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GUESS WHO'S BACK and it ain't Space Girl...

26 Posts
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Posts: 1195
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Sorry, little Simpson humor there.

Yea, I return, after freakin' 2 months without the internet! IT WAS TORTURE...well, maybe not TOO much (I've kept myself occupied with a job and more video games). But long story short, my comp and internet were getting along fine until the network card broke them up. After 2 months of painful relationship, the internet and comp are back and all is happy!


Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Welcome back!


How's it going? We've missed ya! 😀

Posts: 1702
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*pounces Neo*

Welcome back! We missed ya!

Posts: 1195
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Topic starter

Well, I've been al right (got me a job AND a nice Gamecube). I just have a lot of catching up to do, and debating whether I even should bother posting up the remaining Sonic X reviews in the US Sonic X discussion since it's been a long time.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Ah, welcome have missed a lot...but glad to see you are back!

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Welcome back, you've been missed. Always nice to see a returning member.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Good to see you back, Neo. 🙂

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Welcome Back! We have all missed ya! 2 months with out the internet...*shudders*

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Veeeelcome back to Waaaaaliowooooorld...

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Heh, welcome back, Neo ^_^

If you ever do post those reviews, they'll be read. ;p

Posts: 429
Reputable Member

Welcome back, my child! Come, eat! Drink! Be merry! Update your antivirus files! Check your Windows Updates! Rejoice in our good Lord!

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

You were gone? Wha?

No way?

No serously, its been 2 months x_X?

Wow, when you're busy harming Remington, times does fly :P! ::FLEETH::

Nice to see you are back safe and sound. Now KEEP yer butt here!

Posts: 1201
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Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Great to have you back!

We missed you, too.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Not Space Girl? Then... maybe the Spice Girls are back?

...wouldn't that be a bad thing? Or good? One of the two.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh. It's you. c_c

What, you marry me and then vanish into the night? What kind of example are you setting for the kids!?

**tosses bread crumbs to a pair of rocks**

Oh, why won't you eat? You're breaking Daddy's lonely little heart... ;_;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You. Don't leave again *GLOMP-HUGS* Now, get your butt to South Island, I wanna hear some Remy opinions on Shadow and Sonic X-2 😀

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Yes. Welcome back.


Oh come on! I'm tired! You can't really expect a big post out of me!

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


I though something was missing around here :).

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

No serously, its been 2 months x_X?

Yeah, I know. To me, it feels like its been five years, what with me breaking my knee and even after heals, having it laugh at me and say "The weather's changing! LET'S UP THE ACHING TODAY! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

.....I'm sorry, we were talking about Remmy? x_X

Posts: 1195
Noble Member
Topic starter

Oh. It's you. c_c

What, you marry me and then vanish into the night? What kind of example are you setting for the kids!?

**tosses bread crumbs to a pair of rocks**

Oh, why won't you eat? You're breaking Daddy's lonely little heart... ;_;

Tossing foods at rocks, I KNEW you'd be a wreck while I was away for a couple of months. Well, time to call marriage counselling again.

You. Don't leave again *GLOMP-HUGS* Now, get your butt to South Island, I wanna hear some Remy opinions on Shadow and Sonic X-2 😀

*has some choice words for a certain Mr. black hedgehog, insert the evil laughs and rubbing hands together*

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



We'll never resolve our marital problems if we don't start talking about it. STOP TUNING ME OUT.


Tossing foods at rocks, I KNEW you'd be a wreck while I was away for a couple of months. Well, time to call marriage counselling again.

They won't return our calls after that last session. I guess admitting to starting college funds for Pebbles and Bam-Bam might have been more than they were willing to cope with. >.>;

Thank goodness for the Psychic Friends Network! Only 99 cents for the first minute, $9.99 for each additional minute. Get your parent, guardian, next of kin, spouse, pet, neighbor, bully, nearest living dark wizard, caped avenger, Man in Black, Kid Next Door, Blue Bomber, stereotypical anti-social loner with a chip on his shoulder and bishi looks, card-wielding over-active Japanese boy with a penchant for yelling out each and every move they make, and/or Master of the Universe's permission before calling.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yay welcome back. *throws surprise bash* *eats cake*

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Welcome baaaack!! ^_^

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

(Blinks) Little late, aren't I.
Anyway, welcome back.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Welcome back!

I'm only just back, too - now with my own broadband connection!

So when I'm not at work or doing RL stuff, I've actually got some flexibility now. 🙂
