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Explosions in London, Underground closes...

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I just turned on the radio in my car to hear an emergency newsflash...there's been several explosions around London at some Underground stations and one on a double decker bus. One of the explosions was at Marylebone which is my "local" station, and I've seen bomb squad vands driving about all morning which may or may not be connected to that. They said on the radio they've even closed the Underground. The ENTIRE Underground. I don't think that's ever been done, or at least not for a bloody long time. There's been several people reported seriously injured but luckily I don't think there were any fatalities.

I think it's fair to say I'm a little scared right now.

Posts: 512
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Been watching BBC news, and there are believed to be fatalities with the explosion on the double decker bus. The live pictures so that there appears to be almost no bus left. These events seem reminiscent of the Madrid bombings.

Posts: 2116
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I heard abnout this on the radio in the mall and ran straight home.

It's the Russell Square/Kings Cross/Tottenham Court Road area.

I lived in Russell Square - that zone's where the majority of my friends and contacts are, never mind the regular route I'd take to work every day...

I'm going to make 'phone calls.

*shins up lamppost and shakes Cream plushie on pole*

Herelacketlackeylackey! Come to Sam-Sam...

Craig, check in. Please.

EDIT: Just got through to Craig's dad. Apparently, Craig starts walking to work at about 7.30am, so he may be stranded on the south bank for a bit, but he should be okay.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Unfortunatly fatalities have already been confirmed at aldgate east. I've tried to phone people i know that live in london, but all that i get is silence, seems that the phone network is busy. I normally go to russel square and liverpoolstreet for my university course, i'm glad i woke up late today and as such didn't go in today.

All London Mofoers, please report in ASAP!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

There seem to be an awful lot of explosions on one day - and how come some of the bombs have been found? Or maybe I'm underestimating bomb squads.

Remember - we don't know who's responsible yet. I'd personally put my money on inciters of violence who are worried Britain might pull out of Iraq.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Intelligence apparently says that it was (how convenient, during the G8 protests and with Bush's support plummeting) Al Qaeda.

Then again, intelligence said that there were WMD in Iraq.

You tell me what the truth is.


Posts: 419
Honorable Member

I just woke up! Sam - PLEASE check up on him and makle sure he's OK! :(

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Dub, check earlier in the thread.

I called his dad. He walks to work, and he left at 7.30am. The blasts started on the underground at 9.30, so whilst neither me nor his dad've heard ahyting, he's probably fine.

His dad says he'll get Craig to call me if and when he hears anything.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sorry for the delay, guys and girls. I'm fine. VERY freaked out, because the Aldgate one is literally a stones throw from where I am right now.

Sorry for worrying you all... I really really hope nothing happens from here on... Looking at that map of all the bomb locations makes my heart stop, I'm 5 minutes away from 3 of the locations, and that is just too scary...

Posts: 327
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The PM just spoke about this. One couldn't envision a more drawn man, especially when he called this act "barbaric."

I personally couldn't be more overanxious than if I were actually there. However, I'm sceptical about Al Qaeda taking responsibility for something (relatively) small so early.

What a difference a day makes.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

If you are a massive Bush supporter, don't reply to this conspiracy theory. If you aren't, feel free to tell me how insanely paranoid I am.


I think somebody (read: the US military or something high up) set up those bombs so that support for the war in Iraq would rise. After all, Al Quaeda has never really concerned itself with Britain before, it seems to consider the US its main enemy, moreso because of its stupid bases.

Like I said, incitement.


Conspiracy theory over.

I'm glad you're okay, Craig. Watch yourself.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Again, I lived literally across the square from Tavistock Square (in Russell Square, which is connected by the road I lived on), where there's a building completely demolished, with its roof blown off. They just got the pictures...

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Just looking at some of the pictures being released, i can't believe that people managed to survive this, especially the double decker bus (below)
nb- some people may find the pictures link disturbing.

Pictures so far released by the BBC

The double decker bus incident-

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Oh, thank God you're ok Craig! *hugs*
I was worried sick!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

They've evacuated Coventry Bus Station after a bus exploded...

Some of my postgrad uni friends commuted from there...

Posts: 1269
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Such a lot is happening, and in such a short space of time... but there don't seem to be any suicide bombers yet, and they seem to be popular with Al Qaeda.

Posts: 2116
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It's only a few hours yet, Harley. Nobody knows what's what or has enough chance to piece the bits together concerning who's done what with regards to just how it happened.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Rumour has it that suicide bombers *may* have been involved, but it's just rumour.

An Al Quaeda website has apparently declared responsibility, but it's not final yet - quite often groups take responsibility for something which had nothing to do with them.

Clearly, comparisons are being made with the Madrid bombings, due to the possible synchronisation of explosions.

Craig, glad you're OK.

Sam, thanks loads for the call.


Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Must be scary to be so near where it happened...
*Hugs londoners and gives cookies*

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Only finding out via Online contacts earlier, I can't really say I can appreciate the scenes of devastation being shown, but this IS just a truly horrendous moment.

With fatalities, it just adds to the death toll of an already huge bodycount in this mess.

I'll check out the news later on, but I really think I've gotten the gyst far more from what I've read than anything else.

Absolutely incredible...:annoyed

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

I was at work when I heard about it. Most of the people I work with have friends and family in london. The death toll I last heard was 20. But there may be more. I think it was al Queda, but theres also Chirac. I know it sounds crazy but he has had britaina s a chip on his shuolder for years. He probably oraginized the bombings. I know it sounds crazy, but it's coincedence thet they happen right sfter the olympics are given tyo us. I only hoipe we don't lose it and have it given to france.:"> Gonig to watch the news now.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

...holy freaking hell o__o;;

I seriously hope every single London MoFo'er is all right. **hugs you all tightly** That's really scary and incredibly saddening to hear about.... I hope there'll be no more damage and.... dear lord, I hope everybody, MoFo'ers or otherwise, is staying safe.

**super hugs you all again**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

VENGENCE!!!!! WE MUST HAVE VENGENCE!! These people don't know who they are messing with. They have stirred up a hornets nest and they will get stung.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Slaps Dan around the back of the head*

"Weeee, let's go kill people dat killed us so we can get more killed and have more people killed and everyone hates eachother and everyone dies!!!!"

Revenge is stupid, hell, don't you even RECOGNISE the irony that this is happening during the G8 summit?

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

I never paied any attention to the G8 summit something about ending terror and poverty wasn't it. *rubs head* That hurt.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Not surprised. They went after Spain and now they go after Britian though it could be a number of factors including the G8 summit with a certain US president there...all the same this bites but me just happy it isn't as bad as 9/11...

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


Al Quaeda has never really concerned itself with Britain before,

Err... Well they DID kindly promise us some attacks some time, we went to all the security measures nessecary, yet they succeeded anyway. Bollocks.

Anyway, good to see your okay Craig *hugs*. I, thank God, don't live IN London, I live around the edges of it.

I don't personally see this as TOO much of a tragety. Think of all the poeple we killed in the iraqi war. Anyway, that's MY opinion anyway.

Oh yeah, and good luck to everyone on any events of similarity in the future.

Posts: 14
Active Member

Stuff like this is pretty disturbing, every now and then we hear about suicide bombers killing 20 people abroad but sadly it has to happen at home before the governments realize how bad it is. My heart goes out to all the Londoners.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Let's also not forget who got the Olympics yesterday....

Thank goodness, though. that so far everyone we know is ok.....but this is terrible. Very terrible.... :(

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

And there's some people on the internet claiming that they did it. A group nobody's heard of before. If they're lying, it's sick.

I'm just glad London appears to be reasonably calm about it and we're not running around like chickens, and headless ones at that.

It was a well planned and coordinated attack, whoever did it. Fortunately there haven't been many fatalities compared to the number of attacks.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

That's small consolation to the families of the 33 people who've been confirmed dead so far - and that's going to rise...

We have the Olympics under a contract, though - unless there's a get-out clause on safety grounds, we're stuck with them (for anyone else who was worried about them being given to Paris).

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

33 confirmed dead so far...Pretty nasty, I was watching this at school at around 11. It looks like an extremely well co-ordinated attack. I hope there aren't any more.

We all knew London would eventually be a target, but it's still a shock how this was carried out. But it's definetly good to see Craig's okay.

I'm seriously intrested how the hell this happened. I don't think it was suicide bombers, so was someone able to plant bombs on the tube and bus?

My mind boggles...

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Well, it's how they did things in Madrid: remotely triggered packages. Suicide bombers aren't the only way.

It's still too early to tell, though.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

When I heard, there was only two dead. I must have missed a lot in the three hours since I last saw the news.

33 is quite a lot.

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Well, if I remember what the archbishop said, the british aren't fazed by anything, which is the reason why everyone was so calm.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Yeah, London's been calm... Nice to see our attitude to bombings/bombs is still the same since WWII.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

It's London. It's been a prime terrorist target for over a century and was regularly terrorised by the IRA for about 30 years. We're used to this kind of thing.

That's the main difference in perspective between this and something like 9-11 - the US had never seen the like before, whilst the UK's used to accepting the risk of this kind of thing.

It doesn't make something this major any easier, though...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yeah, if this had happened in America, the country would be declaring a state of national emergancy by now.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

We're up in the west midlands, just over 100 miles away from the bombs and he's freaking out...
Some other people I know have family visiting london today...

This is sick and deprived, but well done to the emergency services for coping reasonably well...
It's been coming for a while, hopefully this is the worst of it.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


hopefully this is the worst of it.

Like I said, I wish nothing but good luck for all of us. Hope your family's fine, Tom. Hope MY family's fine. >>

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


Yeah, if this had happened in America, the country would be declaring a state of national emergancy by now.

No, we'd just step up our efforts to go after Iran (Who is much more of a they are as much of a threat as NK. And who we should be going after...anyways)...

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

More than that, we'd probably try to read things in our intelligence reports that aren't there and try and use THAT as an excuse to go to war with Iran.

...well, maybe not, but it's not impossible.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Doing my regular check up on the store this morning, next thing I know I check here and it's like "LONDON EXPLODES OMFG"

I'm glad so far everyone is okay, and I think it's safe to say that having a UK call in would be in order. Can't say I know how many Londoners we have here, but I know there's a couple of people that live close that might have had a run through the city.

The whole thing's hitting home here, now, too. We've gone to Sesame Street Danger Code Ernie, (Orange, High). Here's hoping things quiet down for everyone.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

We've gone to Sesame Street Danger Code Ernie, (Orange, High).


Thanks, Jin. I needed that. 🙂

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

That's funny, last I checked we were all like "THIS DOES NOT AFFECT US! THIS DOES NOT AFFECT US!", although, last I checked was several hours ago.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I actually turned on the TV to watch a movie and saw the bus. Next thing I did was dash to the phone to make sure my family is okay. I'm glad everyone's staying calm about this. I'm not going to point the blame anywhere until we have confirmation on who's responsible.

I think it was al Queda, but theres also Chirac. I know it sounds crazy but he has had britaina s a chip on his shuolder for years. He probably oraginized the bombings.
Are you retarded?

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


Yeah, if this had happened in America, the country would be declaring a state of national emergancy by now.

Before I even got to this thread I knew what direction you'd pull it. No one knows who did this yet, but your comments concerning Al Quaeda show that you basically have
no idea what you're talking about. If you haven't noticed, after years of imperialism and quite of a bit of involvement in recent wars, Britiain isn't exactly loved world wide. (No matter how much it's citizens would like to believe that their generous giving and anti-Blair/anti-Bush sentiments would change the matter)

I doubted that you'd have gained the maturity to realize that this is a situation where people died in a terrorist attack (from whatever country/group) and maybe it's not the time for you to subtly snipe the sanity level of those who lost family and friends in a much more brutal attack.

Regardless of the source, in both attacks and the Madrid attacks innocent people were sacrificed because of the actions of politicians, extremist groups and nations. I send my prayers to the families of those hurt and killed and I pray that those responsible are found.

I'm thankful Craig is okay though, I had a level orange freak out this morning worrying about him and Josh.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Likewise, Cyke.

I have any of half a dozen geo-political rants and conspiracy theories that I'm messing with in IM right now, but this isn't the time or the place to be blind-firing in public as far as I'm concerned.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

[11] kim: i came home
[11] kim: and i was like WTF
[11] Jinsoku: yeah.
[11] Jinsoku: i had just gotten off a phone call for the store, just checking up on the status for the week
[11] Jinsoku: then i get on the mofo
[11] Jinsoku: and it's like LONDON EXPLODES
[11] kim: LOL
[11] kim: XD it shouldnt be funny but you know
[11] Jinsoku: i know
[11] Jinsoku: gotta stay happy though
[11] Jinsoku: laughter is the only way

Gotta stay hopeful, gotta stay normal. Doesn't mean you gotta give up hope. Keep light of things, but don't bottle up.

Good luck to everyone over there.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I'm concerned for Bentleee, a person who also has other alts and who lives in East London. I don't have phone contacts or anything with her but she hasn't been anywhere on the internet since. :(

I hope she's alright.

EDIT: She's okay, thankfully. :D

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