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Another year closer...

12 Posts
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Posts: 489
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Topic starter DEATH!

Well, kinda. Hey, im 23 today on this february 3rd. I havnt posted my b-day on the forum in years, so i figure i might as well now. Man... im old... well, compared to alot of the kids on deviantart who can draw and color worlds better than me i am. 😛

Woot for the mechanic!

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

hey, you're older than me by a few months... that makes me young, yay!

Happy birthing day and stuffs! *throws a cake in your general direction*

Posts: 1573
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Happy 23th Grand Debut Day, Fexus. Hope you have a good one.

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Posts: 1358
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Oldcy but goody @ sv2's post. Happy Birthday!

Posts: 3468
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Happy birthday, Fexus!

Posts: 2398
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Old man. :3


Posts: 489
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Topic starter

Thank you everyone! Well, my birthday is expired, so this thread can also expire now too for all i care. XD

Posts: 2723
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Nonsense. Happy Belated Escape From the Womb Day. :D

Posts: 1037
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Happy belated birthday! =D

Posts: 608
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Late Happy Birthday! Yay another person whos B'Day fall on Feb! (Not me)

I'm happy 'cause now I don't feel as old in here =P I'll be 23 soon...

Posts: 2809
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Happy Belated Birthday, Sir Fexus, and lol at V2's post.
