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Guess who says hello.

18 Posts
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Posts: 18
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Hello all.

Sadly I've been away for sometime, and I don't know how long its been, but its been a while.
Just thought I would stop by to say hello to everyone who's old and new here.

It's been a long time since I've stepped in this forum, and as I can see, so much has changed.
I didn't want the feeling that I just got up and lefted, it's just the fact that I haven't got the spare time to stop and write, but have thought about this forum for time on end.

I thought I would return for just a while, just to let you know that I have been doing well in voice acting, and that I'm nearly there on the big screen. sadly not at the moment, it's very hard being turned down.

I hope everyone here is doing well, and that new faces deserve my respect.

Though just to let you all know that I'm still here, and that hopefully one day I can get back to what I do best, and keep myself in the flow of this forum.

Hello to thoses who know me, and hello to thoses who don't.

Man it feels weird being back here, but I love it.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

You just dropped off the face of the forum. o.o

If you ever get the job, tell us! We'd like to know what you're in.

TeWeBa (Temporary Welcome Back)!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I thought you were dead!

Stop leaving, darn you, you're too important. *Glues your feet to the forum and coats you in cement* there we go. In honour of our favourite voice actor, besides Crispin Freeman, a living statue!

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Howdy JKK, good to see you're doing ok. Blimey, it's been years, hasn't it?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Nice to see you again, JKK ^_^

I know you'll keep trying and hopefully sooner than later we'll hear you on the screen. 🙂

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I think I may have signed up after you left, but welcome back nonetheless! I hope you'll soon get a job on the big screen. We're all rooting for you.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Hiya! *pounce*

Posts: 210
Estimable Member

wow it has been a while, hasn't it ;o


Posts: 18
Eminent Member
Topic starter

It has been a been a while, infact a couple of years.

Sadly I won't be here for most of the time, with a busy job and relationship to somewhat distraction, I just don't have the time like I did back then.

I thought I would just pass buy to let you all know that I'm doing great and to say hello, and it's nice to see some fimilar faces still remain and the site doing so well.

If I can get some spare time in the future, I'll come back to check up on the place. It's just so great to know it's still going well, and that everyone here is enjoying themself.

Anyway Christmas is almost here again, and I might just stay around long enough to enjoy it with you lot.


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I have no idea who you are and this makes me feel young an beautiful ^___^


Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*tapes you to the wall* remain here longer! oo

Posts: 3468
Famed Member


Posts: 1619
Noble Member


*loads shotgun*

Anyhow, welcome back! Come back more often when you have the time. ^__^

*turns around and shoots Craig*

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Another one that snuck off without saying goodbye. Since you've already been glued down, I'll just add a few staples. :3


Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Good gods.
A familiar username.
Welcome back, JKK. Nice to know you're doing well.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O Blashphemy that you leave and not leave a Dear John Letter :O. T-that's just mean!


Posts: 1201
Noble Member

Hey, it's that guy whose name I frequently tried to pronounce. I'm sure I've seen you post here for a couple of months after I registered, but maybe I'm confusing that with the 8 months I spent lurking beforehand.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

JKK, jesus. I remember you; way back when I was Mike Speed Hedgehog. Lots of memmories of which I do not really recall right now are on the edge of rememberance. Glad to have you back; even if it is just for a little bit.

Welcome back. =D
