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hey everyone long time no see. haven't posted here in forever.

Posts: 3291
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so long that i don't remeber you. oo *pokes with a cookie*

Posts: 889
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Oh, uh hey.
I cant say I remember you though.

Posts: 2438
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And going by "Sonic" makes it even harder to identify you as someone we know even if we did know you before.

But welcome back in any case, heck maybe you don't want us to remember you. 😛 And I think it's still technically okay to steal shoelaces.

*steals them and is beaten in a spork duel by Chibi-Becca for them, so he loses them*

She knows Spork-Fu.

Posts: 3291
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i'm also a green belt at aikido. :p *bops terg with her spork*

Posts: 3468
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I'm surprised someone could register with a name so obvious...

...then again, SOMEONE's gotta take it.

Posts: 1044
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Total Posts :: 98
Member Since :: April 12, 1999 (Global User)

Also a registered global user as well o_o

and Welcome back! o.o

Posts: 731
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Welcome back!
Don't know who you are, but welcome back!

Posts: 1694
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Welcome back, person I don't know. ^-^

Posts: 1037
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Hey there! :D

Posts: 429
Reputable Member

OMG it's Sonic!!

Posts: 3468
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A Great Ball isn't good enough; try an Ultra Ball!

Posts: 731
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Or an SX ball!
Bad joke. I know.

Posts: 609
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How's it going man.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Must say that I don't even remember you, either (and I've been around long enough to remember a lot of strange and obscure usernames :)) - but "Welcome back!" all the same.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Well hey, right back at yah. ;)

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Noob here knows nothing about you, so being here since 99 makes you an old timer.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I remember you!

No WAY am I the only person that does! >> <<

Jus kiddin, I dont either. ;_; WHO ARE YOU! Welkee backee though

Posts: 2116
Noble Member


Noob here knows nothing about you, so being here since 99 makes you an old timer.

As someone who's been here since '98, I'm not sure how to take that. 😉

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

"As someone who's been here since '98, I'm not sure how to take that. 😉 "

It makes you close to retirement and pension age 😮 *gives you an oap bus pass, a pipe and a blanket* now don't move or you'll hurt yourself!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


As someone who's been here since '98, I'm not sure how to take that. 😉

A compliment. Definitely a compliment. Christ, I'd LOVE to have been here at '98, although seeing as I'd have been about 10 at the time, I dunno how that'd have worked out. Assuming I could time travel so I'd remain 19, though, those must've been great times.

Of course, 2003 wasn't that bad, either.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

holy crap

this place was around when i was 6 years old

i don't think i even knew what the internet was at the time

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I didn't know about the internet until I was in junior high.

Computers is another story.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I was using my first computer (an A500) when I was six. I was aware that the 'net existed when I was at the sixth form, but it wasn't until my freshman year at university that I actually got online.

Working in a children's library like I was, it was intriguing to watch even primary/elementary school children using computers as a study aid as unthinkingly as they seem to. When I was at primary school, I got to use the school RM Nimbus (they upgraded from BBC Micros in 1987) about twice, and it was regarded as a big deal if you were allowed!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Geesh, when I was in first grade they were already shoving us down with computer stuff.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

I was playing DOOM back when I was six (and I turned out perfectly fine - eat that Jack Thompson). Didn't use the internet much, but my dad used to play online matches where he'd have to like phone the other guy up to arrange it and we used to use CompuServe (anyone remember that?) to download DOOM wads and stuff. Man, how things have changed in ten years or so.
