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I am a fat guy.

Usually the response to this from people is some sort of hedging response like, "You? No man, you're not fat. You''re're paunchy," or something along those lines. I really don't care. I am overweight, and that's a fact. I've been overweight since I was in ninth grade. If you look at any pictures of me from before that, you might not recognize me. I was a tiny tiny skinny kid until I moved to England.

While living in England though, I got really depressed for a while. I did not want to be there, and the kids at school were not very kind to me at all. I started eating....doritos. They were one of the few things there that reminded me of home. I'd usually go through at least one full bag a day. That's how I started on the over-weight path.

Which brings me to today. Yeah, I'm fat but I really don't mind it. It doesn't prevent me from doing anything I want to do, and if people have a problem with it, that's seriously their own problem.

Unfortunately, my parents have a big problem with it. At some point while I was away at college, they became big diet-junkies. They started with Atkins, and as controversial as that diet is, it worked for them. They both lost a great deal of weight. For a while, they tried to convert me to that one, but I could never do that diet. Apart from seeming extremely unhealthy to me, I don't think I could go without pasta or bread.

Anyway, they've been hounding me about this for a while, until recently my mom found a way to insinuate her diets upon me... my wallet.

I've been living on my own for a month now and I can tell you this, food is expensive. I've spent a lot of money on groceries so far, not to mention buying dinner at work, and I'd prefer not to spend that much money given my meager salary.

So my mom pitches me this new diet system by Nutrasystem. Apparently it's specially developed by men and endorsed by Dan Marino. If you go to their website, you'll see Dan Marino smiling and appearing to eat one of the Nutrasystem entrees. There's a little asterisk at the bottom that says, "Warning: Mr. Marino does not prepare Nutrasystem entrees".

The way the system works is that you don't buy groceries anymore. You get all your food from Nutrasystem. They mail it to you months at a time in these great big boxes. The kicker: my mom said she'll pay for it if I go on this diet, saving me a load of moolah on groceries.

So I am now officially in a state of diet, and let me tell you, I HATE IT. Some of these things taste okay. I made an omelette yesterday with their powderred eggs that was pretty good, and then I had a turkey hot dog for lunch which wasn't bad. Dinner was YECHT. Pasta and chicken in three cheese sauce. It was all freeze dried though. I know I once wanted to be an astronaut, but I always figured I'd be like Homer Simpson and bring a giant bag of Ruffles with me to space.

The problem is though, good or bad tasting, these things are way too small. I have breakfast at 8, lunch at noon and dinner at five, and by nine, I'm starving, but breakfast is eleven hours away. Last night I caved and made a thing of pasta to help stave it off, but I really can't keep doing that. I'm supposed to eat the Nutrasystem crap and nothing else.

So here's hoping this works out. Maybe I'll lose weight. Maybe I won't. Who knows?

I sure don't, I don't even own a scale.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

ouch, i gotta admit that i'm overweight too. but much like you, it doesn't get in the way of what i do. but of course, i'm not in the same situation because i'm only 17, got another year or so before i move out so i guess the reality of Money=food hasn't hit me.

but good luck with it though.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Do the SX diet and have a fat chick daughter of youir dad's wife in the house who'll eat all your food and steal and hide what she doesn't eat. I ate everything I could and I weigh 115lbs!

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Kids are generally skinny because they usually have lightning fast metabolisms. I was back in middleschool too. Hell my older cousin STILL has that metabolism where he can eat like crazy and never gain an once. Of course the fact that he's an herbal supplement fanatic and fighting trainer probably accounts for half of it.

I hate to be negative but from what I've found, diets don't work. If you're "fat" you have to change your lifestyle. I'm not what you would call thin. 5'10" 185 lbs. I don't mind myself though, if I start gaining weight its because I changed something, so I change it back. A few years ago I was shooting up past 210 and went, WHOA, I am NOT going to to be my stepdad. Hell, I refuse to wear 40" waist pants. The problem was I sucking down entire 24 packs of pepsi in less than a week. So I not only went to diet pop, I massive cut out how much I drank. And not just a diet, permanately. Dropped from 212 to 180 in no time. I did some extra bike riding to help it along but quit once I was down some.

Thats the key, whatever you do to lower your weight, it has to be permanate. Not just a 4 month thing, that may drop the weight but unless you change what you WERE eating and how much exercise you WERE getting, you'll go right back to fat. I could drop back to my college weight of 155, I would just have to start riding a few miles a day again. But until it starts bugging me, I'm fine right now.

~Rico (fat and happy. :3)

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

My parents had the exact same diet for a few months and lost a lot of weight (Dad especially - over 40 lbs). Rico's right, though; if you really want to stay that way you'll always have to eat differently, Nutrisystem or not.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Yeah thank god I have a lightning fast metabolism or else I would way about a bajillion pounds or so... but I must admit I should enjoy the pizza's, junk food and various fatty foods while I can because as you age your metabolism slows down =(

But yeah eating pizza's almost everyday and having some junk food everynight is awsome now because I only way 125lbs when I really shouldd way a realisticly 250lbs. =)

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Nutrasystem can help you lose the weight, but it's hard to keep it off once you switch back to regular food. I've honestly thought that the best diets my friends ever did were with Weight Watchers because the meetings helped them to get acountable for the way that they overate everyday food. I got really,really thin and bony once on the Zone diet, but I also passed out alot so I eventually had to stop.

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Exercise if you can. Crunches, running and stuff. It may not be your kind of thing but you WILL see progress. And you only have to eat more protein and less snacks (not that I can completely avoid snacks, of course).

Exercise increases your metabolic rate. Having cold showers in the morning also does that (temporarily) or being in a cold climate (such as Britain).

Just find a few minutes and do some situps at home. Play with some dumbells and jog a bit. Slowly, it'll help. Trust me. It got MY flab down. =D

And also, make sure you eat more protein (eggs whites and milk), take carbohydrates (bread) in moderation and take less soft drinks. Two cups of low-fat milk a day. One in the morning, one before you sleep.

But the above is only if you do start exercising. It's important to do so to increase your metabolism and to trim down your fat after a few weeks.

And you don't have to suffer eating crappy food either. =D You just have to make adjustments by eating more of what I mentioned.

It works.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Just drink vodka.

People who say you can't live off vodka obviously were not drinking enough vodka.

Drink deadly vodka that's not fully distilled yet, so you'll still have bits of rice in there if you desire so.

You won't have to get out of your way to excercise, seeing as though you'll get into a lot of fights and dance competitions.

And if you drink too much? Your body throws it out!

You're lucky I'm not charging you for this information.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Why vodka?

Tequila >> Vodka 10 to 1.

Why? CAUSE you can get protein in tequila. Worms. Little nummy treats in the best drink ever.

Everythng else you've said though about vodka-I agree with. But you can sub Tequila in for Vodka, and its bound to be better.

Srol-seriously..good luck to you on that man :o. I can't give any advice about dieting, I find it to be quite..well contrived. Im not saying "BE UNHEALTHY" Just...dieting does suck and all the other methods that can occur to lose weight all have merit.

BUT HEY! You are not spending money on groceries :O. Thats reason enough to endure the system for a few months, save some cash and do somethng to reward yourself.

Posts: 82
Estimable Member, just drink water, exercise and eat fruits and veggies thats all, either that or just portion some of your meals...and uh...don't drink peeps don't call those tubs a "beer gut" for no reason, geez man.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Yeah lets all go out and get drunk and waasted, good plan.
*Inseert Sarcasm here*

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

That sounds like a lot of the people out here. Granted they're thin, but when they hang around it looks like a scene from dead rising. They look AND sound like zombies.

uuh gotta ber? wan ber? *shuffle* *shuffle*


Posts: 3291
Famed Member

just think about the effect the junk food will have on you before you're older. your teenage years are when you're supposed to get a lot of goodness in you as you're still growing and there's all this bone density and etc the adverts keep speaking of.

sure, i could pig out on bad foods too, as i find it hard to put on weight, but i break out in spots and feel awful if i eat too much. ^^;

enjoy it while you can, TUS. soon you'll have to eat proper food like the rest of us. 😛

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Yes, I know what awaits the future of people who eat these bad foods.. but when im around 19 or so I'll simmer it down, but until then I shall enjoy another 2 years of this and wonder what the future has in store for my body. =)

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*tips a few bottles of milk down TUS's throat, just in case*

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Oh and becca I do in fact drinks a crap loads of milk so I am ok on that.

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

Interesting thing you should say about the diet thing. I remember getting REALLY chubby for some reason in middle school, and then once I entered high school things changed around. There was one point where all I did over the summer was ride my bike around town and play DDR at the arcade. I got in REALLY good shape without even having to watch what I eat. Then I went to college and had to eat the nasty food and gained even more weight back.

I don't even own a scale. If I fill physically fit I'm happy. Skinnyness can be overrated for that reason.

I'm in college right now sitting on my butt in front of the computer all day. However, I get to walk up TONS of stairs everyday to get to class and my dorm, and I still play DDR every weekend. It's all about balancing things out!
