From lickin' to total jack-assery. That can't be healthy. 😛
This post made my head hurt. Webba, Wesu
*resists urge to yell "Van Halen sound like a cat in a blender and all of their fans should be rounded up and sterilised!" very loudly*
Nothin' I haven't heard before, hun. 😀 But whatever, I'll try to keep my likes and dislikes to myself. Try.
oh & thx jin
Fine fine, But can I still buy ears and a tail to spite you?
Knock yourself out.
Let's not neglect the catfolk of the world =o/o=
^ Spite that =^_^=
It looks like a giant turd hanging from your pooper. o.o
Except white. And furry. And above it o_O
I can wag it, but not on webcam o.o
Like you can judge. We all know real men wear furry tails on their butts.
lol, am I the only that thinks it funny he hates tails and ears but doesn't mind two sweaty guys groping each other. XD
Rico has entered at 2:50 pm
Acriokun (2:50 pm): Hola Rico.
j-man (2:50 pm): OMG ITS RICO
White Shadow (2:50 pm): ROCK 'N ROOOOL RAAAACIIIIIN!
White Shadow (2:50 pm): webbie
Wesu (2:50 pm): Rico hello
White Shadow (2:50 pm): *oll
Wesu (2:51 pm): Let's grope each other and get sweaty
Mr Creosote (2:51 pm): Oi
j-man (2:51 pm): With pleasure
Rico (2:51 pm): Only if I can wear a tail and ears.
Wesu (2:51 pm): Deal