it deliberately to disrupt your friendship.

Exactly what I was going to point out.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


And what True Red said is the reason why that question "Does this dress make me look fat?" and its variants are so devastating to all men: because the answer is different for EACH WOMAN!

The same can be said for most questions/situations concerning women dealing with men. 😉

That's why the best thing to do is to get to know the person as best you can. You can do something "wrong," but most people tend to forgive sincere people, particularly if they like them. ^_~

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


And what True Red said is the reason why that question "Does this dress make me look fat?" and its variants are so devastating to all men: because the answer is different for EACH WOMAN!

I had no idea that women were also individuals. ;)

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

If they've said no, you've got to just stand back and let it be. The ONLY way you'll get anything affectionate wise is if time goes by and you two are at a party getting drunk and she goes "TAKE MY GIRLISH FIGURE, MANBOY!" and the rest is history.

Once they say "You are my friend, nothing else", it's pretty hard to have them say otherwise. Trust me I've been there. Not very often, thankfully. *hugs the ever non-existant in MoFoLandia Zingy :P*

And about the "DO MY PANTS MAKE MY ASS LOOK FAT" thing, definately depends not only on the woman, but also the couple themselves. Zingy asks that a lot, jokingly, but will also take the answer two heart. Personally? I like ass. =3 So I say "Yes'm, ands I loves it!" Then it usually leads to groping of the sorts >.> But I won't get into that.

Also, I'm sure you've heard of this... plenty o fish in the sea? Yeah dude. You've got life ahead of you. If you can't win her over after so many years, maybe it's not meant to be. :/

Posts: 193
Estimable Member


Agreed. Like I said before, love is a VERY strong word. I can almost guarantee that it isn't love you feel. Sorry to be so blunt, but you haven't reached that stage in your lives when you can appreciate the finer things in people at a more mature level. I apologise if I sound patronizing, I'm just trying to phrase it as best I can.

Well, I wouldn't say it's just hormones.. well it is, but, for example, that pounding in your head when you want to hurt someone and see them burn is also just hormones. -_-

It's not that you're too young to love, or that your feelings are trivial, it's just that it's a different type of love than that which older people have. You have the type of love which makes men jump off bridges, the type of love where you can't stop thinking about someone, the type of love where it feels like a knife is in your heart, which has a power of its own to be reckoned with. But it's not the type of love that builds long-lasting relationships.

Talk to her, instead of relying on hearsay from her best friend. It could be that she needs a friend more than a boyfriend just now, or it just could be that people grow away from each other. It's painful but don't take it personally... it's how people are.
