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Back to Bristol. UK MoFo Meet Up 2k7

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Posts: 4885
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Same business as ever. 12-13th of May at Bristol, 12 for both days ticket admittion or free with cosplay (gogo Blindfolded Riku).

So. Yeah. You know the drill by now, bunch of MoFoers, Tails Doll, Paperchat v4.0.

Oh and the shooting of MoFo The Movie. Kitty has a camcorder now and needs to abuse it.

Posts: 1044
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And I still have my final exams on the 15th *creosote frowns >=/* not that i'd be motivated enough to use the public transport to get up there, but still >=/

Posts: 2234
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I shall have to see what my exam dates are like, but I'll definitely consider it this time.

Posts: 679
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I'm in. Though I may have some futile attempts to avoid Kitty's camera...


Posts: 2232
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I shall be there no matter what, the only question is whether or not I can find someplace to stay overnight or if I have to run up and down on the trains for both days ^^;

Posts: 2398
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Broke, sorry, blame Toby and Bullet. Maybe next year.


Posts: 3291
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alas for those hoping for a free floor to crash on, this year i'll not be at my parent's home, but stealing someone else's floor for the weekend. ^^; i mean no offense as i've enjoyed the past few years, but it'd be nice to relax over the weekend without having to worry about transporting people around.

the tails doll will be powerless when faced by the wrath that is shadow in a badly knitted pink jumper! (with matching handbag)

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Score! This is during lecture time, so I should be able to make it. However, as I'm coming down from Cambridge rather than Cardiff, trains are more expensive and I can't really afford more than one train journey, so I'm going to need somewhere to crash if you want me there for more than one day.

Posts: 2116
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I've already got my accommodation sorted out - I just need to book my tickets.

Mr. Flibble demands a rematch with TD.

Posts: 815
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One of these years, I swear I'll come out there

Posts: 814
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The US is too big for everyone here to have a convention at the same place. Maybe if we were to do something, it'd be East and West coast divided. Lucky UK'ers. Remember to bring your digital cams and share photos with those who can't come!

Posts: 800
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I could probs make 08 😛

I also have exams, this may prove a bit tricky or tight for some of us.

Posts: 931
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I'll be there as ever. Acommodation sorted, but I need tickets.
(Contemplates repairing Rorschach costume)

I will also have a posessing need to go and bother Simon Furman, or at least get him to sign a book.

Posts: 1008
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Well, assuming I can find and afford some accomodation (which is assuming a lot currently x_x), then I and possibly the other member of the Highland Collective will be down there. No promises though, so fingers crossed people.


Posts: 931
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All booked up. Be seeing at least some of you Friday evening :)

Posts: 1134
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What's everyone doing for accomodation? Being a poor student, I'd rather not shell out for a B&B if I can avoid it. Are there any MoFoers living in the Bristol area that might be willing to put me up for the weekened?

Posts: 2232
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I'm also intrested in this, my current plan of running up and down on trains, though viable, will be nackering and deprive me of any evening forumer interaction.

Posts: 1134
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For me coming back and forth from Cambridge any more than once would be prohibitively expensive: there and back costs at least 26 depending on what time of day I travel, likely more for the most convenient times. Ideally I'd want to leave cambridge early Friday afternoon (might have to check when my physics practicals are though) and get into Bristol for the evening, stay somewhere Friday and Saturday nights, then leave sometime on Sunday. However, if I'm having to pay for accomodation, I'd only be able to stay for one night.

Posts: 4885
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I think Gareth stayed over in a hostel last year and Bryan and Ian are planning on pulling the same act this year.

Ask one of them about it :D

Posts: 3291
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i'm still vaguely hoping to cosplay, free entry and etc, FTW!

at the telford convention i hung out for a bit with a girl in cosplay. she told me she'd bought it for less then 40 pounds off the internet.
right now, i can't locate anywhere that does ready-made outfits for that little, any suggestions? >>;

Edit: forget that above, i just bought me this for twice what eBay made me think i'd be paying (grrr).
i just need to find me some similar boots and a long pink wig and i'll be awayyy~

Reedit: or perhaps not, this costume might not get to me until a few days AFTER the convention. >>; i so suck at planning ahead.

Posts: 2234
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😯 @ Xag. I've got many a book signed by good ol Furman. The 6 American Titan Reprints TPB, to be exact. Not all bad. 😀

Posts: 1008
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OK, I've done some nosing around into the accommodation side of things. Unfortunately, YHA Youth Hostel in Bristol is completely booked out for the weekend of the expo. Bristol Backpackers at the time of writing have 3 beds available for guys and a few for girls.

That leaves a few assorted hotels and B&Bs dotted around, so I'm going to be booking accommodation very soon. Also, it looks like I can only be there for one day, as I've an exam on the 14th and it's in the morning. Noez!

...that said, I'm sorting out an awesome cosplay for this year. 8D

Posts: 3291
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free entry if you're in cosplay sure isn't something to miss. ^^

there's a few backpackers and youth places in bath, which is only 20 mins away by train.. if anyone is finding it hard in bristol. (although i've no idea how much space they have, if any)

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Hmm, Bath might be worth checking out. Also, I left the cosplay too late again to really get anything together, I mean I could gather up my Roshach stuff, but I did that for halloween, and I can't do it again. That's boring. Besides, Xag already suggested it for himself ;P

I was thinking of trying to put together a Laguna Loire costume, but, yaknow, lazy. Without my hometown loft of much crap, I'm far too lazy.

Curse my laziness.

Posts: 4885
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Crimmy... if you dressed up a s Rorschach, I'd have to kill you and steal your clothes.

He is one of the very very top of my "red head cosplay" list.

Posts: 1201
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...that said, I'm sorting out an awesome cosplay for this year. 8D

does it consist of a robe, sandals, and a halo made of tinfoil

Posts: 3291
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if he did, it'd be awsome. o-o

(heck.. if needed i'll just wear my kimono and make up a random manga name. >>)

Posts: 2354
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Sakura from Street Fighter Alpha fame ftw! @ Chibi. :p

Posts: 2232
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You mean This costume, Craig?

Posts: 931
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Hmmm... Darkwolf'es cosplay is a better jacket and a gun ahead of mine, though am still proud of my mask.
I may resurrect it.

Anyways, Death's Head volume 1 is what I want Furnham to sign.

Posts: 3291
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i just remebered a post by the guy who's helping with the manga and anime part of bristol expo..


What is important now, though, is for many manga fans to actually come to Bristol. If Mike does not see many new people come this year then he will probably be less keen to have a substantial manga thing in 2008.

free entry to cosplayers is pretty nifty, shame you actually have to show up in your outfit. a changing room would be nice. (note to self - suggest this if there's no such facility there. the toilets are rather tiny)

Posts: 2232
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Pffft, go there in costume Becs, you know that dignitry is second to free-schtuuf.

Posts: 3291
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no worries, i'll be showing up in SOME sort of costume. :p

Posts: 2116
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I'm definitely hoping to be at the manga adaptation panel if I'm up early enough - after reading Oz: the Manga, I want to see what the method is for these things.

Although I'm still wondering just how badly mauled Paul Cornell's going to get, since we've all had to sit through his Robin Hood since last year's con.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Yay I've booked my train tickets. To get there on time I have to leave Cambridge stupendously early (well, seven, but that's early for a student, damnit! :P) and to get the cheapest tickets I have to leave stupendously late, but I have my tickets.

Unfortunately I can only actually come for one day once again, as I have a supervision to go to on the Sunday that it's probably not a good idea to miss. =( Oh well, it solves my accomodation woes at any rate.

Still, one day of Comic Expo with you guys is better than no Comic Expo with you guys at all. :D

Posts: 931
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Although I'm still wondering just how badly mauled Paul Cornell's going to get, since we've all had to sit through his Robin Hood since last year's con.

Interesting point- I'll be fascinated to see that myself.

Posts: 2116
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I've been talking with someone since who says that she heard him try to excuse it on the grounds that the BBC's regulations about not scaring the kiddiwinkies and generally not even going near a risk of offending anyone for any reason ripped the guts out of what he actually wanted to do with the series, and he's at least as embarrassed as anyone else who sat through it.

I'll be interested to see if he tries repeating that defence.

Posts: 931
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I wonder if he has any original scripts and the like to try and back it up, too.

Posts: 2232
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Blarg, I can't beleive I slept through my alarm for the second day =(

Ah well, that's okay, because the first day was the best day ever.

Posts: 1008
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What saddens me most is that I couldn't get there at ALL... but then again, nigh-on 80 worth of train tickets for nearly 40 hours' travel to spend only 5 hours there? With my finances are they are an all it wouldn't have been worth it. =/

Still, there's the MCM in London coming up at the end of this month... hopefully by then my costume will all be here and I'll be in a good position to go places. ^^

Anyway. The video of the events better be good! ;P ...assuming there's going to be a video. Having heard about how Tails Doll got left behind in London by Craigey, I have a sneaking suspicion as soon as he got home, "Can You Feel The Sunshine?" started playing. We'll have to see what punishment TD laid upon him for missing out on his annual dose of gropage of MoFo women. ;P

~SilverShadow (who sadly missed out this year. Pity him ;_; ).

Posts: 931
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Did miss seeing you there, have to say.

Posts: 2232
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Aye, would have been fun if you could have turned up, Perviroth was not a good enough replacement...

Posts: 2116
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We missed you both, Crims and Bryan. I'm being serious about that. It seemed strange not having you there.

Posts: 3291
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yeah, i had less people to spork! ;___;

(the weekend seemed a bit messed up anyhow, there was less of the 'sitting about not doing anything' that we usually take part in) where's photos? i wanna see how awful i looked!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Talk to Craig, he had the camera. He was bemoaning the quality of the pics last time I looked :) Didn't you have a group photo too? Share! :)


Posts: 41
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I certainly remember taking a group shot of some sort with someone else's camera.

Completely forgot I had mine in the car! D'oh! :p

Posts: 3291
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oh, i have a few photos, but i can't upload them as new computer - lack of camera installation CD = can't upload photos onto my computer. ^.x;

i found a few photos of me and craig cosplaying on the tokyotoy's forum, we both look pretty terrified. :p

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

You know, it occurs to me that, considering we're a bunch of Sonic fans, we didn't break out my Gamecube at any point in the proceedings. It was on a shelf in the guest bedroom the whole time...


Posts: 41
Eminent Member

There was a Gamecube in the vicinity?


I could have shown off my absolutely worthless gaming skills, and made you all marvel at my sheer lack of anything remotely resembling hand/eye co-ordination! :lol

Posts: 3291
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i thought i felt something luring me towards the shelving, but i figured it was the pratchett books and all those DVDs. >>

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