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Statistically, over 80% of anime have two- or three-dimensional characters (when referring to depth). Evangelion isn't one of them. Try something like Dragonball Z, where all the main characters are fighters with different styles who all fight to grow stronger and overcome the latest "evil superpower". Of course, the genius of DBZ is that even with such pathetic characters, the plot (as repetitive as it is) is pretty good and the action is extreme (which is what DBZ is not only widely known for, but is centered around).

There are so many different things wrong with that I don't know where to start.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


they have seen DBZ, because most people have seen it and are now embarrassed to admit it. 😛

I've seen bits of DBZ, myself. Dear gods was it boring.

The one volume of the manga I had shown to me was better, as you could just flick past all the transformation/charging up sequences, but it was still shallow and iffy.

Posts: 19
Eminent Member


There are so many different things wrong with that I don't know where to start.

You obviously haven't watched enough anime then. XD Either that, or you watch all the wrong anime and get the wrong impressions. 😛 Sure, my "statistic" was BSed, but I'd more than bet my life that it's more accurate than what anyone else here is saying (as nobody's seemingly pointing out facts or anything, but rather just opinions - which was what the topic began with anyway). Watch more than just mainstream anime and just a couple days' worth of the non-mainstream stuff, and we might be able to discuss on a more well-formed opinion base. :3

But yes: if you hadn't noticed, everyone in DBZ lacks any majorly detailed background (except Goku) and most of the main characters change very little in personality over the course of the series (especially Goku). There are very few exceptions for this, as even when they were fighting Buu and all the villains in The Home of Infinite Losers were cheering them on, those villains were only cheering since there was a power greater than themselves and they wanted it destroyed. 😛 Thus, character development = nil, character history = mediocre, and plot = repetitive. The real major points, I will reiterate, are the action, character design, and the way it leads into GT with a bunch of cliffhangers (which makes you want to watch GT more than anything else).

If you can deny anything I said in the last paragraph with hard evidence, I'd like to see it. My opinion is that DBZ is good for what it tries to do, so I enjoy it. Others may hate it, and that's fine.

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My main point was that there's no action in DBZ; or rather, that the amount of action is so small when compared to the overall length of the series in minutes that it's mathematically insignificant.

There are fight, sure, but they contain about as much action as a Wobuffett vs. Wobuffett pokemon battle. Two guys standing 50 feet from each other and screaming then throwing fireballs aty each other every 5 minutes or so isn't action. It might be a fight, but it sure as hell isn't action.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Wait. Wait. Wait. I got lost.

Did someone just compare DBZ to..Evangelion? No. Serious?

Ok, I need proof?... Umm hold on here..

But yes: if you hadn't noticed, everyone in DBZ lacks any majorly detailed background (except Goku)

I'm only doing this once.

Vegeta: Prince of the Saiyajin race. Adopted by Freiza, lied to about his homeworld being destroyed. Learns about his true beginnings-wants to exact revenge on Freiza. Lands on Earth, battles Goku-gets whomped on by like 25 billion people {Come on YAGIROBE 4TW?!?!} and then crawls his weak butt to Namek.

On Namek-fights not only to try and destroy Freiza, but to become a Super Saiyajin {Which was the main plot point in DBZ ALL THE WAY THROUGH. BECOME THE GOLDEN YELLOW MEN!!!}

Dies-comes back-has kid-starts understand human life ain't so bad! DIES TO SAVE HIS KID!(and the planet, but really, it was for the little twerps.) Yeah, I skipped the part about still wanting to beat Goku, but that's what a rivalry is. Anyway, dead-STILL FIGHTS against Buu. As Vegetto. Then by himself{He gets raped, yes.) Realizes he can't rock next to Goku. Lead into GT..

...Umm...that's not character development? {Not saying its good, but its there..}

and most of the main characters change very little in personality over the course of the series (especially Goku).

This point is true--wait no. Vegeta calmed his wanting to kill Goku, and now just wants to beat him by the end of DBZ.

Krillin had a family...ERR no, no change since DB...that was a goal of his..that and to grow hair..

Uhh Gohan was no longer a badass {Which PISSED ME OFF} and that allowed for him to go back to being a meek wuus, so yeah no change there.

18 stopped killing people for fun?!?! Ehh you may have a good point there..

There are very few exceptions for this, as even when they were fighting Buu and all the villains in The Home of Infinite Losers were cheering them on, those villains were only cheering since there was a power greater than themselves and they wanted it destroyed. 😛

That and Buu would have killed them all again with no mercy :o.

Thus, character development = nil,

Ehh-I'm not going through every character that has development. Cause Krillin has some. Gohan has som--err no Gohan has alot-shoot Gohan was the second whole reason DBZ was made.

And I pointed out Vegeta's backstory as well as development.
So character development=poor at BEST.

character history = mediocre,

Well. There was the Bardock Movie. That gave us some history. DB was Goku's history. DBZ was Gohan's. GT was Pan's. Movie 8 w/ Broly helped out there with the whole Goku thing {Which was an utterly ridiculous plot -.-}

and plot = repetitive.


The real major points, I will reiterate, are the action, character design, and the way it leads into GT with a bunch of cliffhangers (which makes you want to watch GT more than anything else).

No. Not at all. Character designs scare me really, they all have big foreheads. GT was wack-and as the great Bat has already stated..there is really no action. Hell, I make more action when I play DBZ BT II for the Wii than in the series.

DBZ is truly one of those shows you watch when you are really tired of thinking for the day-you pop it in and watch a bunch of people yelling and them some fire is thrown in, make a small joke about Krillin's dotted forehead, and then you snap out of your stupor-feeling refreshed you had a good nap.

Ok. I'm retiring from trying to prove points xD.

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