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FF concert

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Posts: 30
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Thanks to my uncle who works in the printing business, I've managed to snag four Final Fantasy: More Friends concert tickets. Apparently its supposed to be a one-time deal, and it also seems like there will be some J-Pop stars there or something (Rikki and Emiko? I dunno). Being the total nerd that I am, of course I couldn't pass up an opportunity for freebie's. Ohhh yeah.

It's being held at the Universal Ampitheatre (that means every seat is a good one!) so I'm really excited. XD; Haha, I've got one extra ticket to spare too, for any of you CA Mofo'ers in the area. *absolutely giddy* full report later.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I HATE YOU...:cuckoo

I'd kill to get tickets to that concert but congratulations on the honor of going!

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I hate you forEVER. :(



Posts: 30
Eminent Member

c__c;; you're lucky. Enjoy the show and watch out for Sephiroth >> XP *walks off mumbling about how nothing happens here in colorado*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


c__c;; you're lucky. Enjoy the show and watch out for Sephiroth >> XP *walks off mumbling about how nothing happens here in colorado*


NBA All Star Game strike a bell?

If that FF concert somehow finds its way to Colorado, I'm so buying tickets...

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

In some things I envy the US. Like actually having concerts such as these...

Enjoy the show, Knux - if what I've heard of the Dear Friends concert is anything to go by, you're in for a treat...

Posts: 30
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It was a treat. Spoilers(?) for those of you who may be going to see it in the future:

The concert was really great. There were only one or two things that kind of bothered me. I got the CDs from this concert and the one performed previous, thinking it would be all the orchestrated music they were going to perform - it wasn't. It was all the original music, pulled exactly from the games. While this was nice, I would have perferred the orchestrated version for the price I paid for it -__-;

Anyway, the voiceactor of Tidus was the MC. (Can't think of his name; I'll get back to this one.) He was really adorable, in a dorky kind of way. After some mic troubles, we jumped straight into the music. He let it slip that Nobuo Uetmatsu was there and we all went nuts. After eight songs (including the Chocobo theme!), we had a short intermission, and then we started up again. Here's where we got all the vocals.

The stage opens up with the Black Mages, Uetmatsu's band. I thought it was pretty funny, because they were all middle-aged men. hehe! They rocked out to "~The Rocking Grounds~" with a follow-up of Maybe I'm a Lion. (It was hard to recogonize these songs at first; the electric guitars and the keyboard and stuff really threw me off. I was kinda hoping they'd do an orchestrated version of Maybe I'm a Lion, since it's my favorite song.)

Anyway, we started screaming for an encore, but didn't get one. So afterwards, we went into Suteki Da Ni, which Rikki came out to sing. This was followed up byu Melodies of Life, by Emiko Shiratori - who started out singing in Japanese, but sang a few lines in English towards the end.

Following this, we said goodbye to Tidus, who made his last commentary. Then they brought in some opera singers to do a rendition of "Mario and Draco", which they did beautifully. Then, finally, FINALLY, Nobou Uematsu came out and talked to us with a translator.

About this time, I was getting ready to leave (what can I say? It was like 10 and I have to get up early!) but I could see a whole throng of people start shuffling onto the stage, decked out in robes. I knew what was coming.

So anyway, Uetmatsu says, 'okay okay, one more song. Do you want my band or the orchestra?' Everyone goes nuts with all this unintellegable noise but then Uetmatsu says, 'Okay... we'll combine them.'

So the lights turn on, and the curtain is lifted, and there is the Black Mages once more. The orchestra and the Black Mages try to time their start, and after a LOT of catcalls and false starts - cue One Winged Angel.

One Winged Angel definitely made my night. The rock band was so LOUD, though - it drowned out the singers half the time (and it would have to have been REALLY loud to block out the sound of that many people.) It was really quite amazing. After that, I was sleepy and ready to go home. n.n I brought back lots of goodies for memories, though! :D YAYYy.

the end.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

One Winged Angel... Orchestra + Rockband...


*Steals your soul and memories so he can have that experience*


*Then searches for teh bootlegs*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

One Winged Angel rocks anyway it's played as a final boss music and Craig you can find it on Itunes now...that is if you have an Ipod...:cuckoo

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Screw Ipod, I've had that as an MP3 for a while now. Ipod falls beneath the power of....MP3CD's!.....

*Everyone just...stares*

What?! I'm too cheap to get an Ipod for my needs...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, I don't own (nor plan to own) an iPod. But are you referring to the tune itself (in which I already have it) or this particular performance of it?

Posts: 30
Eminent Member
Topic starter

If you can find an Mp3 of that particular performance, gimee! Then I will be your love slave forever. <3

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Right, I'll give them to Vortex to forward to you if I find them, then, telling him to say he found them and no one else was involved :p
