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Blasted machines.

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Posts: 333
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Whats it been like....3 weeks? I've been unable to get into MoFo for so long, my computer just completely didn't want to it's working again. o.0 Has anyone else ever had problems like this? x.X I don't want it to happen again.


Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Explain more on what has happened.

Perhaps then, I could see if it happened to any of us.

And welcome back 🙂

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Ever since I got this blasted wireless connection, my computer has just randomly decided not to go to some websites. It wouldn't go to for the longest time, and it wouldn't go to vgcats or pennyarcade, either. I'd say your computer just had a ridiculously long hiccup or something.

Posts: 333
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Ah yes, I'm on a wireless connection too. It has a habit of doing this for forums. ^^; Last one lasted over 3 months though. >>


Posts: 322
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OUCH. O___o For me, the longest hiccup has been four or five days.

*sends flowers to Tails2k*

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

For the record, let's all just remember that the computer didn't simply decide not to work of its own accord. These things happen for a reason, and that reason usually happens to be situated somewhere between the computer and the chair.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Are you suggesting that we made our computers refuse to go to random websites? :0o Who in their right mind would think that? "I'm going to prevent my computer from going to the MoFo, VGcats, Penny Arcade, AND, which is essential to download Windows updates!"

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Yes, that's what he's implying. You most likely didn't do it INTENTIONALLY, but it's not impossible that the problem is that you failed to do something, or did something you shouldn't have.

Or bought a very bad wireless router/whatever it was. That also could be the problem.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

it took my computer three hours to realise that i had connected it wirelessly at homethe first time i tried, but i've had no problems since then.

wireless can be just wierd, we still can't get my sister's laptop to connect.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

In the future, everything's gonna be wireless. X_X It's either gonna be really really cool, or really really annoying.

It was no picnic getting both our computers hooked up to the wireless, either. >< I hope this technology gets smoothed out in a couple of years.

Posts: 333
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Well look at the first computers. =b They weren't as great as they are now.

So maybe...wireless internet will be like that? ^^;


Posts: 2928
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In the future, everything's gonna be wireless.

Not if I have anything to say about it. :p


Posts: 300
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It sounds good in theory, but causes a lot more hassle and problems that it solved

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

My wireless connection is pretty unreliable, but that's because I steal it from the neighbors. 😛

I can connect to their network from my room.

Posts: 333
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I know SO many people who get their wireless connection off of their neighbor, it's amazing how many people get free internet. XD


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

My neighbour set up an unsecured wireless network, so I sent an order for 500 copies of a big black page with white text "You've been owned by AOL HAXORS - secure your wireless network" to his printer.

Are you suggesting that we made our computers refuse to go to random websites?
Well, yeah. Something you or someone else did obviously effed it up, because it is not within the realm of possibility that a machine that pushes electrons around would suddenly decide to block access to websites that you visit. Maybe it was a virus, or an incorrect setting, or corrupted files in your cache, or simply a router or modem in need of a reboot. In computers, every occurrence has a cause.
