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Booing vill not be ...
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Booing vill not be tolerated!

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Should booing be banned?


The organization that oversees high school sports in Washington is considering rules for fans that could ban booing and offensive chants.

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association has not made an official ruling, but has discussed guidelines to crack down on negative conduct, a spokesman said.

Some of the state's top coaches believe a boo ban is extreme.

"They're kidding, right?" asked Rainier Beach High School boys basketball coach Mike Bethea, who played as a student at Franklin High School. "I can see stopping someone if they're saying derogatory remarks, but not letting people boo? Come on."

The sportsmanship guidelines are meant to address the dwindling number of people who want to be coaches and officials. Association officials also say they remind fans to cheer for their team, and not against the other.

"I don't know why people think it's acceptable to boo in the first place," WIAA Executive Director Mike Colbrese said. "It's a pretty novel concept to me."

Specific rules on booing are "all in draft stages," Colbrese said. The ideas came from a 15-person committee of school administrators that met last fall to discuss sportsmanship, he said.

"It's a much broader topic than just booing," he said. "What we're trying to teach our fans is that you have to be civil. Just because you bought a ticket you can't be irresponsible or disrespectful."

The association already prohibits any negative commentary about officiating before, during or after any interscholastic activity or athletic event. "Constructive criticism or comments are always welcomed," the organization's handbook states, "and should be made available through the proper channels (verbally or in writing) directly to the person(s) involved and/or their immediate supervisors."

Schools and their employees found in violation of the policy are subject to penalties, including fines or forfeits.

"I don't know how you would enforce it," Kentridge athletic director Eric Anderson said. "Of course we encourage sportsmanship, but sometimes the kids will test the waters. There are times when even I have to bite my tongue."

Bethea, who has led the Vikings to three Class 3A state championships, said not all of the hundreds of fans attending high school games would know the specific rules, and it would be ridiculous to penalize the players or schools.

"Booing is part of the game," he said. "That's what gets people hyped up and changes the momentum of a game. If they won't let people boo at a basketball game, what's next?"

At the boys and girls 4A state basketball tournament, concluding with today's championship, the association distributed a handout to participating schools with specific sportsmanship policies.

Pompoms with text printed on them and artificial noisemakers are not allowed. Printed foam fingers are also banned. Only the official school banner may be in the stands; no other signs are allowed.

Adam Barrett, girls basketball coach at Auburn Riverside High School, praised the association for trying to create a positive environment, but said an excess of specific spirit rules might deter school pride.

"What happened to the days when students threw toilet paper around in the stands or held up newspapers when the opposing team was introduced?" asked Barrett, whose league doesn't allow students to paint their full faces for games. "That's part of the fun of high school sports and having school pride."

Auburn Riverside was 21-2 entering a West Central District semifinal on Friday, and the coach credited fans for helping the team reach the playoffs.

"We have a great following and we pack the gym everywhere we go," said Barrett, a coach in Class 3A. "I was down at the 4A state tournament this week and I saw only a few schools with a major support base from their students. I think that may be because we don't let them have school spirit as we have in years past."

Student behavior at this week's state tournaments has not all been in accordance with policies. Some brought handmade signs, helium balloons and attire unacceptable for school functions -- all violations of tournament policies. School administrators are responsible for enforcement, Colbrese said.

"Again, this is still in the draft stages," Colbrese said. "We want ...all of our nine districts (to) have the same policies. I think there are a lot more positive ways to generate school spirit than by being negative."


The WIAA began discussing more-specific fan conduct rules, including a boo ban, after a committee meeting last fall of high school administrators from across the state, WIAA Executive Director Mike Colbrese said. Policies are still in the draft stages, and would add to WIAA rules that prohibit hand-made signs and artificial noisemakers at state tournament basketball games. Some schools, including those in the South Puget Sound League, prohibit students from painting their faces.

What. The. Crap.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

I have one reaction to this...thing. Just one.


Posts: 2398
Noble Member

We're trying to force people to behave. Next we'll add a chemical to the air to suppress aggression and, wait, didn't they make a movie about this?

~Tobe (Joss Whedon is my master now.)

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Fox's post-season baseball commercials were liket he total opposite. "Now is the time to root AGAINST the Yankees!"

I found this amusing.

In other news, c'mon. You can't BOO? What's next, athletics will be banned because it could be emotionally traumatizing to be on a team that loses?

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

They don't lose, SX; they just defer success until next season.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

What the shnit is THAT?!

I mean, c'mon, I was never one to have school spirit, (not until senior year hit me, to be honest), but still, even I know some kids get REALLY into this stuff, and it's nice to have school spirit, team backing. So if you can't boo, then what? Silence? But then that means you don't care for the other team. No silence, you HAVE to at least clap.

... what. the. shnitzle. Totally, totally redonkulous.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

And this is from my state as well, just dandy. Go WA. >_< morons.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

*is booed at for sucking at sports*
*emotionally traumatized*
*can't handle the pressure, man*
*shoots sh*t*

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

And there goes Freedom of Speech.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Heh, in CO, they pass out these little wristbands that say no taunting/no booing. Yea, like that'll stop them!

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Isn't jeering at the other team the point of going to games?

The NCAA has a slogan "Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Positive"... But all the students chant BULLSH*T! BULLSH*T! if they don't agree with a call the refs make...

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


In other news, c'mon. You can't BOO? What's next, athletics will be banned because it could be emotionally traumatizing to be on a team that loses?

No, they just dn't keep score. That's right, the points don't matter, just like [insert whose line quote].

"They're actually saying BOO-RNS" will become a legal defense!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Immagrate to the UK. We know how to show our distate. *Rips a chair out of the stands and smashes the next dude over the head with it*

Great Britain: We know hooliganism.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Come on guys. We know they're not saying boo, they're saying moovers.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

*Adds it to the list of reasons for moving to Canada*

It's getting bigger every day...
