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GCSE Results

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Posts: 2234
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Okies, GCSE results time! :D I dont know how many forummers here have just done GCSEs and have gotten their results, but if you have post them here!

Art = A*
Mathematics = A
Geography = A
History = A
English Language = A
English Literature = A
Science Single = B
Science Double = B
Graphics = B (Which I thought I would totally fail, since I was ill on the day of the exam. >_>;;)
Religious Studies = B
French = C (Damn, I should have gone for Higher, and I might have got a better mark. Being in Foundation this was the best I could get)
IT = D (Meh, only a short course GCSE which was really boring. <_<;;; No matter)

So, Im pleased with my results. :D My A Levels are going to be my four best grades, Art, Maths, Geography and History, so its very nice to see good grades in that. ^^

And, I might as well add these anyway. >_> They're my twin sis's grades, and she's very pleased with how she's done.

English Lit = C
English Language = C
Maths = C
Science Singular = C
Science Double = C
RE = D
Geography = B
Graphics = C
IT = D
Business Studies = C
PE = D
Music = C

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Kick ass set or results, Pach, you sexy beast you. ;D Good luck with those A-Levels.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Whoa. Those are real good, Pach. Well done. Well done to your sister as well. (I never knew you were a twin)
Good luck for your future exams! ^^

Posts: 2234
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Thanks very much. :)

I take it then there aren't any other British forummers that were in that year then... >_>;;

Cool! :)

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

Not bad at all. ^^ Lovely selection of As there..

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

some of us are a bit old for GCSEs. :p

but my youngest sister got 9 GCSEs, so i'm very proud of her. ^^

what bugs me is the media screaming about it all getting too easy as more people are getting A grades. surely they should be pleased that kids are working harder and harder to get these grades? if it's supposidly so easy, then what does that make those who got a 'C' or lower?

Posts: 2234
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Hmm, which is slightly strange to see considering that the Sonic series, the primary reason why we even come to this board, is aimed at a more kiddy, teen age. o.o

But thanks very much, the pair of you. :) Becca, tell your sister I said congrats. :) She did well. ^^

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I remember lots of GCSE talk last year... not this year though.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Most of the people here did their GCSEs last year if they do/did them at all, like me. The AS/A2 Results thread was still a bit empty considering, though...

Anyway, nice work on your results. Not much to say except good luck with whatever you decide to do next *cough*A-Levels*cough*. n_n

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Hey, congratulations. Those're some great grades there. I hope you get to do the A Levels you want to (one thing they never seem to tell you is that sometimes you can't do all four that you want - so have some backups!).

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

that she did, and so did you. ^^ well done!

yes, but sonic appeals to a pretty wide audience. we're all ages here.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Lots of GCSE talk last year, but we all got our AS's last wekk :cuckoo

Seriously, well done for ALL those A's, loads of em...


Good luck with extra tuituion, you ARE carrying on arent you? With grades like that I could see a teacher murdering you if you wanted to drop out. :cuckoo

Posts: 2234
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Yeah, definitely carrying on, and once again thank you all for the great comments. :D

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Obviously here we don't have GCSEs (around here we call them Provincial Examinations and they're worth 40% of our grades on all academic courses for the year), but I did get my transcript the other day and it looks a little something like this:

Principles of Mathematics 12 - 69% (68% course; 70% exam)
Principles of Physics 12 - 64% (60% course; 70% exam)
Franais Langue 12 - 78% (77% course; 80% exam)
English 12 - 91% (89% course; 95% exam)
Visual Arts Media Arts 12 - 86%
Theatre Production 12: Stagecraft - 86%
Computer Programming 12 - 92%
Drafting and Design 12 - 94%
Information Technology 12 - 88%

Posts: 2234
Noble Member
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Good work, Cycle. They all look like very nice scores. :)
