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The following forums still have the reply and edit bug..

Ok... you just need to make a new topic in the forums that don't allow you to reply. For some weird reason it errors out when this is in the hybrid format.

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Posts: 1269
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Please, please work. I want to scream my frustrration at the world!

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Posts: 1269
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Yay!!! Yay!!! I can scream!!! Scream senselesly at something which can't respond in any way whatsoever!!!

You stole my baby, EZbast!!! How could you take my RP Guild away from me?!?!

Posts: 2097
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Yay. EzBoard life. I suppose we'll use this place as a temp MFC?

Posts: 1269
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I'd call it more of a temporary SPA, so when it's not needed, it should be deleted with all haste.

Posts: 258
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*poke poke*


Yay! It lives!

Now if only I could post again in the Guild, then we'd be in business!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Can we edit in here?


Yes, we can!

Posts: 1355
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BLUE!!! ^__^

Hey, just a heads up; HTML isn't enabled in posts for this forum

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

There's really no need to make this area look nice; not if we're gonna be deleting it soon.


I suppose it's practice; not that you need it.

Posts: 1567
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Temporary forum...well we might as well post something worthwhile, like a temporary RP. Who knows how long we'll be stuck here...

Posts: 880
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What RPs should be copied here?

Posts: 1567
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I dunno. That's up to the RP'ers onto which RP should be brought over here. Or we can just make a temporary one if we can't come up with a general concensus...especially since the RP's seem to be missing posts...

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I think we should leave the RP's that have missing posts, and if they are unable to be restored, we'll have to think about how to deal with it when the time comes. RP's which are completely intact however, I think should be okay to copy over.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

The few that are intact without any missing posts are few in number...even if they weren't edited...

Posts: 428
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I never realised how much I depended on this board for my daily needs until I could no longer communicate with it T~T

Posts: 4607
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You should lock up the other fora while you're at it. That way NOBODY can go about corrupting topics, while we mods/admins can easily move topics in-and-out.

Posts: 880
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Good idea

Posts: 1381
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Wahey, I can finally reply again! Now, what about moving the Shadow topic, Gems topic, Q&A topic, and other good stuff like that there? But I do have one question: what makes this forum so special from the others that it doesn't have any problems; I mean this is part of EZBoard, right?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Just like I suspected, a lot of the RP's lost a huge amount of posts...o_O...especially page 3 seems to be a big victim. Don't ask why though...okay who wants to come up with a temporary RP?

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It was recommended to make a new temporary forum so that this forum is ineffected from the attack.

Posts: 512
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I cry also for all the archieves :( .


(This post is missing and can not be restored)

Cries again. Especially all those classics, gone possibly forever.

Posts: 1381
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Ahhh, okay, I think I get it now! Thanks, Lighthead!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

They may be able to be recovered since this is on a Gold membership and the archives are supposedly backed up...though that's out of the question if the hacker went after the servers that have the backup data too...

...but then I doubt I know what I'm talking about...

Posts: 512
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Is it worth posting in any of the sonic topics as in the case of shadow game, there are 110 pages of This post is missing and can not be restored.

Posts: 880
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Afraid not. The latter posts in the originals are still in tact tho.

Posts: 1567
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Guess we start new discussions until everything gets restored...all those topics are blank except for the first post...

Posts: 2234
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I'm up for a temp RP, if anyone wants to create one. Anyone got any ideas?

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Hey dudes, my RP was moved here, but Has way too many missing posts, and there's a seconds page with no posts, please delete >_>

Posts: 7
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I forsee the move to Eliteboard being eariler than planned. >_>

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

A lot of the moved topics are still duds, filled with unknown and missing posts, such as the Shads and Sonic X discussion. You most probably know this already though, but I'm just mentioning it.

Posts: 1567
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Imagine how many posts we're going to see this evening or whatever time it is where you are...o_O...people will be getting their Mofo fix now with this temp forum...

Posts: 2610
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At least this forum was made, so we have something. It's just horrible that this had to have happened. Let's just hope everything can be restored. *huggles the temp forum*

Posts: 859
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When we were hacked the other year we got most the stuff back, is this deeper than that?
Do the backups still exist somewhere?

Posts: 1355
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We dunno. we just have to wait and see.

Posts: 4607
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Is this deeper than that? Much. In that case, we were the only forum hit. This time, it's all ezBread.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Appears the forums are slowly be cured, but with fewer pages (not the normal twenty out) and it takes ages to reply. Crosses fingers.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

We can now post in different forums again, finally. Just when we created this forum for that purpose too.

Now all we need is the return of all the posts, if they have it backed up (hopefully).

Posts: 880
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Another issue we have is that MFC can't be the threaded format without it being glitchy...

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Alright! Everyone grab a pint and start singin!

**Blairs Follging molly music**

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

So, are we now able to edit post again as well?

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Posts: 1269
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Finally! We're able to post everywhere again!

I just hope that we'll be able to get back as much of our data as possible. That could take weeks to get up to scratch.
