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Any furries here?
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Any furries here?

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Just out of curiosity, how many of us consider ourselves to be true "furries," aka fans of stories, artwork, and cartoons which feature anthropomorphic characters?

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By that definition, any fan of most video games and cartoons is a furry. o.o

I like Sonic and Loony Tunes. Am I a furry?

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I only am in the since I look at the artwork and like video game characters. I say I am so I can instantly tell if someone is narrow-minded or not. ;)


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Well, in the technical sense, you are, because that would be fanaticism of anthropomorphic characters.

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Although I am a fan of a few things that involve furries (ie, Sonic), I am not a furry fan in general.

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Wah hahaha... Join us TTG...

Oh and I'm going to up there with Kevin and my new apprentice next Saturday. Don't answer the door, I have a water gun filled with strawberry syrup. That's poisonous to turtles right?


Posts: 504
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I am. And been one sense Sonic 2. I try to write storys, planning to make plushies, and what not.

Heck, almost every fan creaction of mine is furry, save a few of my early creactions who was humans (And dumped) and and my humans for the Mighty duck cartoon.

And also on a 'Furry' note: Do anyone know were i can find some Mighty Ducks (the cartoon)/Sonic the hegehog crossovers. I look at Fanfiction and saw one but if was rated M, based on STAM,and was poorly written.

I can SO see Mallory and Knuckles fighting because of there tempers. :cackle

Posts: 3291
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i think you need to define 'furry' better, as i certainly don't consider myself to be one.

sure, i might've roleplayed various furries for over 6 years, i've done a ton of artwork, i'm a big fan of most things sonic and fuzzy and i certainly mew like a cat at my sister, but that doesn't mean i think that inside i'm an animal of some type. 😛

are you confusing furry and fur suiter here? oo

Posts: 1037
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Before I knew Sonic I had created a world inhabitated by anthropomorfic animals and had imagined the history of that world from the stone age up to the modern age, basing myself on the Civilization II game. I even created a huge map that spanned over 3 separate A3 papers.
(The elephants never got to leave that little island they were on, their Triremes would always sink.)

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Is it rude that I think those hardcore furry people are kind of weird?

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Is it rude that I say, loudly and often, that these hardcore furry people are weird, along with every other group of people who can be defined as "hardcore [insert word here"?

And also I just thought I'd say that the definition of furry in the original post seems way too broad =.

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Usually when I hear the word "furry" it's someone who likes to yiff people.

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Furry can have more than one meaning.

One definition would be someone who roleplays, writes as, plays games of, draws, or otherwise shows interest in anthromorphic characters. If you mean this, count me and the whole rest of the forum, more or less - Because by that definition, a Sonic fan is a furry. Loosely.

The other definition would be does one "yiff" people. Don't count me there.

Posts: 1758
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By that definition just about every cartoonist, and a large number of artists back to ancient civilizations, and everybody who liked their work was a furry.

In fact the only people who wouldn't be furries would be insane religious fanatics who protest Disney movies because talking animals violate god's laws (in their version, since there is no such religious law I know of). To such a person anything unfamiliar involving imagination is evil. (Much like furry-haters, or rock and roll haters, or video game haters, or anime haters, or other cultural luddites.)

Furry has become a ridiculously loaded word that can fit almost anyone but is often used as hate speech. It's time for some more words. Some people use them, but still, almost any use of the word furry online tends to get into this qualification stage where people point out they're not one of those furverts.

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To say it like you did? Yes. Leave them be. If you want to demonize people we have a whole world of serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles that actually do things that HURT people.

Bopping a fat guy in a weasel suit isn't my thing, but it might be someone else's. Didn't they teach you not to make fun of people who are different back in kindergarten?

So yes, it's rude.


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Furvert? Hehe, they make up new terms every day.


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I suppose I am. Mostly stems from me accidentally stumbling upon Artail - that'd actually be the first time I'd ever seen fan-made furry art the likes you see in DevArt, albeit I think they both use "Anthro" more frequently.

Random musing: is it just me, or are furries (the human-animal hybrids the art depicts, not the people that make them or view them) more often barefoot than most human beings in the same sort of societies depicted (ie: most of these furries are in urban American-style cities, not tribal villages where it would make sense to be barefoot)? I suppose maybe it's because you don't usually see animals wearing shoes - but then, you don't usually see animals wearing clothes, either, so there. (Which may also be related to why there are so many naked furries, and that's just of the clean variety.) Also, maybe it's just because I'm a guy, but I swear it's more females and/or female artists who draw their furries barefoot in situations no human would be.

Oh, and for some reason, I'd argue that furry porn is much, much easier to find than anime porn or real porn. The latter two you almost always have to pay for. The first, though, is almost always free. That could explain its prevalence.

In conclusion, I'm sure this post is real awkward, but it's still stuff that's I've been wondering about.

Posts: 2928
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Thats the spirit SH, soon you too will have one of your furry characters dancing around in a lampshade. :D


Posts: 814
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Well, Shadow Hog's point is valid, since he IS off buying all the porn now. And that's the most awkward post I've read this week.

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It started way back when I was like 12 and read Animorphs and wished I had that power and could stop it halfway and wrote self-insert fanfiction about it.

Not the proudest moment in my life.

Posts: 1573
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Don't feel bad, Benji. I used to have a Sailor character, whom I've since scrapped, that was pretty much every single Mary-Sue cliche rolled into one. I can't even read those fics without laughing. Needless to say, they won't ever be seeing the light of day.

Going back to the topic, it depends on what definition you use. If you mean simply being a fan of furry art, such as Disney or Sonic, then I could call myself a furry. If you mean the yiffing ones, no.

Posts: 85
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(nods) I'm a non-yiffer. But I do have a thing for fursuits, as well as art and stories featuring anthropomorphic characters. Last June, I went to Anthrocon, the world's largest furry convention, in Pittsburgh, PA. There were over 2000 people there, and less than 200 of them actually owned fursuits. Contrary to the ideas people may get from shows like CSI, furry isn't about sex. It's about having fun. For us, furry is an escape. It brings out our softer side and makes us happy and feel good as well.

Posts: 3468
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Well jsut liking Disney movies doesn't make one a furry. But liking movies like that purely because the characters are furries - then I'd say that person is a furry.

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So you can like furry characters and not be a furry unless you like them because they are furry?

That makes no since. If you like something you like it. :p


Posts: 2232
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Since I spent yesterday (and today by the looks of it) with pads drawn on my hands in permanant marker, I'd say it's a likely conclusion ;P

Posts: 439
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I find all furry porn gross, but if people are into it then I ain't gonna put them down unless it makes them wish they were born a fox or something so they could "do" other foxes.

Although there have been moments where I found myself sexually attracted to certain female cartoon animals, but at least I could still feel sick about it afterwards. '_'

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I'm sure anyone anywhere will think something is gross. I know people that think Anime is "gross" because all the characters look "bug-eyed".

It's all in what you like.


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SX is saying it depends why you like the movie. It's the difference between liking a Disney movie, and only liking it because the characters are furries =O

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There are no words...

This is exactly the kind of thing that disturbs me. :|

Posts: 2928
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So you can't like something because it has a talking animal in it? I still don't get it. People like things for different reasons, I'll let them, its not my place to judge unless they're like raping animals or something.


Posts: 439
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I think he more than just likes Amy Rose.

This obsession carries over into real life where this person probably compares Amy Rose to real girls and gets depressed he wont ever meet a girl who looks like her. It's not a very healthy obsession. Even if the video was meant as a joke, there are people like that.

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I didn't say that at all, Rico =o

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That would be enough to make people not wanna be associated with Furries. Of course you'd think Bush would do the same for Christians. *rimshot*

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Then I'm still lost. :(

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SX said liking Disney movies doesn't make you a furry and that liking movies because they have furries in them makes you a furry.

I don't know why he said it but that's what he said. o.o

Posts: 2928
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Thats what I asked. :(

"So you can't like something because it has a talking animal in it?"

And they said thats not what was said. And I got all confusamcated.


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The word "can't" doesn't appear anywhere, so you keep misreading everyone of us. oO

Posts: 2928
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Can't means "can't like it for this reason unless you are a furry"

The context makes it read that. I don't think all little kids that like a TV character talking animal are furries.


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Then that just adds to the fact the word "furry" hasn't been defined yet.

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You got it, sexy. :3

Posts: 814
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Why does the term "furry" always end up leading towards sex? We have too much corruption here...

Well, next stage: Ice cream.

Posts: 42
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Rico, it's not that complicated.

You can like Disney movies for whatever reason you like them, and therefore do not have to be labled a furry.

However, if you enjoy the movies SOLELY because it has talking animals (and not for any other reason), then that makes you a "furry."

At least, that's what I THINK he's getting at.
