It's funny...not funny...funny... I feel like this should be on an Easter Edition of Wonder Schowzen.
I laughed, and now I'm going to hell. Thanks a lot. D:
Ok... you got me.
I laughed. Thats ok, me and my old roomate are going to hell for making fun of jesus anyway. Like, the jesus rap! "Yo, checkit, i rose from the grave, so you better behave, or i'll turn you and your homies into my slave!"
>.>; ok, im done.
I don't get it.
"Hey, Apostles, dudes, what's up? How's it hanging?"
Yeah, I couldn't help myself from making a joke.
I thought it was bad when the SPA turned into 4chan Lite.
Now the MFC is laughing at the Savior of billions.
It's gb2
Uh, Wonderbat, Jesus was crucified on Friday.
You should instead have a picture of him WIIIISSSING FWUM HIS GWAAAAAVE.
when the SPA turned into 4chan Lite.
Uh, Wonderbat, Jesus was crucified on Friday.
which occurs during easter break
I thought it was bad when the SPA turned into 4chan Lite.
Now the MFC is laughing at the Savior of billions.
I bet he's feeling rather cross.
(Somebody had to make that joke)
when the SPA turned into 4chan Lite.
I lol'd
me too.
Me three.
I had a sense of humor back when the MoFo was funny.
When I was new*, oldbies always talked about how newbies could never understand how much more entertaining the MoFo was, and how much it changed. I didn't get it, it seemed like such a great place.
I get it now. It's sad to see how badly my favorite message board has gone downhill.
Like, downhill worse than the quality of Sonic games themselves.
* Before people start checking my profile for my join date, EzBoard deleted my global account in 2004. The original Sakaki22 account was created in December 1999, and I began posting at the MoFo in February 2002.
Jesus jokes have always been funny... Just like fart jokes.
People change. Some people grow up... Others grow down. I know a lot of people have whined about how this place has changed, but has it truly?
No, the people have.
wah wah wah wah waaaaaah wah wah wah wah
wah wah wah wah wah, b*tch b*tch moan b*tch wah wah wah wah wah, waah wah wah wah wah wah wah piss moan b*tch b*tch, wah.
Wah wah wah wah wah. wah wah whine wah wah wah wah cry wah wah.
Fixed for accuracy.
Would you like a diaper change now? You seem to have soiled yourself in public.