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Hello to all

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Posts: 1321
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Just wanted to say hello from a uni guy!

I remember Sonic from my younger days!

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Hey, SS.
I'm AbiJay, as you can see...
Erm, yes. Welcome to the boards!

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Hello, good sir. My name is Wes, and I'll be your guide today. 🙂

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

NO! Don't make him be your guide!
He'll take you to places best not described!!

Posts: 1321
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Posts: 731
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I'll be your guide. How about it?

Posts: 1321
Noble Member
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Cool. Are you guiding me anywhere exotic?

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Welcome aboard. The kitchen is 5 doors down hall on the left and the bathroom is just downstairs. Hope you enjoy your stay.:p

Posts: 1321
Noble Member
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Ta, and I'll try not to get lost.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Don't let Wes touch you, he's not a certified guide! 😯

... And hello.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I can guide you to places man was not meant to tread!

I shall destroy you also!

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Nice to see another new face, and I'll be a student next year as well.

We have something in common, do you see, do you see? :cuckoo

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

*flashes badge marked "Hi! I'm an Admin!"*

Greetings, and welcome to the Mobius Forum! You can call me Sam (if you like), and the 17+ age bracket was our second largest at the last count, so you should be able to find plenty of uni folk to talk to. I'm a postgraduate, myself - and work is almost enough to make me miss my MSc! 🙁


Welcome to the Mobius Forum! Make yourself at home! Pull up a... NO! Put Becca's pillow fortress back! NO! That's where Camilla the rubber chicken's nesting this week! NO! That's Rick's... never mind...

In case of emergency, the exits are here, here, here, here and through the whopping great holes in the code.

Don't chase the chickens.

Don't feed the hamsters after midnight.

Don't accept any strange invitations to dinner.

Don't take your eyes off your shoelaces.

Don't arouse Sailor Evil's wrath, for I just got it to sleep, it gets awfully cranky, and I can't afford the reupholstery bills.

Please deposit your sanity and self respect in the receptacles provided, keep your seatbelt fastened at all times, and enjoy the ride!

Have a nice day!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Steve welcome. Hope you stay...

FOREVER!!!!1 ^_^

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


*flashes badge marked "Hi! I'm an Admin!"*

*Mr Creosote sneeks up on Sam and steals the badge*

*Runs away very fast*

Posts: 2116
Noble Member


*produces shiny senshi wand*




*cackles maniacally*

I love the smell of barbecue in the morning!

(And I haven't had an excuse to use that trick in years!)

*removes badge from charred paw and dusts the ash off*

Mine, I think. 🙂

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Mental note: Steal badge while Sam's not looking and sell it in Ebay. >=D

You also forgot to NEVER, never, never, ever feed the foxes at midnight. Especially the one named Cj.

I don't know what happens when you do that but just follow this advice, even though I'm a villain.

On second thought, why don't you give them this hot dog. >=D

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Another new person! Greetings.

Now....obay. *Boxer pose*

Posts: 2232
Noble Member


*snaps his fingers* Boxer slaves, attack that ninja, or you will never see my boxers again!

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Hello and welcome from another fellow student.

Although it seems that the official "welcomers" are being somewhat slack these days, it is probably still a good idea to ensure that you are insured for acts of randomness and maliciousness for the near future, and that you take steps to avoid making yourself edible. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be for you...

Oh, and as Sam has so superbly pointed out, it doesn't matter how fast you can run around here, you will get caught...

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Hello Student Steve! Nice to be saying hi to a newbie for once instead of being the newbie. I am a boxer slave to the Gran High Boxers Overlord.

*Quietly weeps into a hanky*

This place is fantastic, trust me. Keep an eye out for my brother, Burmecian Soldier Dan:p

*Bows to all and vanishes in flash of green light*

Posts: 1321
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks for all these welcomes! As I was saying before, I chose a daft name, as I'm not going to be a student for much longer. The dreary world of work is beckoning! Gotta clear that loan!

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Welcome to the MoFo. As Sam said, please leave your sanity and self-respect at the door. You won't have any need of them. Now...


*changes you into a Dark NiGHTS Chao*

Enjoy your stay.

Offtopic: Man, I haven't done that in forever.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member



*snaps his fingers* Boxer slaves, attack that ninja, or you will never see my boxers again!

Oh, I'm sure you can let this one slide, surely you have an extra pair of boxers lying around somewhere. >>

Either way, I'm out of here.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Nb- Things not to do list.

Do not attempt to steal from an admin (especially those with wands).
