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Deja Vu.

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Posts: 4607
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So we're back where we were LAST week as far as posting here goes, eh?

Just a thought.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Is it safe?

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Yes. Read the latest update.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

He puts the lotion on its skin and puts it in the basket--*cough* Huh?

Okay, I see it now. Hm, guess we'll just have to wait it out. Shame, I was just getting used to Eliteboard.

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

I know... thing is there's some who can't access eliteboard at all... also I don't want people getting TOO comfortable with it leading to some crazy segregation... which is probably too late. o.o

Posts: 122
Estimable Member



Is it safe?

Yes. Read the latest update.

The latest update does not say that it is "safe." It says that they have no clue either way. If it said it was safe, we wouldn't be making a temp forum that can be discarded should the "worse" happen. ;p

Posts: 110
Estimable Member


Reminds me of Acrio's quote from in the chat...

"6/8/05 --UPDATE-- We have it for sure now! Posting in old forums is completely safe! It's posting in NEW forums which gives your entire family AIDS."

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


Shame, I was just getting used to Eliteboard.

I feel the same way Psx, but as long as MFC 0 is as dead as it is now, I shall stick with Elite until this whole thing blows over. If it starts to get busy here and things slow down in Elite, then I'm becoming EZ bound, again!

Edit: But boy, does it feel good to finally make a post in the EZMoFo after so long!!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I'll just hop between both forums until the board is full funcional again.

But I do miss some of those Eliteboard functions but it does need work in some areas before we finally move over there.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

So... We can post freely and stuff?
But only in this forum?

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Looks like it, Geo.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

So posting is only allowed in this temp forum, and nowhere else on EZ?

(ie. we can't carry on our RPs yet?)

I have to say I still prefare EZ to Elite, simply because I don't have to hammer the REFRESH button 5 times on every page to get the latest posts, but I'd put up with that if I get to RP.

Wraith (<<< total RP moron)

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Well, at least I can post outside of Elite Chat once more :D . Like some I seem to be having the ISP I was wondering what could be done on either end, any ideas?

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Hah. And they still haven't restored any posts that were removed.

Hellooooo? Posts? Where are you? You're supposed to be backed up or something. Yoo-hoo?

I haven't talked to anyone from a board that's had posts restored, no matter what Ezbarf says it's doing.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Ez maintenance guy- I told you Rob we shouldn't have used floppies to backup the entire server.

*Stares at the hundreds of thousands of floppy disks*

Robert Labatt- You're right about that, next time we'll print them all out instead.

Ez maintenance- *smacks head against wall*

*error reading last disk, recovery failed*

Posts: 1269
Noble Member


Can we start posting in our old forums again?

Based on everything we know at this point, we believe that it is safe to post in forums created before the attack again. However, we continue to test, and research any reports that indicate otherwise. Based on that research, the answer may change.

This means "We don't know."

Ha! My favorite RPs are gone forever!

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Well, ain't that just a kick in the teeth?


Based on everything we know at this point, we believe that it is safe to post in forums created before the attack again. However, we continue to test, and research any reports that indicate otherwise. Based on that research, the answer may change.

I've always wondered why these people could never just give us a straight answer. What ever happened to the ENGLISH language?

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

What happened to the English language?

Word for Windows Spellchecker happened.

Damn its innaccurate spellings of 'center' and 'centre', damn them to hell!

Posts: 4
New Member

Shadow Hog, where did you find that .gif file in your sig? It's possibly the greatest thing ever.

:) @ Tornadot's piccy. LILLITH!


Posts: 4607
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Made it myself based off of a Segata Sanshiro video I had lying around.

Posts: 3
Active Member

Your .gif skillz are l337!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member


What happened to the English language?

Word for Windows Spellchecker happened.

Damn its innaccurate spellings of 'center' and 'centre', damn them to hell!

I was on an online shopping site yesterday - which had, next to its "Chose your language" option, the French, German and American flags.

It was all I could do to hold back the urge to start banging my head on the desk.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

At Wake we have a sign out front that says "We speak English/Nous Parlions Francais" with a single Canadian flag (as opposed to British and French flags).

(edit: and it looks like chezboard can't do a C with cedila...)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Could be worse, the company I work for has several flags at the top of the screen of it's website, including a strange looking one which has the left half of the American flag and another half of the Union Jack.

I just find that odd. I mean it can't be both English-English and American-English at the same time, so why the heck do th...

I'm going to ask someone involved in the website, I must dicern the truth!

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Wow, talk about gone to the dogs...Oo;

EZBoard need to get their sheets together, eh? XD

Ah well, let us bask in the simplicity of the near emptiness of the page, until normal chaos is resumed. Oo

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I have also returned (off my holiday). And ohhhhh dearrrr... This ain't lookin' too good. (But I did manage to sneak 15 mins or so on holiday on here... So I sort of already knew what was going down)

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Howdy there Springheart! Haven't seen you in a while. (Yes, big understatement I know. 😛 )

And I have to admit, it does seem a little tacky for the U.S. flag to be used to represent English, for obvious reasons as well as the reason that if immigration rates continue as they are, our national language might be Spanish and then that site would have to adjust to the change. :cuckoo

Posts: 4607
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Topic starter

If I recall, there was at least ONE place in the United States where it's illegal to speak English; you have to speak "American".

Yes, that is really whacked.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Your .gif skillz are l337!

Yeah, I've been looking at that sig for a while myself. I
wish I could do that...
You'd have better luck teaching a shovel to tap-dance then teach me how to do dtuff like that.
