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Final Fantasy VII BANNED

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Well, not really, but still.

The sad thing is, if Jack Thompson gets wind of this you KNOW he will target FF7, too.

Posts: 512
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It may be 2am in the morning here, but this article made me lol. I am grateful that I live in a country where such pointless banning doesnt occur often, talking of which GTA :SA has been banned in Australia.

Posts: 193
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Heh, it's a bit late to be banning FF 7. That game is OLD. The sad thing though, I can see that actually happening,.

I didn't know it was a joke at first, but whoever wrote that article should learn how to use punctuation properly. I've never seen journalistic writing that bad.

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A tad late, wouldn't you think?

The article reeks of 'joke'.

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Final Fantasy 7 banned? The game involved a HELL of a lot more than bombs. In fact, the bombs don't even break 1% of the game in my opinion.Troophead is right. Bit late.

To be honest, anyone who copies something they saw in a videogame, (and I mean blowing buildings up, killing random people on the street) then they have no place in the gene pool and have had something wrong with them long before they layed eyes on the game.

Out of a terrorist nutcase inspiring these bombs and an old videogame I think I would lay the blame on the nutter.

I just hope they don't take one step further and ban Advent Children.:">

Posts: 2438
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Note that this was all a joke, Emmy. Look in the article at where it says, "Tifa's breasts were unavailable for comment." 😛

I dunno though, the joke seems to be in rather poor taste what with bombings being a very real threat that's a current news event. It's scary for some people living near where the bombings happened. But then again, this is right up the alley for the sort of people who joked and made racist comments right after 9/11.

Posts: 193
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I just hope they don't take one step further and ban Advent Children.

Uh.. Emerald. You know this is a joke, right? FFVII isn't really banned.

Also, I don't think it's actually possible to ban a movie (or a video game) in the United States. There are a lot of financial and economic things you can do to discourage release and distribution, and you can have certain parts edited out or altered, but legally, there's not much you can do to ban a movie completely.

To Tergonaut: I don't think this joke is meant to ridicule the victims of the London bombings or terrorism anywhere, I think this is more meant to poke fun at the whole GTA Hot Coffee scandal, and over-reactionary "protect our children" people.

Posts: 322
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I heard this rumor a couple of days ago. Ran a search, found nothing, and concluded that it was a steaming turd of a lie. ^_^ Thankfully.

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When in doubt, look at the url!

Posts: 333
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Part of me wished the article was true.


More evidence and proof that the people of this country are being teh crazy.

...Seriously, attacking the Sims too.... x.x;


Posts: 151
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oh that so gave me a good laugh

Posts: 4885
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Now that's good satire! *Giggles insanely*

Posts: 1619
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"Mario doesn't blow up power plants" Bush said on thursday. Mario was unavailible for comment.

No, but he uses fire! 😮

Yeah, the url made it clear that it was a joke. The question is, how many people will still believe this to be true? :p

Posts: 1195
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Seriously, if this wasn't a joke, I'd be laughing anyways, especially considering how old that durn game is.

Posts: 763
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lol, the next thing they'll ban is Pikmin or Doshin the Giant.

Posts: 286
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:insane Now I feel stupid!
:lol I didn't read through the whole thing. I just read the first few lines. That'll teach me!
Thing is though, stuff like this happens so I took it seriously. :cuckoo


Posts: 1376
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XD +;_;X90

There are alot fo these these days though. Zombie outbreaks, Aids cure found in semen, Cambodia revolutions.. Its nuts x_X XD

Posts: 0
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I can't believe how stupid America is!!!!1 :"> :"> I hate BUSH!!1

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Heh, this had me laughing my ass off both at the article and all the people who thought it was real.

Also, guys, did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously, take a look if you don't beleive me.

Posts: 763
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"Mario doesn't blow up power plants" Bush said on thursday. Mario was unavailible for comment


Posts: 201
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That was funny, but the sad fact is that Hilary clinton probably will do it. I can't believe that my bro fell for it. It made me laugh no end.:lol

Posts: 1367
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Oh my God. This made me laugh uncontrollably. Especially the comment about Tifa's breasts at the end.

I can hardly wait to show this to all my friends and see how many of them believe this.

Posts: 666
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It's pretty easy to clone a websight's format and icons in the name of satire, and it's pretty easy for those running scams on ebay as well.

Oh yeah, and Republicans rock.


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*shrug* You must admit, though, Jack Thompson doesn't.

Posts: 1269
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I'm almost sorry this must be a joke. But they got their sources right...

"These 'role playing games' are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they're destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can't allow this to continue."

That's the sort of thing religious zealots in the Bible belt say.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member


"These 'role playing games' are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they're destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can't allow this to continue."


Fear, anxiety and spending your whole life obsessing over Satan is in itself a form of worshipping Satan.

Posts: 1567
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Yea though they usually are picking on RPG's like Dungeons and Dragons where you actually go through with some of the procedures comparable to real magick users...

Posts: 193
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Yea though they usually are picking on RPG's like Dungeons and Dragons where you actually go through with some of the procedures comparable to real magick users...

And what on earth would you mean by "real magick users?" Being that "magick" doesn't exist..

(Offending the Bible Belt Christians and Wiccans in one blow! Yay!! ^__^)

I wrote a five page paper defending D&D against general charges of "corrupting the youth," and I can paste that here if anyone'd actually read it. Which is not to say that I don't have any moral qualms about D&D at all, but I hardly think it's Satanic (again, I'll get into that if anyone asks). Really, the last thing on my mind would be:

"OMG! It teaches kids how to cast real spells!"

Check out The Escapist, a write-up by a satirist who shows how non-magical all the D&D spells are. It's pretty funny stuff.

Posts: 1567
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It is though more interactive then say Final Fantasy where you choose the spell on a screen and watch special effects (Often multiple times)

And you know the difference between magick and magic...:p

Posts: 4336
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"These 'role playing games' are teaching our children to use magic and summon demons, they're destroying our childrens future and making them worship satan. We can't allow this to continue."


That's the sort of thing religious zealots in the Bible belt say.

(is a part of the Bible Belt)

Anyhow, those who spout off about RPGs, D&D, and whatnot clearly have no idea what they're talking about. A case of fear, distrust, and misinformation, not to mention paranoia.

And even if RPGs DID 'make' a child use magic, summon demons, and worship Satan, then that child has no concept of reality. A game is a game, nothing more.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

The kid would actually have to be a real mental case or someone who has been sheltered for far too long...seriously, my parents have even forbid us from even reading Harry Potter because of the occultic elements. I've been playing fantasy games forever and I'm not trying to cast spells...

...yes I just shot my argument with huge gaping holes but that was their point of view and this is mine...:p

Posts: 193
Estimable Member


It is though more interactive then say Final Fantasy where you choose the spell on a screen and watch special effects (Often multiple times)

That's true, but Final Fantasy has visuals and sounds, so it can be more immersive, while D&D is all in your head. Which one is more influential on kids really depends on what type of kid they are, what they respond to.

Oh well, in any case, it all comes down to be grounded in reality and having good parenting.


And you know the difference between magick and magic...:p

What, that magic is when a man in coattails pulls a bunny out of a top hat for entertainment, and that "magick" is what new age flakes think they can do? 😛

Posts: 286
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It's always a videogame that has magic use in it or a humble board game like D&D that will influence children, NOT things like young children's programmes like Sabrina, Charmed, B*Witched, Misty etc.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with any of these, they are just television shows. It's just because they want to ban videogames and the game has magic use in it and so they cook up a moral dilemma.

Posts: 1269
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Well, video games are more interaactive than a tv screen.

Posts: 4885
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and books are more interactive than a videogame?

Remember, Harry Potter is the current scapegoat for demonic hellism, taking the ball from D&D which took it from rock music.

Video games haven't ever been a main focus for over-zealous Christians, at least not yet.
