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Posts: 6
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New to this board. Oh well here's something to start it off:
I'm sure you gusy know of this but just in case I just got this off eBay.
Previews the upcoming Archie comic series.
Usually referred to as Sonic #0 (I think) but displays #1/4.

Quality is fairly bad because; one, it was taken on my computer chair and two I had to resize to 8 by 10 for hosting reasons. I can get alot better picture if anyoen wants it.

Posts: 6
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Sorry for the double post.
Well that was a poor attempt at a link. You guys know what to do though.
I seem to live up to the "Newbie Met" title.


Posts: 1702
Noble Member

First of all, welcome to the forums. Let me introduce you to some of my friends.

*sics a herd of rampaging ChuChus on you*

Second of all, don't be so hard on yourself. You'll figure everything out in time. If you want to post a link, use EzCode Parsing Error:] [. If you need any more help, just ask. You'll find the majority of us are very helpful, albeit nutty.

Finally, enjoy your stay.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Your coding was correct, just make sure the formatting is on ezCodes for what you did.

Ah, so you have the fabled Sonic #1/4 (which is technically the only Archie issue not listed in the Sonic HQ comic archive).

Yeah, from what I've heard Sonic #1/4 and Sonic #0 are the same issue, just numbered differently for some reason. Since you have the issue, what's the printing month/year given? I've always wondered if it came out in 1992 or 1993.

Welcome aboard. ^_~ I'm an "alt" as my main accounts are "True Red" (local), "LianneKa Echidna" (global), and "LianneKa" (global).

Posts: 3291
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*liberates your shoelaces, presents you with a keyring in the shape of a sock!* welcome to the forum, watch out for the newbie eaters. ^^

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

Welcome to the board!

And do I recognise that comic? O_O;; It's really ringing a bell here...

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Welcome to the board. After ya get used to everything, try the FlashChat. at least 100% of the insanity manifests there...

Rule no. One of this board: Always feed the foxes. Got it? Good boy.

Posts: 2723
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Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay here! ^^

And NEVER step on a chao. Especially me. I can seriously injure you (figuratively of course).

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

why the 1/4 though? is there a 1/2 then? or a 2/4?

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

They are numbered differently because #0 was available in newstands and number 1/4 was a promotional giveaway (my big bro recieved a copy of Sonic 1/4 in a magazine. Unfortunately, he traded said comic years ago for a paintball gun)
Oh yeah, and welcome to the forums William.

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*feasts on you and then spits you into THE DEVICE*

Posts: 6
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Topic starter

Yeah, I assume #0, is the compiliation of all the "quarters".

You said you didn't have a shot on the site of 1/4 feel free to use that one, or if you need a better one just let me know.

P.S. Yeah my name is Drew. William S. Sessions was the FBI director from 1987-1993. Also, (and as I know him) the name on the arcade game opening screent hat says "Winner's don't use drugs".

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Huh. I have TWO #0. I really need to sell one of them over Ebay.
