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Posts: 4885
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I thought the cockney translation of the bible was an insult to the universe, but SMS Bible?!

Please don't tell me that there's a 1337 one, that would terrify me.

Posts: 1195
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*deflates like a balloon*

See why I think cell phones are ebil...EBIL...EBILLLLLLLL!
See why I think those internet/text messages slangs are evil...EBIL...EBILLLLLLLLLL!

Posts: 23
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Nuuuu... .__.

Posts: 349
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I keep seeing more and more variations of "This greatly offends me" popping up. :x

And by the way...this does NOT greatly offend me. :p
This greatly amuses me. Err...this greatly uhhh...

Well I like the idea put it that way. :p

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Seriously, Internet/ Text slang is a plague that needs to be wiped from the earth, not something we should go around translatiing friggin' holy books into.

I can see it now.
Coming soon: Koran- 7h3 ub3r l33t 3d1t10n!

Posts: 349
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No I mean like, seeing it in cell phones and on the go and stuff, that wouldn't bother me. But seeing the Bible in 733t...yeah that would be odd...

Posts: 2928
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wht u men by ths??


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Seriously, Internet/ Text slang is a plague that needs to be wiped from the earth, not something we should go around translatiing friggin' holy books into.
Hey man, why don't you try packing a detailed message into only 140 characters without shedding a few bits of punctuation and shortening words like Tsawwassen?

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Spreading the Bible via text message sounds like a great idea... but the slang? Not so much. It's disrespectful.

I know there was a great debate "back in the day" about translating the Bible from Latin into the vernacular to become more accessible to a non-literate population. But seriously, we have so many ways to do that now, through tv or radio or whatever.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Bible's already been mistranslated to point of absurdity. Not like leet speak is going to do anymore damage. :p


Posts: 3468
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The Nerd Bible: "And the Lord God rose again, and the people all said "WTF Hax!!1"

"And the Lord said: "Satan, thou cannot defeat thy holy Magic: The Gathering deck!""

Posts: 456
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Hey man, why don't you try packing a detailed message into only 140 characters without shedding a few bits of punctuation and shortening words like Tsawwassen?

It's at times like those that I'd decide to simply phone instead.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

It's at times like those that I'd decide to simply phone instead.


And as for this... it's amusing. I laugh at it.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Bible's already been mistranslated to point of absurdity.
Most intelligent comment in the entire thread. Well done, sir, well done.

It's at times like those that I'd decide to simply phone instead.
If it can be said in 140 characters for 10 cents, I'd rather do a bit of word-shortening rather than pay 15-25 cents for a minute of talking.

Posts: 4607
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Now all we need is the 1337 version of the Bible. "_|35L|5 //3P7", indeed.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Who decided we needed to send the bible over text anyway?
Why not just go back and make Jesus ride a skateboard and play the electric guitar?

It's the same principle: Trying to appeal to kids in a fairly-stupid way.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Why not just go back and make Jesus ride a skateboard and play the electric guitar?
My friend has a World Industries deck featuring a guitar-playing Messiah. Personally I think Christianity would be a lot more popular with the kids if more people would try to personify Jesus as the peacable zen dude he was and not as a reactionary, homophobic, Venezualan-president-assasinating dick.

WARNING: Link contains PG-13 language.

Rico contains PG-13 language.

Posts: 349
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What....the....hell? :lol

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

LOL Cycle

Although you might want to edit it or something. There's an F bomb. Yeah.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

but i read somewhere it'd take several thousand text messages to send the entire bible to one person's phone, no matter how shortened.

so what's the point? the cost would be massive, plus most phones only store 10 messages at a time.

a L33T version just scares me. ;_;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

I dunno, a modern Jesus would be all well and good, but I'm sure that even if Jesus was the star player of the New York Yankees, people would STILL find a reason to hate him :)


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Honestly. The pope complains about contraceptives but he lets a text message bible onto the shelves? How is this?

Oh, I know... he doesn't make any money when people buy contraceptives.

Posts: 1334
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Wasn't the pope a Nazi?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


Wasn't the pope a Nazi?

I think you're referring to Pope Pius XII (it's been hotly debated in the last decade that he was a Nazi sympathizer). Pope Benedict XVI (former Cardinal Ratzinger) was unwillingly enrolled in the Hitler Youth as a teenager. Near the end of the war he was later drafted into the German army and deserted without seeing combat.

Posts: 1334
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Once a Nazi, forever a Nazi. Willingly or Not. I'm sorry I'm very discrimitive to Nazi's... =P

Posts: 158
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was unwillingly enrolled in the Hitler Youth as a teenager. Near the end of the war he was later drafted into the German army and deserted without seeing combat.

What's that tell you? He didn't partake in any Naziing! :p

Posts: 1334
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I stand corrected.

Posts: 349
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Once a Nazi, forever a Nazi. Willingly or Not. I'm sorry I'm very discrimitive to Nazi's... =P

But doesn't that put us on the same level as ol' Adolf? :p

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

Hating one group isn't enough to be a hitler! You have to have everything but blue eyes blond people who are of your nationality! :0

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

So by 2050, everyone is going to think that Jona was swallowed by a waffle? I mean, each time we try to change this stuff, we screw something up.

I give up on convincing some of my friends that it's all subject to interpretation, so blah.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Hating one group isn't enough to be a hitler! You have to have everything but blue eyes blond people who are of your nationality! :0

Actually, Hitler was Austrian. He just had a fascination with the German people and an ancient "race" of people called Aryans.


Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Honestly. The pope complains about contraceptives but he lets a text message bible onto the shelves? How is this?

Oh, I know... he doesn't make any money when people buy contraceptives.

Thanks to Harley for cheering me up somewhat.


Actually, Hitler was Austrian. He just had a fascination with the German people and an ancient "race" of people called Aryans.

Which included pretty much all white europeans.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

But weren't the polish white europeans? They were persecuted right along with the jews. I honestly think Hitler was just going after any non-Germans and their enemies. :p

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

It's my understanding that Hitler didn't technically commit genocide against the Poles because they were Polish; he just invaded their country.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Cycle is correct.

The only races Hitler was really trying to get rid of were Jews and negros, although he killed much more of the former than he did the latter.

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

Pop culture doesn't know how to spell, anyway. MSN Messenger's pretty much ruined that.

Being a bit of a grammar freak myself, the idea of such a highly-circulated book as THE BIBLE being abbrieviated and devoweled GR8LY OFNDS ME also.


Moses: let my ppl go, faro
Pharoah: lol omfg r u sereis?
Moses: g2g but ill snd bugs

Okay, not the best parody, but I had to do it.


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Pop culture doesn't know how to spell, anyway. MSN Messenger AIM's pretty much ruined that.

About 40% of the people I talk to on MSN use punctuation, capitals, and spell at a decent level. As do I. The reason shorthand is so big on cell phones is because you can only send 140 characters at a time, otherwise they charge you for two messages.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member


The only races Hitler was really trying to get rid of were Jews and negros, although he killed much more of the former than he did the latter.

Don't forget the gypsies/Eastern Europeans, as well as anyone who was disabled/mentally ill, or didn't conform to a set model of what he considered the "perfect human" to be - generally summarised as blond hair, blue eyes - although there were other physical conditions as well, such as being at least 6', I think.

Just overlook the blatant hypocrisy he was employing in this set of conditions for the ideal human...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The only races Hitler was really trying to get rid of were Jews and negros, although he killed much more of the former than he did the latter.
He hadn't gotten around to them yet.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Don't forget the gypsies/Eastern Europeans, as well as anyone who was disabled/mentally ill, or didn't conform to a set model of what he considered the "perfect human" to be - generally summarised as blond hair, blue eyes - although there were other physical conditions as well, such as being at least 6', I think.

o rite 4got that sry

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

Right, Cycle, agreed. I've just had more experience with MSN Mesenger and have a fair number of friends who refuse to spell out whole words.


Posts: 1376
Noble Member

XDXD. No, that's just sad on all sorts of levels. Man.. A 1337 bible would just... I'd cry in my dreams about it.

I agree with the earlier comment about the mistranslated to the point of absurdity. With this new connotation, imagine if we were suddenly wiped out, and some new race dug us up.....

and finds that rendition.

..I shudder to think about it.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I bet it's a satirical jab at the many weird and wonderful ways the Bible has been "interpreted" since it was written. I mean seriously, that would be totally British.
