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He's Back...

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Posts: 327
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All I can definitely say about the last time I was at this message board is that it was so long ago, my CheezyBoard profile can't even begin to find my last post.

One self-imposed exile later, what has become of ol' J. Rapid? The story can be found as Rapidfire: The Mini-Series on VHS and DVD. The short synopsis can be best summarised as growing up (hopefully, anyway; I remember when I was 14 or so and first appeared on this scene as a very annoying little child). :nn;

Now, I'm living up to my standards. Finally a little bit more mature, and happily living as a student in the United States. So with what was probably something between one to two years away from this place, what has inexplicably drawn me back here?

Sonic, I suppose. But I strayed through SHQ not long ago looking for something, and one link led to another, including some happenstance discovery of the notion that I was banned (I was? Must have been an extremely annoying child) and now, in the words of the immortal sage Craig Bayfield, I AM RETURN!

*ahem* Yeah. Pardon all my previous, puerile behaviour. Salvete omnes, chairete panes, hola a todo el mundo, bonjour tout le monde, and hello again, everyone.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I'm trying not to confuse you with JRapidfire, our resident homophobe.

The name IS familiar, but I can't quite recall WHO you are. :(


Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Dios Mio!

I saw you in chat... Welcome back... even though I don't think we ever met...

Anyways... A Uni student? Might I ask which one? I'm a sophomore at the University of St Thomas

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

hi and who are you? ANSWER ME! but not till after school.....

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Slaps Rick* Silly boy, how can you forget Rappy? He was the awesome fan-fic/RP dude, inseperable from Chrisuu on many occasions.

I have many fond memories from the old OLD skool chat RPs, and that one 24 hour crazy one before Matthias went on his mission. Dang it's been years...

Welcome back dude!

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O Wow...I seriously thought you were gone for good :O!?! Another one has arisen from their graaaavve. Welcome back man :O

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

You probably don't remember me (noone does), but welcome back regardless.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

Welcome back, Rapidfire! I more remember you from the AIM chat than the forum.

And I don't think anyone will be confusing you with JRapidfire, AKA The Same Annoying Snot That Always Comes Back.

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

Lol... When I entered this topic, I almost did confuse you with JRapidfire, until I saw your postcount. Well, glad to have another MF veteran return. Welcome back.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Hello there! I'm new ^^ *gingerly proffers her paw* So don't worry I don't remeber anything you did!

p.s. yo Sakaki22, your sig rulez. (it's the first time I've seen it)

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

You have Craigy's endorsement so you have my "w/b". ;)


Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Weba, man. You don't remember me, probably because I was not to join until long after you left (Or, I was extremely new.)

But still weba.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Rappy! :D Long time see. Rapidfire... man, there's name takes me back, all the way back to the days of ezChat, Acrio speaking in romaji and references to embarassing incidents with cheese. Good times, good times.

Posts: 327
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Topic starter

Aye, I'm probably better remembered in the glory days of the MoFo chat, including the 2 dimensions of role-playing in the AIM and EZBoard chatrooms. *nods at Craig*

Names I remember thus far include Rico, Craig, Darkest Light, One Tru Blu (though I don't think we've talked too much to each other), Sakaki, and SX. And yes, don't confuse me with this "JRapidfire" character. Sounds like I either have a strange impostor or some such thing. I might even be remembered for the old forum story "The Taming of the Fox."

Cheers for the welcoming back. And Stewie, I attend the College of New Jersey. *throws :cookies at the masses*

Posts: 2398
Noble Member



Posts: 955
Noble Member

Holy crap, I remember you o.o **giggles** I don't remember seeing you around the boards, but I do remember the old AIM chat days.... wow, that's almost four years or so....

Welcome back, you! **hug** ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Holy crap, I'm remembered.

That's probably a bad thing, though. >>

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Weba! You accuse me of f***ing cheese.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Hey there man. Your username is certainly familiar to me. ^^ I remember you from all those years ago... what's ironic is that in all this time, you still have a higher postcount than me... and I never left for any long period of time! XD XD XD

Anyway, webas dude. ^^


Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Welcome back, been a while. AIM chat RP days, fun fun.

Dunno if you still want to or what, but we are doing a somewhat similar series in the RP room in the Flashchat. Takes place basically a few years after the old AIM chat, though I'm probably the main one who still RPs who even remembers a lot of the old stuff.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


I remember thee. I think I was in an RP with you at one point...maybe. It was a long while ago, so I can't remember. o.o

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Holy crap. I actually remember you.

Remember Gotenks/NeoPikmin? That kid that was an overly emotional little prude? Yeah, speaking.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

To explain it to you, Rapid.

JRapidfire? One of the people we in the AIM chat frequently confused with TheTrueSonic. Same style of idiot, except this one is more reoccuring. He comes back after his yearly banning or so.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Why hello there, Mr. Rapidfire. I don't quite know who you are, but I gladly welcome you back to the forum. It's a good thing to see oldbies return.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Hey there, Rapid! I remember you.

I still have that picture of your Sailorness soldier, if you want it. XP

Welcome back!
