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Everyone to Becca's Pillow Fortress!

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Posts: 2232
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*Whaps the Unknown with a pillow*

Does this mean I win?

Posts: 4885
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*Freaks out* I HAVE TO CLEAN ALL OF THIS?!?!?!?!

ARRRRGH!!!! @_________________o;;;;;;

*Sags and sobs, getting to work*

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Craig! No! It's too much even for you to handle!

Just sweep it under the carpet. Or rather, go buy a carpet since the last one was vaporised when the sky caved in, then sweep the rubble and ruin of the fortress under it.

Then have a coffee break.

Then we work on rebuilding, bigger, better, more comfortable then ever before! We can rebuild it! We have the technology!

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Is there room for one more?...*points to the smoldering ruins of the prize machine and stares at the sky* It was just barely 2000 posts old...WHY EZBOARD WHY?!?!?!?!?!

Posts: 2097
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Instead of buying a carpet to sweep oit all under, why don't we stuff it all into one big pillow.

I'm sure there's a huge pillow in here somewhere...

Posts: 622
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*gathers sewing materials*
I couldn't find a big pillow, but with my sewing techniques I could make one. BUT CRAIG MUST HELP-HE STARTED THE PILLOW FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!
That is all...

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

We must make it to another page! So we cannot view this mass destruction of pain!
*thwaps next poster with a metal chair*
Oh, @#%$! That was meant to be a pillow. >>

Posts: 4885
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*Lackey. Lackey.

Lackey is happy. Lackey is happy.

Lion. Lion.

Lion is hungry. Lion is hungry.

Lackey ate Lion. Lackey ate Lion.

Indigestion. Indigestion.

Lackey dies from Indigestion. Lackey dies from Indigestion.

Grave. Grave.

Teenagers have destroyed Lackey's Grave. Teenagers have destroyed Lackey's Grave.*


Posts: 32
Eminent Member



Posts: 1396
Noble Member's not fair....I loved smashing others with pillow themed weaponary....;.;

*smashes next poster with pillow themed weaponary*'s just not the same now T-T

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

This place is in a mess, I think we should...

*Knocked out by a pillow*

*Lying in pool of blood*

Posts: 527
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*gives Craig a Pheonix Down*

Live! Someone has to try to clean up this mess, you're the lackey for the job!

Clever poem, by the way.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I'm back in to a cooking mood, peeps!
*Get's some BOILING water with a LIVE lobster in it*
*Trys to put it in a pillow*
>> Damn, this isn't working.
Hmmmm... What a waste of lobster.
Meh, scre it! >:D
*Throws the boiling water and live lobster over the next poster*

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I think you'll find that pillows taste a lot better deep-fried.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

The background is trippin' out, dude. Totally.

Posts: 13
Active Member

deep fried? where I live they will put doner kebab meat on a pizza, fold it over and deep fry it, I kid you not

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

they will put doner kebab meat on a pizza, fold it over and deep fry it, I kid you not

bleh! I'd prefer that lobsterised pillow.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I hear nothing but LIIIIIIIIIES.
Lobster is TERRIBLE within a pillow.
*stuff Becca in to a pillow*

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Lobster is TERRIBLE within a pillow.

I'll believe that when I eat it. *searches room* Now, where is that lobsterised pillow?

Posts: 83
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OW!!!Dammit! Get of my ear!!!* swipe's at lobster pillow*

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

It's in your head! @ Aeva

Btw, Becs, you might want to look at that little fire that's under those pillows over there?

** points at roasting cookies and pillows **

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

o_o; to the rescue, my bunnies!

*her horde of pint-sized rabbits charge towards the fire, somehow putting it out by attacking it viciously with their many axes*


......why am i in a pillow? ox;

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

For that matter, why a fortress of pillows? A mere gale will blow it over.

Posts: 3291
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you know, you're the very first person in about three years who has questioned the logic of the pillow fortress. :p feel proud.

Posts: 4336
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Well, maybe if you lived in a canyon where there's no wind, then MAYBE it'll be plausible...

But what if the canyon floods? Your fortress will disintegrate.

Posts: 3291
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it's magical, mm-hm. >>;

Posts: 4336
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Then why isn't it called 'Becca's MAGICAL Pillow Fortress'?

Posts: 2354
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Because Craig "MoFo Lackey extrodinaire" Bayfield created the topic? o.o

Posts: 1321
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-linked image-

EDIT: Don't post pictures that big, you know better. o.- ~Rico

Posts: 4885
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I need to work, work, gotta work, gotta fix, cleancleanclean, Ezhack everywhere gotta put everything back together too much to dogottaworkgottawork wooooorkwoooorkwoooooork!!!

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Calm down, dear. It's only a hack.

Posts: 3291
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i think if the fortress did collapse, craig would implode with the stress of added work on his 'things to do' list.. oo;

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Time to get this party started. FIRE THE PILLOW CANNON!

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

** throws you a pillow **

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

*loads the pillow in the cannon* Ready ... Aim....

Computer: Warning! Discharging the cannon will cause greater instability in fortress structure.

BAH! *Aims for Craig, who is busy cleaning the walkway to the fortress.* FIRE!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

I felt the haaaate rise up in meeee....


Crawwwwlllliiiiing iiiiin my skiiiiin


Cut my life into pieces this is my last resort....

...haven't I been a good lackey...? I've been trying so hard...

I can't take this. Everything I know. Realise that I'm nothing I wanted to be...


Inside my shell I WAIT AND BLEED!



I work so damn hard and it's NEVER enough for you people?! *Throws a single pillow at HSX then blips and catches before it hits him*


*Smacks him miles away with the pillow and starts rebuilding the fortress in a flurry of movement. Poofing down normal haired and regular Lackey'd on the roof of the totally rebuilt fortress

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Cute. *hug*

Posts: 209
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IT LOOKS LIKE IM BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!! *soars through the air for about 45 mins well after the 'starflash' and then stops*....such power...from one can the be? Grrr well I cant have that now can I?


*does a similar transformation dealie*
Prepare for your defeat Lackey in a hyper kung fu style fight fest with repeated frames galore! *forms energy pillows and flies back to the fortress*

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

oi, no destroying my fortress with your battling! *sporkity!*

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Dont worry the fortress will be spared. My fight only concerns fathe..Craig...(yes that will do). Now where is he?!

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

He's in England (RL).

Oh, you mean here.


See that star over there?


That's where Craig was a few moments ago.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I know of something more fun than the pillow cannon... the Kitty Cannon!

Posts: 4885
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Thanks for covering for me, Dreamer. I don't know what happened, one second I'm repairing the fortress... next it's fully repaired and I'm being attacked x.x

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

You mean you dont remember your power, your legacy,...your pride?! Bah whatever! *pillows Craig*

Posts: 512
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*Freezes a pillow and hits the next poster*

Posts: 622
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