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Crazy Frog is UK #1...
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Crazy Frog is UK #1 in the charts

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I dont know how it happened, why it happened but oh for the love of...

(Its not up on the Sky News website yet but still)

So what're your views?

Posts: 67
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ahhh, yet more proof that the majority is ALWAYS wrong...

That's being a bit harsh really, if they got rid of the vocals, it would be a good piece of music, i think (can't really remember how it goes though...

Posts: 369
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I. Hate. The. Crazy. Frog !!!11!!!1

I don't even have a TV at halls, but going to the gym... I swear his face and damn music is all over the freaking place!

The majority having voted for him...? Seriously, I don't know about the world today anymore *sighs*

The birdie is annoying as well, but not as bad... =/

EDIT: Oh right... actually, I am just going off of those cell phone adds. Didn't know there was actually a track dedicated to the hideous amphibian _;;;

Posts: 3291
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x.x;; *falls over, foaming at the mouth*

(that does it, as soon as i've finish this project that was due in last week, i'm a-drawing more doom for the frog!)

Posts: 369
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Lol! You should draw Big hacking him with a butcher's knife, asking him where the hell froggy is >=)

Posts: 25
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It was fun the first few times i saw it, but now i find it annoying. Number 1, i dont know what to say.

Posts: 26
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...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. @ Those who contributed to make this no. 1

I'm pretty sure I've heard that track - or something very close to it - before, without the Crazy Frog sounds. If I recall, I've even heard something along the same lines on a Simpsons episode. oO


Posts: 67
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I don't. I heard it on Have i got news for you and thought that it might be a good piece of techno(or electronica, i don't know what you'd call it) without the frog.

Posts: 2097
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I'm pretty sure I've heard that track - or something very close to it - before, without the Crazy Frog sounds. If I recall, I've even heard something along the same lines on a Simpsons episode. oO

I believe it's the Beverly Hill Cop theme mixed with the *shudder* Crazy Frog. Somebody needs to die for this. I mean, the only channels that bloody thing isn't on is BBC1 & 2...because there's no adverts. Thank god.

Urge to commit genocide...Rising. *Sparkle*

Posts: 874
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This... is why the British music scene sucks. Between this, the Spice Girls and Oasis, British public musical opinion should be no longer be considered valid in the eyes of the world in general.

Posts: 270
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They gave us the Beatles and Queen, though. You've gotta credit them with that much.

Posts: 874
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Unfortunately, that was over 20 years ago. The recent output from the land of 'bands we build up with their first release and then tear down violently on their second' is lackluster at best.

Posts: 859
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Hmm, to be fair though if we hadnt accepted Green Day then they wouldnt of come up with American Idiot...


Yes, that is the BEST thing I can say about ANY music connected to britain in the last 10 years, is that when the stick from Americans who hated Green Day became too much they were able to retreat to the UK to cool off and think things through, before coming up with the best album sicne their original...

And that says more about the british hotel industry than it's music industry.
How THIS happened, I DONT know :0o

Posts: 30
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Spice Girls are from Australia.

Posts: 202
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To be honest Castor, I think you're looking at a very skewed representation of the modern 'British' music opinion. Yes, there is a certain annoying novelty factor to the popular charts but that isn't to say that we don't produce some good music.

A lot of the people who buy these singles are small kids - see Bob the Builder/Telletubbies and whathaveyou. To say that these under 10s are the British musical opinion is, well, wrong. To even say that the singles chart is representative of overall tastes is a bit misleading; it only counts singles, and they aren't as popular as a medium as they were.

Tastes in music being entirely subjective it's hard put any argument forward without the risk of being shot down, but what the hey. We've got bands modern bands like Coldplay, Feeder, Travis, Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party and the Stereophonics to name a few off the top of my head which I personally enjoy. I have varied tastes personally, and I like many American bands, but that isn't to say there isn't an awful lot of tripe from America around that sells well. Doesn't mean that the American musical opinion is invalid.

The frog though, well... no. That's just terrible.

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Posts: 512
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I warned you all about this song, so you did have a chance to nuke us. Being number 1 in the UK can involve the selling of about 50,000 singles, and now downloaded music is taken into account makes such produce become number 1 easily.

Posts: 75
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I agree with Buzzbomber basically. It's just one of those fads that everyone gets into at first, then gets sick of it about a month later. Basing your opinion of British music on it would be like basing your opinion of British people on some random annoying Brit. The number one in the albums chart is enough to convince me that there's still goodness in the British music industry.
Knuxlover, as much as we'd like to blame Australia for the Spice Girls, they're unfortunately British.

Posts: 2234
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Admittedly I haven't heard the single, but either way that frog is still extremely annoying even going off the adverts. It's stupid really, they show the same ad twice in every single advert break with like, only one other ad placed inbetween. It is stupid, and I can't believe it's made it this far. :ohbrother

Posts: 622
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Spice Girls are from Australia.

I beg your pardon? Spice Girls? From Australia? Doesn't compute.
Anywayz, about the whole frog thing... i think it's utter bulldust if you ask me. But have any of you head the reggae version on Choice fm? Pretty good.

Posts: 67
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This... is why the British music scene sucks. Between this, the Spice Girls and Oasis, British public musical opinion should be no longer be considered valid in the eyes of the world in general.

No we have a good rock scene, its just underground and underapprieciated. And anyway, since when has the charts ever reflected musical talent? They just reflect what sells the most (ie what is most commercial). And anyway we have malifice, a death metal band more crunching and intense than Canibal Corpse, so there.

Posts: 233
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Britain, I would say, has one of the most varied music scenes around, it's just that a lot of it is underappreciated, and what gets into the charts tends to be songs with a wider appeal to teenagers/children. Hence why things like boy-bands/girl-bands/generic pop end up doing well - because that appeals to that audience. We also produce bands such as Franz Ferdinand, the Kaiser Chiefs, and various other bands which are creating their own music, and receiving varying levels of recognition.

To claim that the British music scene sucks based on a few poor examples would be similar to us claiming that the US music scene should be ignored because they produced Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson and Jennifer Lopez... (no offence intended to any actual fans of their music, they were just convenient examples of "pop" artists from America) - or, even worse, that the musical tastes of Europe should be judged entirely on the results of the Eurovision Song Contest...

Posts: 51
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Send Crazy Frog to Las Vegas. That's how Canada got rid of Celine Dion.

Posts: 160
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As somebody who works in a place that sells music, it saddens me to know just how MANY people have requested the Crazy Frog song. Any copies we do get in sell out instantly. But at the end of the day - it's nothing more than a gimmick. It's "music" for people who don't really listen to music - so of course it's bound to sell more.

I spoke to one customer who bought the CD for her little child. She says it's an offence to call it music (or something like that), to which she said, that the boy was only 3 years old. A 3 year old is more likely to listen to something that is popular like the Crazy Frog, then the latest trendy band that people who are into their music, are more likely to listen to. It's the fastest selling single this sad.

And to be fair, the UK still have great bands, and there are always good new bands - why in the last couple of years, we've come up with Franz Ferdinand, Kasabian, Bloc Party etc. OK - they cannot hold a candle to older UK bands such as Pink Floyd, Queen etc - but it's different music so comparisons are unjust.

Posts: 61
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Between this, the Spice Girls and Oasis

*Thinks Oasis's first two albums and B-side compilation are absolutely fantastically brilliant and that the others are generally at least decent but doesn't want to get into an argument so stays quiet.*

And if anyone wants to know where the Crazy Frog animation started, click here... if you dare.


Ahahah, that's far from annoying 😛

If only they knew...

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I remember seeing a report on the news about two years ago on the decline of singles sales, where a record industry spokesperson (I think he was from Virgin - I could be wrong) said on camera that the charts were primarily targeted at 11-14 year old girls, and that that's who shops stocked for.

So the charts're a self-fulfilling prophecy. If nobody else can find what they want, then they won't buy it, and the industry can keep saying that there's no demand to cater for anyone else.

The Crazy *retch* Frog, however, is as low as I can remember since Mr Blobby was at the top of the charts.

Posts: 774
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*shoots self for stupidity* To see what this Crazy Frog is, I looked it up on iTunes. I am now officially scared. How the HELL did this get up there again? And as for not lasting more than a's been around for at LEAST three. And people ask me why I don't listen to the radio.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

It's barely any more than a ringtone - in fact it is a ringtone.

And now there's some sort of 'Death To The Crazy Frog' ringtone. Good riddance, I say.

It's not even music. It's like having a Sonic Undergrund song in the charts; one of the really crappy ones.
