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AS/A2 Results day
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AS/A2 Results day

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To any forumers who have taken AS or A2 exams, today is result day a.k.a Judgement Day!
*Cue 'O Fortuna'*
Today the waiting is over. The results have arrived, ready to bring joy or sorrow. Some will have the honour of ascending to the next level. Others will be forced to commit harakiri to atone for their sins.
Drama aside, it's results day, and all you people with results now have a chance to share them with the world.
My AS level results:
English Literature-B
Government and Politics-B
General Studies-B

My results are okay I guess, but I can't help but be disappointed that I didn't get even one A. I mean, I was predicted that for at least three subjects. Oh well. I'll just have to work harder next year.
Or I could work long and hard to expose the conspiracy that robbed me of my real results. But that sounds too much like hard work.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I got for my AS results:

English Combined (language & Literature) - C
Environmental Science - D
Maths - U
Geography - U

I'm well pleased with the results there, I was only 4 marks off an E in Maths, but that can be rectified when I re-do my stats paper in January (Which was the only one that was bad), I got the second highest score in Environmental Science this year (There's only 3 people doing the course, but that's irrelevant ;D), I originally chose Geography as nothing more than a filler subject, so I'll be glad to see it go.

Oh, and I don't have a general studies mark because the school never entered me for the course or the exam, and I never told them because it's a totally useless subject anyway, and less exams, and more free periods. I'm a terrible student. 😀

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Congratulations, both of you. To be honset, I'm glad I don't have to worry about results this year.

Good luck with your A2s, by the way (assuming you're going to go on and do 'em).

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

A B in maths, only a few marks off an A... :nn;
Only a few marks of a B in Physics, probably going to retake one of them.
A C in chemistry :spin , which is great because I really thought I was going to fail Chemistry COMPLETELY, but, wow...

And a D in History, which i'll probably be dropping. Shame as I'm usuually good at it, but getting an unclassifiable :( really let me down.

Any way, it's a good result and with a few retakes I can bump up my scores and then, with a bit of revision I should be okay next year.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I got my A2s :^^;

A for maths,
B for physics (6 marks off A .; Stupid ass questions, "Explain in physics terms how a shoe can be shiney and black." WTH!)
C for Chemistry (awesome, expecting a -Z)
D for further maths (one off C, gutted)

Just getting tangled in the system now to see if I have first or second choice of Uni...

But more importantly, everyone signed my pint glass stolen form the prom:spin

EDIT:- I'm accepted! I'm off to Manchester to study Maths and Physics =D

*Is one exceedingly happy wolfy*

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

>Explain in physics terms how a shoe can be shiney and black." WTH!)

Interesting, on a side note what is the answer, just in case something simmilar comes up for me next year?

Posts: 1134
Noble Member


Is how the grades next to my name will read on speech night next year. Depending on how you look at things, that's either a scream or a row of pencil nibs.

In more detail:-

Chemistry - I actually had full marks in this, which is surprising as I hardly paid attention in most lessons. Then again I revised it more than any other subject.

Computing - Only 90% in this, because the teacher rarely if ever taught us, so I ended up learning everything from a revision site, past papers and a revision book I bought two days before the exam. 😀 Also the bulk of my coursework was done in like four days after I ran into a dead-end and completely changed my specification.

French - Only 90% because it's my worst subject. 😀

Maths - I actually took enough modules for either a full A-Level or AS Maths and Futher Maths, but because of the particular combination all I got is the AS in regular Maths. I won't bother explaining the intricate subtleties of the system. Doesn't matter, though, as I'll get them next year.

Physics - I'm not to happy with the 77/90 in the Electrons and Photons paper, even if I did get an A overall.

So yeah. I'll drop either French or Chemistry (prolly the former) and do all the rest for A-Level next year, plus Further Maths as well.

Overall, I was pretty chuffed with that set of results.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Well done, Allik, and everyone else. Those results are good.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

So, I get my AS Results, and it's a barrage of surprises!

Philosophy: C

I was predicted an A in this, thus this is the one I'm least happy with. Ah well, there are always resits.

Computing: B

WOO! I didn't screw it up after all. This was a nice surprise, it was. ^^

Chemistry: B

WOO! I didn't screw it up after all, again! :D

Mathematics: B

Not bad at all. Curse you Decision Mathematics 1. Resitting that one, definitely.

Overall I'm quite satisfied but I'm still not ecstatic, exactly. Ah well. =/

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Well done to everyone who got the results they wanted. As usual, the media is kicking up a fuss about more people passing, and so on, but it doesn't really take away from the fact that you've worked hard (or not so hard in some cases, I'm sure...) for the results you got.

Good luck for everyone who's got the grades to be going to uni this year as well
