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Foreign languages

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I was just wondering, how many people here can speak a foreign language? I've seen a few people here speak in different languages, but I don't know how many can actually speak other languages fluently.

As for me, I can't speak any language other than English very well, though I do know a bit of Spanish and I'm currently learning French.

Oh, and bonus points if you can write your post in at least two different languages.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

+English (100% Fluent, yo')
+German (30%)
+Russian (5%)
+Spanish (1%)

I learned some German in 8th grade but the teacher wasn't fluent and I wasn't really paying attention, and since my family is Russian-Polish (Dad's side) I have to know some Russian at least. Never caught the Polish. I plan to fully fluentize each language when I can. Spanish I just know simple stuff like Que, Si, Graci and the like.

So I suppose German, then Russian, then the Rest are my Priorities for learning. As my dad plans to go to Germany sometime. He was raised there. =P

Posts: 2915
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I'm fluent enough in Spanish to have tested out of my college's foreign language requriement... But I got a 1 out of 5 on the Spanish, yeah...

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I speak English and High School French, for what it is worth.

Je parler Anglais et Francais d'ecole haut, pour ce qu'il vaut.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Spanish-getting fluent, kinda choppy.
Japanese-um...I can say a few sentences.
French: I can say one word.
German: Um...not too good. Smattering.

Posts: 2915
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Lo siento...Yo hablo ingles tambien...Yo soy muy estupido...Tengo pajaros en la cabeza...

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I can speak German quite well, and I'm doing a GCSE on it. I'm not all too clear on French any more, but with some prompting I should be able to pick up the basics again. While I don't speak any Spanish, my mum and sis have been learning it, so I've picked up bits and pieces here and there.

And I know English, of course.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

having spent most of my life just trying to learn to write in english, other languages have passed me by. 😛

but i can speak a few words in german, same for japanise. i'm going to have to learn french pretty fast if i plan to live in canada for a few years in the near future, as school didn't teach me all that well.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

I've got Spanish nearly fluently - I spent two years of my four year degree studying in Madrid, Spain. I wouldn't call it fluent, as I still have an accent and have to hunt for words from time to time. However, someone on the subway once asked me if I was French, so I guess though I sound foreign, I don't sound British :)

Hablo espanol casi con fluidez - pase dos aos de mi curso universitario en Madrid, Espaa. No lo describiria como fluente, ya que sigo con acento y tengo que buscar palabras de vez en cuando. Sin embargo, alguien en el Metro me pregunto un dia si yo era francesa, asi que supongo que aunque parezco extranjera, no parezco britanica!

I've also got French up to the end of high school. I studied a bit in Spain as well. I can write it fairly well and understand it when written. Speaking and listening are harder.

Egalement j'ai etude le francais jusqu'au fin du college. J'etudais le francais un peu en Espagne aussi. Je l'ecris assez bien et je le comprends quand c'est ecrit. C'est plus difficile de parler et de comprendre quand on parle.

How many bonus points can I have? ;) No other languages really; I can just about understand written Portuguese and Italian (because of the French & Spanish) and I know a very few words of Japanese from watching anime.


PS apologies for the lack of accents, but this computer doesn't do them properly.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Native English speaker. Limited (and largely eroded due to lack of use) knowledge of French and German, and am probably more fluent in Latin than either of those. Otherwise, no real knowledge.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

My primary languages are English and Korean (the latter I'm better at understanding and writing then speaking, but I'm still learning).

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Obviously, my native language is English, but I do know a significant amount of French, as I passed my GCSE course with a C about a year ago.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Mi lenguaje nativo es el espanol. El ingles es mi segunda lengua que aprendi cuando estaba en Peru.

Se hablar el italiano muy bien pero necesito mas practica. Quisiera aprender el griego. o.o

Want a translation?:

Spanish is my native language. English is my second language that I have learned when I was still in Peru.

I know Italian very well but I need more practice. I would like to learn Greek.

Posts: 217
Reputable Member

spanish naturally

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

im fluent in Sign Language. id demonstrate my crazy ass skills but its pretty hard to do on the internet. yknow.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I speak and write English fluently (I read collegelevel books so yeah.) and I know 1337 rather well.

Picking up scattered German, might take it as a class.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

I am r fluenza in Englilsh and am speak French some.

Posts: 50
Trusted Member

hmm, let's see, English of course
Espaol tambien a treinta por ciento
et francais aussi trente por cent
svensk cks og norsk
Ok afrikaans en hollands een beetje.
Nihongo mo, ﻟﺺ

Ok, summarized:
to 30 - 40% French,Spanish,Japanese and Egyptian Arabic
to 40 - 50% Dutch/African and Swedish.
to 80 - 90% English
and to 99,9% German XP

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I speak Spanish and English fluently.

These are phrases I know in other languages:
French: Sacre bleu!, the entire chorus to Lady Marmalade.
Russian: I know how to say goodbye and hello but I don't know how to write either of them.
Arabic: "there is no god but god and allah is his prophet" (thank YOU, intro to islam class).
Italian: "Can you buy me a beer?" (My roommate spent a summer in Italy and returned only to know this phrase).
Japanese: Konichiwa, Moo-she moo-she!, kawaii baka neko paedophilia or whatever.
I can also call someone a whore in Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese.

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

I speak,read and write English most fluently.

I speak, read and write Mandarin, but only enough to just pass my GCSE. It is, however, my native language. I can also speak some Hokkien, some Teochew and some Cantonese.

I can speak and write some Malay, which I picked up from my maid, grandmother and father. I know some Indian as well, but I can't read or write it.

I've learned a little Russian and German on my own. Not good enough with either, of course. Long way to go.

Aside from all that, I can curse a little in Korean as well. *shot* XP
