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Explosions in Londo...
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Explosions in London, Underground closes...

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Posts: 859
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no idea what you're talking about. If you haven't noticed, after years of imperialism and quite of a bit of involvement in recent wars, Britiain isn't exactly loved world wide. (No matter how much it's citizens would like to believe that their generous giving and anti-Blair/anti-Bush sentiments would change the matter)

Actually, most the people I know enjoy the fact that everyone hates us. 😛

I REALLY hope this doesnt disrupt the G8 summit, after all those people protested to put poverty and Global warming high up on the agenda only to have the conference, if not cancelled but it's hosts distracted would be a disaster.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


Actually, most the people I know enjoy the fact that everyone hates us. 😛

You're confusing Britian with the US...:nn;

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Actually, since we had our collective national heads rammed up Bush's backside by Blair, it's us, too. Trust me on this.

Posts: 1567
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I know, I was just being silly...we need some lightheartedness after such a sad event...:p

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

I just woke up and saw all these things going on. Hopping everyone is ok. Hope this doesn't affect air travel in the area. I have a friend in Ireland (well thats a little north), flying back today.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Thank god most of the Londoners here are okay, I've been worried as hell since I heard the news this morning. All those who have suffered from this have my deepest simpathies.

And I now others have said similar, but to those playing the blame, this is not the time. Right now we should be doing our best making sure friends and family are okay, hoping and praying for the best, but being ready for the worst, pointing fingers just distracts from the imediate situation and builds up anger which is anything but needed.

Again, I am extremely relieved that that so far most of the Londoners here are okay.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Myes, panic and finger-pointing is precisely what the terrorists want.

Posts: 419
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We've gone to Sesame Street Danger Code Ernie,

We were at Danger code Big Bird and if this keeps up we'll be at Danger Code Elmo - then we have REAL reason to be scared. :D

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

I didn't have an actual comment while reading, until I saw Cycle's last post.

Quote: TheCycle

Myes, panic and finger-pointing is precisely what the terrorists want.

That looks great with the Evil Monkey title. I know this isn't a thread to laugh in, but seriously XD

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Why can't we go back down to Cookie Monster or Oscar?

...we HAVE Cookie Monster and Oscar, right?

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

I am very glad that all London MoFo'ers are OK. I went on my pass-plus yesterday and i wasn't that far away from London, which was pretty creepy. Watching it on TV was like some strange dream - just totally unexpected and unnerving...

What a contrast to 24 hours ago. Yesterday was a capital united in joy and happiness, and merely a day later - the polar opposite. Whatever the motives may be - and i'm not speculating here, i'm CONVINCED that it has nothing to do with the Olympic decision. For all we know, it could've gone to Paris. And these operations are mostly planned in immaculate detail well in advance. The chances of a well planned attack being executed less then 24 hours after the decision is incredibly unlikely.

On the TV, it was saying that the level of danger went down. That's a little strange.

Anyway, again - i offer my gratitude that the London MoFo'ers are safe and sound, but also my sadness at the unfortunate innocents that got caught by such a terrible event. Still - we will go on as for that is the English way.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I have taken a vacation from the MoFo because of personal problems, but I woke up just 5 minuites ago and walked out to the TV and heard the news. I immediately ran back to my room to get online and check on what the MoFo has to say. I don't know the severity yet, all I know is that 37 were killed and 700 injurred. From the looks of it, London MoFoers seem to be fine but, I believe there are definately those affected, possibly those related.

All I have to say, is these punks will get whats coming to them, and while I am an American who probobly nothing about such affairs and meanings of these words, God Save the Queen. (What can I say, James Bond made me rather be English back when I was 10 =)


Posts: 2116
Noble Member


Thanks. You're right in assuming that some of us don't put too much stock in those words, though.

Screw the Queen. The Quuen's sitting in a cloistered palace with most of the nation's security around her already, and no need to use public transport.

I'm not religious, but: God save the rest of us, because nobody else will.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Hmmmmmm... Too many things going on over here at the moment... >>

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

That looks great with the Evil Monkey title.
Evil Monkey what? I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

...we HAVE Cookie Monster and Oscar, right?
Hehe... hehehehehehahahahaaaaaaa!

Posts: 193
Estimable Member


Yeah, if this had happened in America, the country would be declaring a state of national emergancy by now.

It's kind of funny how freaked out we are. I live in DC and they have bomb-sniffing dogs canvassing the subway. I love my paranoid hometown. -_- I hear this is happening around the US.


I REALLY hope this doesnt disrupt the G8 summit, after all those people protested to put poverty and Global warming high up on the agenda only to have the conference, if not cancelled but it's hosts distracted would be a disaster.

I'm an econ major and I've been hoping for G8 to succeed for a long time now. What is G8? Well, it's a summit of the 8 developed countries around the world deciding how to combat global poverty and environmental depredation. They're trying to do it by getting debt cancellation for third world countries and dedicating 0.7 percent of gross national product (among developed countries) for foreign aid. For those of you who are going "Huh?" basically this means that every one hundred dollars you spend, seven cents goes overseas. Currently, at least for the US, only 0.18 percent of GNP goes overseas, or ... 1.8 cents per $100. To put *that* into perspective, that's $15 billion dollars for foreign aid per year compared to $450 billion dollars for military expenditure. $15 billion dollars for all of Africa. Our $15 billion dollars is $12 per sub-Saharan African per year. That means you could probably buy an African like... a t-shirt. 0.7 percent of GNP would be $70 per African per year, which could buy them safe water, anti-malarial and anti-AIDs drugs, contraception, the beginning of investment in improved farming, like, say, fertilizer and irrigation. The village could afford, oh, a truck.

Another thing to think about: The top 400 richest people in the US put together earn 69 billion dollars. The combined citizenry of Botswana, Uganda, Nigeria and Senegal earn.. $57 billion. So basically the 400 richest people in the US earn more than 161 million people in Africa.

It's about time for G8.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

To Terrorists: If you hate America, attack America. If you hate our government and our armies and our guns, attack those. We will be waiting for you. Dont attack our friends, people who have nothing to do with our war, people who are good and decent or maybe not, but dont deserve to die. Dont attack our colleagues. Dont attack our relatives, our children, our teachers, our scientists, our doctors, the people who make a city live and breathe.

Today should have been happy. Today should have been about the Olympics, a global event, though a flawed event, a celebration of peace. And for the first time in years, leaders of great countries were arming themselves against poverty, disease, and ignorance. There is urgency to it now.

To G8: dont stop until the horror is over, dont stop until the rage is over, dont stop until the despair is over, dont stop for anything because more than ever we need you.

To the people of London from the people of America: We love you as our own. God bless you, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Peace be with you, wherever you go.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Nice speech, dude @ Troop. May God bless you people too. The only words I have left, are...

Whatever happens to ANY of you, I'll help you, if I can. Just remember, on the MoFo, you ALWAYS have people here to talk to and to care for you. We're not handing out our forumers to some terrorists who don't know the difference between good and evil.


Posts: 32
Eminent Member

All those reports with the closest friend lives only two blocks away from the bus. The office building with blood (for those up to date) we used to walk past that regularly. The park opposite? used to eat lunch there. She hasn't phoned me back, but I don't blame her...she must be in a state. But in nearly every news report you'll see her block of's horrifying. It really is. Frankly, my heart goes out to EVERYONE who has been affected even in the slightest way. Even just by watching it on the news. And being optimistic helps a lot.

If we keep strong, we can get through this and continue as normally as possible.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Ken Livingstone i believe sums up the opinion of many-


"I wish to speak directly to those who came to London today to take life. I know that you personally do not fear giving up your own life in order to take others - that is why you are so dangerous.

"But I know you fear that you may fail in your long-term objective to destroy our free society. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail."

As a Brit will shall keep our 'stiff upper lip.' We've had terrorists attacks in the past, there will probably be more in the future, but whatever they may do, no matter how many more people they slaughter, we will never give in to them.

Posts: 336
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Over 40 dead and at least 1000 injured. The entire Underground shut down. London crippled for a day.

But only for a day. We will not allow ourselves to be terrorised by deluded scum. We will not cower, and we will not falter. The city of London and its people WILL NOT SUBMIT.

My most heartfelt wishes go out to those lost and their families, and all the people affected either physically or mentally by this tragedy. We will get our revenge for their pain and suffering by not backing down, no matter what. We will overcome.

Peace, love, and God bless,


Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Two blog postings I found from another site:


A Letter To The Terrorists, From London
July 07, 2005

What the @#%$ do you think you're doing?
This is London. We've dealt with your sort before. You don't try and pull this on us.

Do you have any idea how many times our city has been attacked? Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work.

All you've done is end some of our lives, and ruin some more. How is that going to help you? You don't get rewarded for this kind of crap.

And if, as your MO indicates, you're an al-Qaeda group, then you're out of your tiny minds.

Because if this is a message to Tony Blair, we've got news for you. We don't much like our government ourselves, or what they do in our name. But, listen very clearly. We'll deal with that ourselves. We're London, and we've got our own way of doing things, and it doesn't involve tossing bombs around where innocent people are going about their lives.

And that's because we're better than you. Everyone is better than you. Our city works. We rather like it. And we're going to go about our lives. We're going to take care of the lives you ruined. And then we're going to work. And we're going down the pub.

So you can pack up your bombs, put them in your arseholes, and get the @#%$ out of our city.



I have a prediction to make, that tomorrow we'll find out whether Britons are, still, in fact, Britons. Many years ago I was working in The City and there were two events that made travel into work almost impossible.
The first was a series of storms that brought down power lines, blocked train routes and so on. Not surprisingly, the place was empty the next day. Why bother to struggle through?
The other event was an IRA bomb which caused massive damage and loss of life. Trains were disrupted, travel to work the next day was horribly difficult and yet there were more people at work than on a normal day. There was no co-ordination to this, no instructions went out, but it appeared that people were crawling off their sick beds in order to be there at work the next day, thrusting their mewling and pewling infants into the arms of anyone at all so that they could be there.

Yes, we'll take an excuse for a day off, throw a sickie. But you threaten us, try to kill us? Kill and injure some of us?

@#%$ you, sunshine.

We'll not be having that.

No grand demonstrations, few warlike chants, a desire for revenge, of course, but the reaction of the average man and woman in the street? Yes, youve tried it now bugger off. Were not scared, no, you wont change us. Even if we are scared, you can still bugger off.

We're not letting death and chaos cow us. We didn't let it in the past, the people of London didn't today even when caught in the blasts, and every one of us won't do it whatever happens. We're going to back to work and then all off to the pub tomorrow. United we stand.

Posts: 14
Active Member

I love the resoluteness of the british, those two blogs made me immensly proud.

Posts: 51
Trusted Member

This was a city that was pounded during the Blitz, yet they told Hitler where to stick his Lutwaffe. Where do these terrorists think they could succeed where the Nazis and the IRA couldn't?

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


Where do these terrorists think they could succeed where the Nazis and the IRA couldn't?

Terrorists, they're not a whole country. The Nazi's OWNED Germany, how can a few men with bombs destroy us? If war DOES become nessecary, they'd be plummeted in little time. We also have allies. They don't. We're going to win, either way.

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

In the second world ear was the Blitz, that didn't stop us. The IRA treorrised London for 30 years, that didn't stop us. They bombed the mall in Manchester in 1996, That didn't stop us and now they bombed London, and that didn't stop us. If these Deranged lunes tryed to instill fear in our people, then they are sadly mistaken. We didn't buckle under the perssure. We rose to it, fought it and shrugged it off as we good old Brits always do. We knew this was coming, we couldn't stop it, only perpare. The emergency pklan worked better then I had hoped. May god bless all the people that have died. Justice will be served for you. I'm glad to see that the forumers on here are o.k. And I count myself lucky that there are Friends who can lookout for each other. Other countries should take our example. Don't show that the bombings are getting to you. That is the whole point of terror, if they see that people are calm and going about like they always have been then their plans have failed. I would also like to give a heart felt thank you to all the american Fromuers who were worried about us. Thank you so much.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member


I'm concerned for Bentleee, a person who also has other alts and who lives in East London. I don't have phone contacts or anything with her but she hasn't been anywhere on the internet since. :(

ZOMG how could I forget where Ben lived! Glad shes okay...

But yeah, I didn't know about this untill Erica came into chat with a huge string of OMGs, so I turn on Sky News, and....o.o

But, we knew it was going to happen, sometime, and I agree with what someone...don't know who, I'm terrible with names and stuff, said. It was very unlikly we could have prevented this without going into a police state mode. But, the responces of the emergency services was well practised, and cusioned the blow a great deal. This I am thankful for.

Now lets go down the pub...and try to ignore the ranting drunks ^^

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

The Nazis OWNED germay, that meant that every time a german soldier was killed or a german civilian hurt, they were hurt. I know it was sick but every bomb that was dropped on the civilians in Berlin, the Nazis lost a bit more power (if not support, as Goebbles was doing such a fantastic job rallying the people together)...

These people dont seem to have a country, they dont even have a religion since the majority of Islam condemns them.
They dont have a home we can bomb, they dont have a country we can neogitate with and we dont have anything they want.

To defeat these people, resiliance is great but the key matter is going to be 1: The hunt to track them down and 2: A plea for everyone in the world, warning them about these people and pleading with them NOT to join them, and 3rd: Preparation, which London was. Not prepared to stop the attack but it's recovering brilliantly.

As long as there are dissatisfied muslims, and in fact disatisfied people of any sort then the potential for this can continue.

Human nature really is sickening sometimes, all I can do is offer my support to out current leaders ad just hope for the best.

Thanks to all the emergency services casualties have been kept at a minimum. Thank god for that one bit of luck.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I just got news that a friend's son - another friend of mine - was actually on one of the trains that was bombed.

Luckily, he's okay, but it doesn't get much closer than that...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

My only two worries are that:

1) There will be tabloid (read: crap) newspapers rallying supporters against immigrants.

2) Blair will think that now we can't pull out of Iraq because it might be showing weakness.

I'm not worried that the UK will suddenly start attacking asians in the streets or following them around sayin g they're terrorists - we're smarter than that.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's kind of scary how it's a day later and the world is back to normal, no one really seems to care, from co-workers to random people I chat to, it's just "oh, that's a shame.... *gets on with life*"

The city doesn't feel any different today, no more or less people than usual, a SLIGHTLY elevated police presence, in that I saw a policeman this morning outside Old Bailey which is a rare rare occurance, but... yeah.

Shows how truly and utterlly apathetic we are in this city, doesn't it?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

That friend of mine's in The Sun... egads...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Holy crap!

What does it say, regarding him? and any idea how shaken up he is by this whole experience?

I feel sorry for the poor guy to have been right there when it happened, but thankful that he wasn't hurt.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Eliot Ward and Adam Stacey. Pages 8 and 9.

Eliot's the son of my old journalism tutor, Steve. You may remember me mentioning both he and Adam going to places like the Commons with us, but Adam was more Eliot's friend than mine.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member


The city doesn't feel any different today, no more or less people than usual, a SLIGHTLY elevated police presence, in that I saw a policeman this morning outside Old Bailey which is a rare rare occurance, but... yeah.

Shows how truly and utterlly apathetic we are in this city, doesn't it?

Nah. It shows that when people where saying things like "we can't let the terrorists disrupt our way of life", they meant it.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Found about this yesterday while watching the news on TV. At any rate, I hope all of you who live in London are ok.

As for those codes:

Sesame Street Color Codes

Elmo -> Red -> We are very [censored].
Ernie -> Orange -> We are [censored].
Big Bird - > Yellow -> We are keeping an eye on them
Oscar -> Green -> We are keeping an eye on them ... after watching Friends's reruns.
Cookie Monster -> Blue -> Have a cookie! ^^ ** shot **

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Ugh, your friend was in The Sun, Craig? I thought The Sun only reported on naked celebrities.

Yeah, we don't care about your stupid bombs, terrorists! We're not fazed! Why should we be - Britain hasn't been invaded since Norman times.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


Britain hasn't been invaded since Norman times.

Not quite,

The Channel Islands were the only part of Britain occupied by Germany duing World War II. German forces invaded in 1940 and occupied the islands for five years. Over 50 German fortifications can be seen scattered about the island of Guernsey.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ugh, your friend was in The Sun, Craig?

No, Sam's was. Though, my main man Icarus was like totally killed flying too close to the sun, but despite popular opinion he was never IN the sun, just too high in the atmosphere, flying on wax wings.

Damn Icky rocked. Why did he have to die?! ;.;

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

One of my friend's relatives were VERY close to getting bombed, but thanks to London's attitude of "piss-off! I'm more important then you, so I'm barging in to the train, pushing you out the way!", he wasn't able to get in the train, it turns out that was one of the trains that was bombed.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sheesh...the world is nuts. I'm so glad all of the MoFoer's across the pond are safe. It was on CNN yesterday and I was thinking, "No way...why did this happen". As Troop said terrorists....bring it to the US, don't harm our allies, friends, and 100% innocent citizens. What cowards.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I thought my father had got caught in the blasts.
His workplace is in that area and he was supposed to be in work at 11:00 am but at 11:15 he wasn't there- he wasn't answering his mobile either.

Turns out he had to walk from elephant and castle to Trafalgar Square and network connections were down. That had to be the most scariest half hour of my life.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The city doesn't feel any different today, no more or less people than usual, a SLIGHTLY elevated police presence, in that I saw a policeman this morning outside Old Bailey which is a rare rare occurance, but... yeah.

Shows how truly and utterlly apathetic we are in this city, doesn't it?
No, it shows how stoic and reasonable the Brits are being. The ol' stiff upper lip. Fact is, market disruption and widespread panic and grief is precisely what the terrorists hope for when they do these things. Their ultimate goal is not to kill a few dozen people, it's to scare the sh-t out of a few million people. And fortunately, they failed. Good show, Brits.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yay for Britain! We're going to show those cowards that they can't destabalise us!

It seems like a few people had some pretty near misses though.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

There are two types of killers, those that kill to oppress, and those that kill to liberate.

I hope the liberators find the oppressors and kill them.

As far as the G8 conference, I'm not convinced any of the current computer models for global warming are even remotely accurate, nor am I convinced that carbon dioxide is responsible for "global warming". During the last great Ice Age atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were 14 times higher than the current levels, which are a historical low by ice core studies.

As far as helping Africa, stop fearing DDT and GM crops and that would be a darn good start.


Posts: 193
Estimable Member


There are two types of killers, those that kill to oppress, and those that kill to liberate.

Aye aye!

Hm, I'm not familiar with the environmental issues in G8. Care to elaborate? (Though maybe in a new thread, I'm not sure this one's the best one for it)

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

As far as helping Africa, stop fearing DDT and GM crops and that would be a darn good start.
Stop fearing DDT? I suppose you think we should give 'em a good spraydown with Agent Orange as well?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

stop fearing DDT

Even though it kills wildlife and renders some species of birds virtually unable to breed? No thanks.

But take it to the G8 thread, please.

Posts: 336
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Yeah, I mean they wouldn't name a wrestling move after it if it weren't dangerous, right?

Posts: 216
Reputable Member

I've not had regular internet access for several days, so forgive my lateness. I immediately thought of this place when I heard about the attacks. I know many Mofoers are from that area of the world.

Craig, Sam, Josh, and the rest, I am so glad you're okay. I pray that your loved one's are also.

Take Care. God Bless. Be Safe.

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