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Bank Lines

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Posts: 34
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Here's what happened today.

I'm at the bank, and there's a big line behind me. One of the teller stations opens up, after the customer had been there for probably 5 minutes. Paper everywhere, teller looked disorganized and hectic.

Now when a teller station opens up at a bank, do you just walk over? Or do you wait until the teller gives you the "It's all you" signal, and then come forward?

I NEVER fill teller voids without being told. What if there's something crazy on the papers that haven't been put away yet? Like something I'm not supposed to see, or have no business seeing? I always thought it best to wait in line until the teller is ready for you, signals, and you make your move.

But I got a WILD reaction from this 60-year old in line behind me. There's like 10 people in line and she's 3 people back of me, and she's chirping "Are you going to go, or what?"

Whoa-HOLDON I'm thinking, are you kidding me? This wasn't a very informative "there's an empty booth, go to it"... this was a "Hey moron, wake up".

What the deuce, I'm thinking.. I'm just giving this teller a second to clear her station and get rid of whatever she had been working on with the previous customer. If I'm going to have to wait for her to be ready, I might as well wait here in line and not right in front of her, hovering. What kind of an a------ does that?

"Yes," I turned to her and said. "I think I will go now." My stare and exaggerated smile lingered, and I turned my attention to her voice slightly longer than what would be sportsmanlike- like a full-face turn towards her. Well hey, she threw the ball at me, I'm going to go for her juggular.

So I went, I got my banking done, I turn to leave, and guess who's coming to my spot but that mouthpiece woman. So I gave her a huge toothy smile -~~> :] and kept walking.

I just want to know who was right. Obviously, this woman has been to more banks than me. She's probably written the book on waiting in line at banks, and I must missed it on the bestseller list when I went to Chapters the other day.

What do you guys do? Would you give me grief too, or would you wait to get the go-ahead from the teller the same as I did?

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

I don't know what you should or shouldn't have done; I DO know that you disrespected both an elder AND a lady, and that makes you one rude little punk.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I'd do the exact same thing as you and wait for a beep from the teller rather than storm in before they are ready.

Mainly because I get a position closed sign whenever I am in a hurry and barge in.

Meh old people are rude anyway. The amount of times I have been blocked in the Tea and biscuit aisle in Tesco because Mildred bumped into Agnes I cant count anymore.

I swear I get older whenever I food shop. Mum notices I silent swear and get red in the face whenever I get delayed.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

... I dont see how he caused disrespect by smiling a lot?

And if the other person's rude to him, how the hell's it rude to answer back?

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Old people don't get free passes. Ever. They only get the respect they earn, and sucking oxygen longer than I have is not a respect-earning trait in my book. A random douchebag off the street is still just a random douchebag off the street, no matter how many wrinkles they may be sporting.

You did the good customer thing, Cloud. As a retail employee myself, I applaud you for considering the teller.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member


I DO know that you disrespected both an elder AND a lady, and that makes you one rude little punk.

Wow, you win the "I have no clue what I'm ****ing talking about" award. Congrats.

Posts: 143
Estimable Member


Wow, you win the "I have no clue what I'm ****ing talking about" award. Congrats.

Congratulations, you win the "Tries to be funny and fails miserably" award.

Posts: 34
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Well no, to an extent I know where Wonderbra is coming from. But this woman was about 60, maybe 4 foot 9, and a set of eyes that pierce. She wasn't innocent in my books.

I don't think I'd do that to an 80-year old. I wouldn't do this to someone who couldn't defend themselves.

Hell, my mom's 55 and 6'2, you're telling me that just because this woman's a bit older and way shorter, I can't show her what's on my mind? I've seen people look at my mom like she's nuts, partly because she is :spin This person needed to get that treatment too.

Anyways thanks for the encouragement guys. :thumbsup

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

If it had been a 90 year ld dyslexic asian woman who didn't speak muc henglish in a wheelchair with a broken arm, eyepatch over her right eye and partially death, if anyone swore at me for such a trivial thing I'd of given much worce back than just to smile and hang around...

Posts: 143
Estimable Member


If it had been a 90 year ld dyslexic asian woman who didn't speak muc henglish in a wheelchair with a broken arm, eyepatch over her right eye and partially death, if anyone swore at me for such a trivial thing I'd of given much worce back than just to smile and hang around...

Then your parents probably didn't beat you enough. ;)

Posts: 1241
Noble Member


Old people don't get free passes. Ever. They only get the respect they earn, and sucking oxygen longer than I have is not a respect-earning trait in my book. A random douchebag off the street is still just a random douchebag off the street, no matter how many wrinkles they may be sporting.

You did the good customer thing, Cloud. As a retail employee myself, I applaud you for considering the teller.

Castor summed this up beautifully for me. There is nothing worse than having a customer throw stuff at you and demanding service, when you are desperately trying to get stuff done. Yes, I WILL be with you in just a moment, if you will be kind enough to give me a few seconds.

Oh, and Wonderbra....


Congratulations, you win the "Tries to be funny and fails miserably" award.

You win the "Being Anonymous on the internet does wonders for a flagging ego" award.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

My reactions would be as follows, depending on one of two situations.

1. I'm the cashier/teller/etc. behind the desk and I notice the poor sap getting told out by some jerk.
I look up and say...
"I'll be with ya in just a sec."

2. I'm the sap in line.

I either...

a. start popping my neck/shoulders/hands to annoy the crap out of the person behind me. Believe me. I can find a joint SOMEWHERE IN MY BODY that needs popping.

b. look over my shoulder and pretend I barely heard them. "What?"

c. ignore them.

d. turn around and say "they're still busy. Waitaminute, kay?" then turn around before they answer.

I agree with Castor. Just because you're old doesn't mean you automatically get respect. And if the ol' lady was gettin' like that with you, she was no lady.
