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Goodbye, from Bizarro MoFo!

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Goodbye! Am Bizarro Bayfield here to see new place of digusting horror! Am very unimpressed (which am good to non-bizarro!) and am hoping to never come back!

Me come from Bizarro Mofo, where it am crime to be sane. Me think this most fair, as newbies make sure that Bizarro WB am kept in DDS, which am the Discussion Destruction Society; all useless posts am stored there and never replied to.

Bizarro MoFo am so much different from this MoFo, it am very unimpressive!

In Bizarro World, Bizarro Samanfur am always posting all the time, which am upset lots of people. Long ago she was never posting, except to break rules, trolls told her that they am not going to put up with her smarmy behaviour and force her to post for 2 weeks without stopping. She was very happy with present for breaking rules! She was turned to poor person of Bizarro Mofo.

But, Mofo world has spam and rewards people for insanity. Am never seen anything like it. Very normal.

I much prefer Bizarro Mofo, where Bizarro Harley Quinn am a nun and never posting; Bizarro Rico am getting it on with all the ladies.

Am it ok for Bizarro Bayfield to stay on the MoFo to learn about the non-Bizarro world? Am being on worst behaviour and will forget everything!

Oh, and one more thing... Bizarro Bayfield am most powerful and super being in all Bizarro World, above all people and if someone am being stronger than Bizarro Bayfield, he throw them out of window! Am screaming in terror as they laugh maniacally to the ground. Am very very boring scene. Me hate it when that happens.

Sorry for listening! Hello!

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Oh NO. O_o

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Heya Bizarro Bayfield. Say goodbye to Pre-Recorded Gloved-and-Shoed Tails for me, would you?

Posts: 955
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Something tells me you didn't get enough sleep last night o_o; **hides behind her computer chair, peeking her eyes out above the top to watch**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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In Bizarro world do they actually use the cup costers?

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Okay okay okay... I know we need this but... I mean why the... and the way you-- I mean, how... and what...

... god dammit, can I just shoot him? >XP

Posts: 4607
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Woah. Zing posted and then... she didn't?

Oh, it's you Jin. That makes more sense.

Posts: 1355
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Jin forgot to log out! 😀

Edit: ...Er...Yeah. SH realized anyway. 😮

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Jin forgot to log out! 😀


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Damn. Wrong account >_<

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I love bizarro world. It am so...different.

*Pets Bizarro Bayfield*

Posts: 620
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I NEVER log out.

Why the hell she was HERE on my comp is beyond freakin' me!


And figures, the one time something screwy happens, it's the one time people want to reply to this thread within like 5 seconds. XD

Posts: 25
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(Non-Bizarro Bayfield am very sensible! Being very careful to switch accounts!

He deserves a cookie!)

Wont do, Shadow Hog!

Bizarro Mofo is full of pre-recorded, clothed people. Bizarro Dubsie was very kind to draw picture of Pre-Recorded Clothed Eggman. Only part not clothed am his private region, which on view for whole world. Am making people very happy and caused their food to stay settle in stomach.

Other Bizarro Fad am the Bikers. All Bizarro MoFoers transform into sweaty leather clad men, and am always hetrosexual, causing many happy scenes in RP, but withoutn breastmilk or rape, which no one am ever dare do.

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All Bizarro MoFoers transform into sweaty leather clad men, and am always hetrosexual, causing many happy scenes in RP, but withoutn breastmilk or rape, which no one am ever dare do.

You mean... ASH? :O

Oh, and should I remove that unsightly Craig post?

Posts: 620
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Let's leave it. Because it makes the thread even more damn confusing. XD

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.... **bursts out laughing @ the bikers/prerecorded clothed fads things**

Dear lord. You are insane.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 25
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Craig posts am welcome in this topic, he am a very constructive poster and valuable asset to your Mofo (if you am unsure, I am speaking Bizarro. Am not really like Craig)

and, Bizarro-Ash am worst character in all Roads of Calm games, he am not in Japanese version, because Bizarro-Japan is poor and full of frigid homeless people who always am having sex with old people.

Bizarro Bikers am same. Always loving old men.

Posts: 620
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I just PRAY this doesn't begin another Evil/Sailor wave of people to follow suit.

Which you know I'm wrong, because I already hear people making alts of their bizarro self. >XP

I BLAME THE SCHOOLS! *throws cream PiE at Bizarro Craig's face*

Posts: 4607
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And the whole woman that owns that PiE? Ew.

But anywho, Roads of Calm... XD

I'm sure Cookirini's Unofficial Unspiced Pork Topic is pretty unpopular...

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Am greatly flattered by this! {:O

Am homosexual, and not like to bow before PiE, am much prefer to bow before Pocky.

Posts: 1201
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Could you say goodbye to Bizarro Matt Hayter for me, please?

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Besides, we all know PiE is a guy's... well, you know what in Bizarro MoFo.

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Human horn!

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How is Bizarro MoFo able to cope with all those known posts in all those topics?

The Ezhack must have been a blessing of sorts over there. o.o

Posts: 620
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Besides, we all know PiE is a guy's... well, you know what in Bizarro MoFo.

Nah, it can't be PiE. Has to be a different word. And something a little more blunt. Probably SaUsAgE. =3

Posts: 4607
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Oh, right. It was CakE.

Posts: 955
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How is Bizarro MoFo able to cope with all those known posts in all those topics?
Perhaps instead of losing posts, the boards were suddenly flooded with posts from years ago o.o

~Shadowed Spirit Sgae

Posts: 4607
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Not to mention they just moved off EliteBoard, which was horribly done.

How do I know this? I dunno. I'm just theorizing.

Posts: 620
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CaKe by Zing's standard. XD Stupid Matrix sequel.

*Looks at post number*

DRAT! At this rate I'll go way over. >.> *stops and says to hell with it and gets dressed and ready for work. Yay*

Hey, Bizarro Craig, we greet eachother here by cutting our own ears off. If you want to visit MoFo and fit in, you damn well better follow the custom. If you don't like it, you can GIYEET OUT! ::dur::

Posts: 4607
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You did it again, Craig. 😛

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Am brave to say am able! Matthew Hayter am second most intellegant being in Bizarro World, newbies make MattHayter robot which am least annoying and productive being in Bizarro World and make sure that our best posters, The Steven; Harumiko; Squishie and Ultra Sonic am kept unhealthy and never posting!

It am thanks to Matthayter we learn that Sonique was only one in Bizarro world who didn't buy Sonic Heroes (which am amazing game, we so excited to hear about Shadow game we praised and said he am best thing to happen to series!); and that games need violence so terrorists will attack America and make Bizarro George Bush sad.

George Bush being only person in Bizarro world more smart than Matthayter.


EZhack am indeed flood forum with all useful posts from long ago. RPers very happy. Harley Quinn was very quiet and sensible about the whole affair, not making fool of self, but she am always like this, one time she come into chat and say "YOU CHILD BORN OF WEDLOCK LIGHTHEAD!" he am not amused though, sad day, everyone cried and no one laughed.

Much better time was Sonic CulT hack, which am very calm time where people were all friendly and happy. Am remembering those days very well. Pachuka definately nicest man Bizarro Bayfield am ever met.

Posts: 1201
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In Bizarro MoFo, do adults eat Acrio?

Posts: 158
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Someone put this chump up against Fexus Fan. It'll be a hellova scooterin'!

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No, that am Soviet Mofo, with Red Sun Bayfield. Soviet Mofo am less normal than Bizarro Mofo. Yakov Smirnoff am admin there, and he am say that in Soviet Mofo, thread post you.

Also am saying tank need rocket. But me am think he almost as sane as FexusFan.

I love Fexusfan. He am almost lost last election to George Bush if he not such diabolical genius.

Yakov Smirnoff managed to lose soviet election! Show he am worse man. Bizarro Yakov Smirnoff almost made with legendary Momad machine, but it am causing a rip in time and space with a paradox.

Paradox very good, we leave it that way. Nasty looking vortex am much better than real Vortex, who am also very sane, and tries to take away the DDS. No one likes Bizarro Vortex and never listens when he says anything sensible.

But avoiding your question, Bizarro Acrio am a very usual kitten and he am regurgitating babies on sparing occasions. He am never call them his children, because in Bizarro Mofo no one is related or wants to get married. Except Bizarro Wesu (hates being called Wesu. Much prefer NeoPikmin), who am most go-getting lady killer on Bizarro MoFo. He am going through 3 or 4 girls every day, writing happy posts in his deadjournal, and listening to good music.

Bizarro Acrio am like that, but he am much more hated and disliked.

Posts: 4607
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I wonder if Fexusfan is hated in Bizarro MoFo?...

Posts: 158
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I wonder if Fexusfan is hated in Bizarro MoFo?...

More than likely. And he'd probably be all propper in grammer and be all like Pip Pip Cheerio and such with one of those half-glasses thing, (I know it's a word... something ocular or some thing like that. I'm so out of it right now.)

TO WORK!!! *Super Friends starry-change-scene sound effect*

Posts: 3666
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Monocle. o.~

And XD @ All this Bizarro MoFo stuff

I wonder if Bizarro Matt has thrown any boulders at bullies recently.

Posts: 1269
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You see? I always notice when people talk about me. It comes from poking my nose in absolutely everywhere.

I've got to have a word with this Bizzarro Harley, and teach it some SPAnners.

Nothing like heavy posting to make people notice you, even if they do never take you seriously. Unless they then deliberately ignore you.

As for this Bizarro Rico... is he cute?

Posts: 1355
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Bizarro Rico is fugly.

Posts: 1376
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>>Damn it, if a infusion of Bizarro people come, I'm going to cry. This is already weird enough with teh Bizarro explanations of past events, and ok so what teh heck took you son long to get here Bizarro Craig?

Posts: 1567
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Sadly DL, I can already hear the stampede of Bizzaro accounts coming...

Posts: 1269
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You know, in the Harley Quinn comics they created a Bizarro-Harley. She blew up, of course - but she was cool.

Posts: 1376
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Don't say that. Usually they appear within minutes of the first one. Maybe if we stay quiet enough,they won't come here. Its like when you are on a long road trip and you pass a gas station that you know you can fill up at, but tat the same time, you know you have JUST enough gas to make it to the next town-therby pushing your risk factor from 5 to 9.

They COULD come here, but they may not, in lieu of finding a Uber-non Bizarro place >>

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Am more worried about regular Mofoers moving to Bizarro Mofo.

We am convinced that all our Bikers would be seduced by your positive-world charms!

Biker Nudity and Biker Modesty am most saught after pieces of meat in the Bizarro MoFo. Everyone am always staring wide eyed at them.

Please don't invade Bizarro Mofo!

Posts: 4607
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Hmm... I wonder if Bizarro Bayfield was inspired by Level -0 in Stinkoman 20X6...

Posts: 1619
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Bizzaro Matt Hayer? The respected bizarro forumer that is an upstanding model for all posters? o.o

....Tell him he missed our date, yo. o.o;;

Posts: 2354
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I wonder how is Bizarro Dreamers or whatever their names happen to be in Bizarro MoFo.

Can you say goodbye to Bizarro Dreamer for me? I need to talk to him about a certain wager.

Posts: 1631
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lol I'm curious as to what Bizzaro Wraith is like o.O

Probably hates RPs with a vengance right? lol


Posts: 73
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That was priceless ^_^

**hugs Bizarro-Bayfield**

Thanks for visiting 😉

Posts: 774
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Of course. it's Bizarro!
Sparks: stupid!
Sparks: Stu-*punched* aah!

I am afraid of what Bizarro Kairus will be.

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