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Colbert meets Papa Bear

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In case anyone is interested, tonight Stephen Colbert will be on The O'Reilly Factor as a guest, and Bill O'Reilly will be on The Colbert Report as a guest.

Politics aside, someone as funny as Colbert meeting someone as pompous as O''s bound to be entertaining, especially since the Colbert Report is one long joke at O'Reilly.

I got my Tivo all set and ready to go.

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As Deck said in chat, I wonder if O'Reilly even knows who Stephen Colbert is.

Posts: 1201
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Also, I wish this would turn out like the Jon Stewart/Crossfire incident, but it won't happen. Colbert likes O'Reilly too much.

Posts: 39
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This excites me. I've been looking foward to this, almost as much as I did the Naked Trucker && T-Bone Show.

Then again, it's too easy for me to find things funny.

Posts: 1758
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When does O'Reilly come on? And Colbert likes O'Reilly since when? His whole show is basically making fun of him. BTW, when I saw this topic, I thought it was going to be about Colbert's fear of bears.

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8 Eastern/7 Central Vec.

As in now.

Posts: 162
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okay...never heard of it....

Posts: 2809
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Never heard of who? O'Reilly, Colbert, or both?

Posts: 1758
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God, what an idiot. He started off the show defending his ridiculous pontifications on a kidnapping victim's mental state by... condemning the liberal media for pontificating on the kidnapping victim's mental state (in response to him).

He proceeded to say that the victim was a victim of "pure evil" :lol and that we don't need "simple" explanations like Stockholm syndrome. When I first read it on his screen I thought he was making fun of somebody, but it was what HE was saying.

LOL I immediately thought of this

Then he interviewed the prosecutor of INS agents who shot an unarmed illegal immigrant 15 times while he was running away. After running through a massive list of excuses that were ok interview questions, but some would scream at any liberal for using, such as "is it illegal to shoot if they run away," "what was their state of mind," "did they know he was unarmed," etc., and having the prosecutor answer each unequivocally, and point out that there have recently been 4 illegal immigrant fatal shootings that have not been prosecuted after investigation, he went into insane land. "Are these bad guys?" "There's a motion in Congress to pardon them, shouldn't we consider that in honor of their service to the country?"

In his defense, he does at least seem to recognize the stupidity of law enforcement ignoring medical marijuana laws.

The interview was pretty funny. I can't wait to see Colbert's tonight.

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And Colbert likes O'Reilly since when?

Colbert ("kohl-BEAR") the character loves O'Reilly. Colbert ("KOHL-bert") the actor who plays probably does not.

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Colbert's show was highly diappointing.

O'Reilly's was a ROFLfest, but maybe that's because it's hilarious every night.

Posts: 9
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You knew it was going to be disappointing though. Colbert is trying to entertain, he's not on any kind of philosophical mission. He's playful, not mean.

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I personally thought that O'Reilly was going to play a long a lot more than he did, and that he'd have more than a 3-minute interview at the end of the show.

Posts: 3468
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I don't watch either show; though I like the Colbert Report, I just find most of the humor too running-jokish. It makes me laugh less than the Daily Show.

O'Reilly...well, he's him.

Posts: 1758
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The Word was funnier than the interview, but the Word is usually the funniest part of the show, and in that episode it was particularly funny. The 30% sticker over his face and the banter about it had me ROFLing, though, to the point that my parents asked me to keep it down so they could hear.

O'Reilly definitely wasn't playing along much, and I think that if Colbert had pressed harder it would have just come off as mean (the last thing anyone wants to do is come off as less gracious than Bill O'Reilly). After the interview on O'Reilly, he had some people on talking about how Stewart and Colbert have such mean humor, but he doesn't get it, because I guess he is the target. A lot of the funny on the Colbert Report is kind of like a Rodney Dangerfield routine, denigration of the character the comedian is playing.
