Living in a desert drives a squirrel to drink the unthinkable.
n/m, since been fixed.
*nukes image* sorry. ^.x;
Sorry Ultra, but as long as Shadow Hog's post remains unchanged it will look like every new pic you post would be done before no matter how many times you change it.
...but always make sure it is a squirrel pic =D
Fortunately, my post hasn't remained unchanged.
Coca-cola seem to have moved on from marketing for humans, after they realised that Pepsi was a far nbetter alternative
Squirrels on the other hand...
Oh, and by the way, the pic Becca posted has been used in a CotW I think, someone go check.
"The new nut-based ingredient caused Coca Cola to find itself faced with an entierly new demographic..."
"No amount of liquid can help the disturbingly aneorix squirrel."