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Hey everyone!

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Hey guys nice to meet you. I'm new here and have been a Sonic fan ever since I was 5 years old! I also love DBZ (if you're a fan let me know). I cant get over how cool this site is! hope to make some friends and enjoy my time here. :thumbsup

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Welcome to the MoFo!

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*pounce, removes your shoelaces! fills your ears with cookies! flee!*

welcome to the MoFo, hide your sanity before it is eaten! ^^

Posts: 955
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Actually, why don't you hide your entire self before it's eaten? Newbie eaters are common (though, not as common as they used to be....), and they will not hesitate to season you up and chomp you down. So you'll need this **hands newbie-eater repellant**

And in exchange, I'll take any and all of your sanity before others get here. 8D

Welcome to the MoFo, crazy person!

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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*sprays you down with newbie-eater-repellant-neutralizer, and watches*

Posts: 1037
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Welcome to the MoFo! :D

Posts: 981
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Yep. There are too many newbie eaters.

*sheilds from rotten tomatoes*

Gotta get me some of that nebiew-eater repellant.

Welcome to the forum. :)

Posts: 38
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Thanks for the welcome guys! :)

Hand me some of that repellent dude lol

Btw, howcome when I enter my name and password for the chat, it keeps saying I'm incorrect?:?

Posts: 1619
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I've built up immunity to that stuff. :p


*spits out shoes*


Posts: 731
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You have to register for the chat seperatly.
*Uses anti-repellant to eat the last of SD88* >_>

Posts: 609
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Hey Speed Demon, how's it going? Just to let you know, I'm also a rabid DBZ fan. =)

Posts: 1055
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Veeeelcome. To insaaaanity.

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Hey, welcome to the board.. see you around, I guess.

Posts: 889
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As you can see this is a pretty crazy place. You might get used to it after a while, but I'm not making any promises.

Posts: 38
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Glad to hear it Super Shadic!

And yeah this place is crazy! Its cool though

Posts: 1201
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Hello, Speed Demon! I hope you enjoy yourself and stop by the chatroom sometime. Oh, I see you're already in there right now.

Posts: 2232
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*welcomes Speed Demon with a dance of dancy goodness*

Posts: 1694
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Hiya! Welcome to the MoFo. Upon entering this establishment, you forfeit your sanity to the house. That said...


*steals your sanity*

Enjoy your stay and beware of the one we call LNR.

Posts: 38
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LOL well that sux now doesn't it? Don't make me go crazy around here!! :p

Oh and whos LNR?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member actually asked?

Oh gawds you actually asked..


Posts: 1694
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If anyone posts the pic, put it in link format. I just got the image out of my head, and I don't need it back in.

Posts: 38
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LOL...ok is it an image of this "LNR"? Is the guy ugly or something?

And what the hell is with this place taking over my sanity?? Lol I guess I got a taste of it in the chat the other day

Posts: 3756
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Some doodle WB or someone did of a censored Live Nude Robotnik. It's scary.

Posts: 1694
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Veeeeeeeeeery scary.

Posts: 38
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Live Nude Robotnik?? WTF..? LOL that sounds nasty as hell! :lol

Posts: 2398
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I think Lighthead's edit is worse.


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Pokemon > Sonic

Posts: 981
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Finally know what 'LNR' is...

Now I wish I didn't know. >_<

Posts: 889
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Oh, I remember LNR! It's still so creepy. But hilarious in some crazy way.

Posts: 38
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Please don't talk like that, Wonderbat. :rolleyes

And I take it you guys have seen LNR in action? lol...

Posts: 3291
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lighthead did an edit too? i don't think i saw that one. o-o

Posts: 2723
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Well, hello there. Welcome to the MoFo. Name's Kaze. Hope you have fun while you're here.

Just don't step on me. Chao can be very dangerous!

Posts: 3468
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(but also very tasty)

Posts: 2723
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lol try anything funny and you'll find your limbs missing.

Posts: 1694
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Kaze's right. Chao-Mods can be very nasty when riled.

Posts: 38
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Hey there Kaze nice to meet you. You know, chao are so cute. Just make sure I don't trip over you later on or I'll have to boil you alive and share you with Kitsune lol. :spin

Posts: 2723
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lol try anything funny and you'll find your limbs missing.

I am armed with a short sword, you know. I just don't really draw it in any of my doodles.

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She can also puke on you. She draws that.

Posts: 981
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From her point of view, I guess that chao aren't as cute as they look. :^^

Okay. Sorry.
Bad joke.

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Toasters > Chao

Both in cuteness and ferocity!


Posts: 3468
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But this kitsune prefers to kill her own prey.

And typically her prey is as heavily armed as she is.

But that would be all IC, of course. 😛

Posts: 1008
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Live Nude Robotnik...

Oh, you mean THIS?




Posts: 1694
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I had almost got that image scrubbed from my mind. Thanks a lot Silvershadow.

Posts: 1008
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Posts: 3468
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Better than LNHitler. o.o

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Mess wis za girl und you get ZA HITLER!

Posts: 20
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Hi!!!!! Have a great time here!!!!!!

Posts: 38
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Thanks Sparky you too! I see you're also new here.

LOL eww that live nude Robotnik picture is NASTY!! Silvershadow you sicko! :lol

Posts: 981
Noble Member

AHHHHHHH! My eyes are bleeding! *sockets fall out*

Ahh. That's better.

Will this image ever escape my brain? I hope it does.

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