Hi, the names Dan, altough I prefer to be called Digger. I have only recently found this site and I must say that this is one of the most informative sites that I have seen. As I live in England I never heard of SatAM until I stumbled across it and was intrigued. Once I found out what it was I remembered watching it way back when. During my search I turned up a relationship club on deviant art, all about Sally and Sonic. To say that I became an instant fan was a little bit of a understatement. I find it odd as I first saw Sonic and Amy. I have seen what wars have erupted over this topic, so I don't want to cause any just for being a sonicxsally fan. Well, thats enough of my history, now to give a bit of info.
As stated above I'm Dan (or Digger) and I live in England.
I'm 20 years old (and yes I'm still a Sonic fan). My likes are Sonic, Sally, fanart, computer games and playing said games.
My dilikes are Eggman (though he's tops in Battle), flamers,
introductions and people who start a "whos best" war.
My all time number one fear is being eaten by members of a Forum.
I probably won't post much as I'll be searching for info on SatAM. But when I do, It'll proably be questions. So, thats basically me in a nutshell. I'll try my best to answer any questions. And in closing, I read somewhere that Sally is not an offical sega character as she has starred in no games. Well, I may have found something that may remedy that. I found it out by accident. On sonic spin ball for the sega gensis (or mega collection). Complete the toxic caves in order to play the first bonus round. In it you have to break open these capsules at the top while Robotnik tries to protect them. In one of them is Sally. It's her old pink body/black hair model but it is her, along with Rotor and Bunnie. If any one thinks I'm wrong then by all means say so. I just thought it would be worth metioning. And once again, great site.
Sure I'll ally with you. It's always good to find another Sallyxsonic fan. But will we be enough to win this war do you think?
If you prefer to be called Digger, blah blah blah...
Now you probably won't find a lot of info on Sat AM since everything got wiped about a month ago. But since we love you, we'll keep going.
Oh, and SonicxSally won't win - there's just to many SonicxTails and SonicxShadow fans out there.
Thats ok as I like Tails myself. He is so cool,in Sonic X I also like Eggman As waell. A great new look I think. Now I heard a rumor that the second season of X was delayed as the voice actor for Eggman had died. Is this true or a net rumour?
Hey there, nice to meet you ^_^ **is an American forumer, but hey**
I'm not sure about the rumor.... I know Eggman's voice actor passed away for the Sonic Adventure games, but I'm not sure about Sonic X.... I hope it's just a rumor though ^^; People passing away = bad....
Well anyway, welcome to the boards and hope to see you around ^^
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
Yup, howdy. I be no cowboy, but welcome to a fellow SatAM fan just the same. I'm not your hardcore Sonic + Sally fan in the sense that I don't advocate that over all the other choices, but I loved the SatAM for the plots, the character interactions, and the untoppably classic dialogue. That and the infinite number of possibilities for what happened after the second season, which was what prompted me to become a fiction writer in the first place.
Thanks for the greeting guys(and gals). I am hoping to find some Archie comics so I can get up to speed. I have heard Ixis Nagus metioned a lot. Who is he and whats with the metal hand? Also, if Sally split up with sonic in #134, how comes she still hangs around with him? And also what did Sonics face look like when Sally slapped him? I have read the review and every one says that sonics face is a picture. I was going to ask if anyone would mind putting up a quick pic of it? If not thats ok. And once again, thanks for the intro.
They're friends. Just because you aren't romantically involved with someone doesn't mean you can't be friends. ;p
Archie doesn't equal SatAM, and it's not a continuation of SatAM either. Keep that in mind if you really decide that you want to read it.
Hey, thanks for the info. It has really helped. I have another question.I guess I will probably stop asking questions once I find a few issues of the archie comics.In your opinon, what would be the best artist as I have heard that there are good and bad artists as well as writers. And just as a side question, Does anyone think that Sonic and Sally will get back together? I hope so as I think it will probably reel back all the older fans, but I think that if they don't Archie are probably making a big mistake. Then again, Archie probably did make mistakes in the past.
Yo. Good to see another new member...unless you're an old member in disguise! CONSPIRACY! DA DA DAAAAA!
Welcome to the boards. I am Crimson, here to bring you happy happy joy joy.
Now, about the Spinball thing. Yes, those are Satam characters in there. But the problem is that Spinball was strictly a Sega of America game, and thus is not considered cannon at all. Sorry. But it's still a nice little bit in a nice little game ^^
Anyway. About the eating of newbies. I'm sorry to say that it often occurs around here, a ghastly horrible tradition, I know. Which is why I am here, to prevent such practices.
By being much more inventive
*Hangs Digger up by his toes with dental floss and puts him in a dunking chair contraption, attached to a target. Then starts to give free shots to the target for the chance of dropping Digger through the trapdoor into the soundproof room below in which Hanson's "Mmmm bop" is continually looped*
Or is that, new poster? Oh well...
Yes, welcome Mr Digger, sir! Enjoy the boards. Answering your question to the comics, you can order them from the internet.
Yes people, I recieved the first 19 issues of Knuckles The Echidna yesterday I couldn't have expected less. Can't wait to get more!
Well anyway, Mr Digger, sir I hope you enjoy the boards.
I will enjoy the board, thankyou. Once I can get this dental floss off my toes. I have a few old pics that I would like to put up. I also have been concocting a fanfic in my cluttered brain, but it is full of holes. I only hiope it survives the board. If anyone is interested, I will start writing it butI will have to put it up in pieces. If there is anything that seems wrong with it, I will do my best to rectify it. Just on a side note, the only SatAM episode I saw was the "Doomsday Project". And I would like to thank Crimson for the initiation. I think I'm going to enjoy it here.">
Welcome to the ruins of the MoFo. You've joined us in a new age of Cybertron! UNTIL ALL ARE ONE!
Or something like that. Anywho, as you can tell the place is rebuilding itself from the rubble of the EZhack, but we rock so it'll be back up and running in no time. I hope that you'll be joining us
Shoot, this guy's a natural forumer if he hasn't run off screaming yet.
Should I have run off screaming? oh well. I amnaged to find a site during my travels of the net of SatAM fanart. If any one wants I'll put the link up in the approiate forum. Well, I gotta go. need to complete the Labrinyth Zone.
*whispers to Crimson* Maybe you should have gone with something more terrifying than Mmm Bop.
Oh, Mmm Bop is terrifing enough. On an infinate repeat it will simply drill its way into his brain. Even if he escapes, it will be embedded in his head turning his brain to cottage cheese ^^
It's like the Winnie the Pooh theme tune, but worse.
I dunno, there are more terrifying songs.... like that old song, "So Happy Together" -- that song on repeat would disturb me for DAYS. X_@;; *ahem*
How about the Chao Race songs on repeat? :3
On a semi-ontopic note, I'm glad you're getting used to the insanity around here, Digger ^^
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
You need to help me. If my brain turns to cottage cheese then I can't write my fanfic. And that would be a great shame. I need to know how to reverse it. I still havn't got throught he Labrintyh Zone yet, and I never will if I don't have my brain. I was thinking of putting my hand to a bit of Fanart. So I really need my brain Mr Crimson Boxer lord person sir.
So I really need my brain Mr Crimson Boxer lord person sir.
That was far to sweet, I'll have to let you go now
I must be loosing my touch. Run free gentle Digger! And may you make it to Carni Isle without mishap!
Thank you Mr Crimson Boxer Lord person Sir *Kisses feet*
Now I can start on my Fanfic. Also if anyone could tell me some characters that were used in the comic. That is one of the MAJOR holes. I was going to use my own but I thought it better to use characters that every one knows. If any one could tell me any I would be gratful. *Starts to write Fanfic*
I would recommend looking around in Knothole Village, but...well....it's a smoking heap.
Can't help you I'm afraid, my knowledge of archie is second to none. Which ranks me beneath zero. ^^
Thanks anyway Crimson. Does anyone else know any Charactors either Archie or SatAM?
Welcome to the MoFo! Mostly everything was said already, but I just wanted to say hello. Hope you post more often than you expected to. Good luck on the fanfic. *thumbsup*
Burmecian? Please tell me you are a fan of FF9...
In answer to your question turnadot, Yes I am a FF9 fan, but I'm also a sonic fan, to be more pricise a SonicxSally fan. If any ones interested the begiing of my fanfic is in Carneval island. I'm hoping that it can survive the board.
Welcome to the board! ^^ I hope you have fun here! =)
hi digger. i'm le new too.
Welcome Omega! Enjoy the boards!
Answer to Digger's question: Characters for Archie or SatAM:
Nic/Nac the Weasles, Sally Acorn, Rotor(Boomer).
There's more, but at the moment I'm brain-dead.
*checks time* One Peice is starting!
It's nice to see another person who is new. I want to ask about the bouncing chicken and Dr Fexus. Who or what are they? Also thanks to Abijay for the characters. The first chapter of Tears of Blood should be up later so watch that space.
There's Prince Elias Acorn, Dr. Quack, Geoffery St. John the Skunk, and Hershey the Cat. You can always check here for all the characters that have appeared in the comic.
Oh so thats what they are. Thanks.
^^; But you can't just see a picture and read a short bio of the great Doctor. Perhaps he'll be nice and grace this thread with his presence. Lord knows we need a good annization after this EzMess.
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
I've just suddenly had a strange question. What if a human was to absorb the powers of the chaos emeralds? Now that would be a sight to see. I have also read the post for the omline sonic game. It looks and sounds cool. They've taken somwthing good and made it better. The second chapter of tears of blood should be up either this evning or this afternoon. Also, what is this Dr Fexus like, personality wise?
...Imagine the EzHack in fox form.
Also hello to, Saber was it?
So hes a ittle off the wall then? and if any one hadn't noticed the second part of my fanfic 'Tears Of Blood' is in Carneaval island. If people could post comments on it, it'll help me to improve it. Also as a teaser, I've included the beginning of the third chapter. Happy reading.
Welcome to the Glourious place that is the Mobius Forums. Stood here for a little more then half a decade - I believe anyway. But welcome all the same, I'm Mike but you can call me Secretary Smart-Ass. Hehehe, anyway also graced to meet another Sonic SATam fan. Hope you enjoy your stay and drop your sanity at the door please.
Oh and I personally don't prefer the SonicxSally couple, nor the AmyxSonic one. Personally I'm all for everyones singing mongoose. Lol, yeah - I'm a Mina fan. =P
Anyway welcome and enjoy your stay.
May I also extend warm welcomes to you both? And Digger, worry ye not, you're not the oldest on this forum. For example, I'm 24
You'll also find a fair mix of nationalities, there's quite a few Britishers here.
And Craig, darn you, I now have a terrible urge to go watch Transformers the Movie!
*must resist* *must go clean cooker hob*
Welcome to the forum!
Thanks. Just to let any one reading know that chapter three of my fanfic tears of blood is noe on Carnval island. I would like feedback on it so far so leave any posts her or on the tears od blood thread. Thanks and enjoy.
P.S Be nice
You're dead. o.o
I was just in Cleyra before Odin smacked it down good, how did you survive? **only just arrived in Alexandria to rescue Garnet when I bump into Steiner, who was confused and befuddled as ever**
Dagger, I'll find you! **runs off**
I faked my own death so the black mage would go away then I escaped with everyone else but thats beside the point.
Chapter 4 is hotm on the board expect 5 some time tonight.