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Hey guys, how are you all feeling?

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Slightly off topic, but

Well, I had a really bad sore throat. So bad, that I almost couldn't speak. I felt better when my uncle gave me the "Salt water remedy". It was the nastiest thing I had tasted in my life, but it cured me. Other than that not bad.

I am willing to sacrifice my tastebuds to acquire and use this remedy. o_o; **has been plagued with laryngitis and a sore throat for the past week** Many hugs if you can pass this along.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 235
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$*&)ing horrible.

Can't quite get my last two college textbooks, enjoy a nice lunch, put money into the bank that desperately needs to get in there, enjoy a day with my girlfriend, or otherwise get out of this rain-soaked damned school with a dead car battery, can I?

Pardon me while I skip lunch and spend the last 20 minutes before class having an my third anxiety attack in five days.

To think today was gonna be the day I started my new LiveJournal, talking about how much my life has been improving.

Posts: 140
Estimable Member


Hey guys, how are you all feeling?

With my fingers :lol ;)

Actually, I'm in one of those "funny" moods which are typically induced by boredom, yet I really don't feeling like -doing- any specific thing today. :p :cat

Posts: 229
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After arriving back from Malta, I was still in a happy mood. However BAA Gatwick passport control and customs made me fell depressed. On the drive back from the airport, I became even more depressed and saddened by witnesses the aftermath of car crash on the opposite side on the motorway where a jeep that had been towing a horse box had over turned and had appeared to have thrown out the torso part of the driver through the driver side window. From what I could see, she was dead. The images still make me fell sick now.

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i recently was driven past a burning car when were were on a motorway. i didn't look to see if anyone was still in it, but it was still moving forwards slowly.
*shudders, and offers hugs to the coldhearted one* i hope those images can fade soon from your memory.

as for myself right now? i'm pretty pleased that i managed to do a work shift utterly on my own, and if i made any mistake, they were so small that i wasn't in trouble for it.
not bad, considering how they never really gave me proper trianing.
but i'm all stiff and my feet are screaming hot balls of agonising pain, which sort of lowers my mood a bit. ^^;

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Despite the fact Hurricane Katrina pounded us last night (aside from a few fallen trees and a lot of wind, there was no damage), I felt unafraid the entire time. Heck, I wasn't even worried at all. It was sort of weird. O.o

As for now...slightly tired after a day of clean-up. But content. ^^

Posts: 534
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I'm having a great time living on campus again. I sort of miss having time to be lazy though. So I feel really happy, but already a bit stressed.

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Yeah not great, could be better, but not bad, can't be worse..well it can but its not.

So good :o

Posts: 348
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I'm waiting for tornadoes and thunderstorms to pass through.

Posts: 403
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Confused about my position on certain... things.

And NO, I'm not confused about my sexuality. Back off. It's uh, religion. I'm an Atheist, "sort of" and a realist. But some things have been happening that I can't explain. Same thing goes with my older brothers... a lot of weirdness is going down.


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Indifferent. Slightly worried. Kinda bored. Hmmm, so yeah. Just been killing time really.

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What hurt more was the @#%$'s videoed it and sent it to one of his (my friend) friends. That's what makes me feel sick.

... And they are not in jail, WHY?

Anyway, If you saw any posts from moi in the last 2 days it was from my laptop, as I just got back from seeing the STONES.
So this is like the best month EVAR.

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I read a newspaper article in The News Of The World. They had published the pictures the attackers had taken of him when he was unconcious. It was incredibly difficult to read. Gut wrenching.
The person responsible gave himself up. He was charged for murder before having the sentence reduced to manslaughter so hooray for the justice system.:">

This was all because my friend had pinched the guys girlfriend's bum in play. Stupid and I can never forgive him for what he has done. As for the other people who took pictures of him, who knows. They most likely got clean away.:">

But anyway, I don't wish to dwell on that. Back to subject.

Posts: 512
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I'm feeling a bit depressed at the moment. I just had a referral about a second year maths course on my physics degree, and I believe it didn't go too well.


Posts: 336
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I feel awesome, because I am awesome. I've had the best summer ever and I'm back at my home-from-home (read: college) as of tomorrow. Also, I have the best friends in the world.

Posts: 622
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I'm feeling...
Excited. Tomorrow I start a new school and I love making friends, so yeah. I'm feeling pretty okay.

Posts: 534
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I love school, I feel happy. I feel busy.

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I'm about ready to switch schools.

Today was my first day, and I had a panic attack during the last class of the day.

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By the way, I didn't mean for my last post to sound rude Wonderbat. I hope you don't feel offended.:(

Feeling a little hot and bothered but otherwise, I'm doing ok. Going to join a drama group on the 19th of this month. Should be good!

Posts: 774
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I feel...
like I have no feelings. w00t yar.

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I know I said that I didn't want to talk about it and that is still the case. I just wanted to say that the person who killed my friend has been charged for manslaughter and will go to prison for only 2 and a half years.:">
The government say that something must be done about these happy slapping gangs so why don't they make an example of them? It's not fair.:(

Not too bad today. Kinda confused but otherwise meh.

Posts: 3291
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i wish this 'happy slap' thing had never been started. it's mindless and evil.

but as emerald doesn't wish to talk about it, i'll drop the subject.

speaking on an utterly different matter, i'd dearly love to strangle my co-workers. ^.@;
they may think that constant verbal abuse (not swearing, but yelling and nagging) is helping me to learn what to do, but i find it un-motivates me compleately.

then after all this, i've guessed that i must be pretty useless in my job if this is how they treat me.. they then go and sign me up for another three shifts during the week.
either they're out to work me until i collapse, or this is some sort of evil intense training. oO

Posts: 286
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Thanks ChibiBecca.:smile

I thought I was the only one who feels un-motivated when I'm nagged to do something. As for your co-workers, they sound like a right bunch! THEY signed you up for three shifts? Surely you have to be the one to sign to that. Have you spoken to your boss?

Evening is here and now I feel melancholy.:(

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I think the words to the chorus of "Under the Weather" by Feeder pretty much sum it up for me at the moment:

Get out! Shut up!
Give me neurofen blast
Shut up! It hurts!
Feel I've been hit by a bus
Get out! Shut up!
No you don't understand
I'm feeling under the weather

Ah joyus life... :ohbrother


Posts: 1437
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Today is not my day. I had my first car accident and I just kind of feel crappy.

Posts: 3291
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THEY signed you up for three shifts? Surely you have to be the one to sign to that. Have you spoken to your boss?

boss? we've got about 5 managers, i've no idea who i'd have to speak to. :p

they signed me up by the simple method of the head waitress (who is mostly in control of getting staff in when we're needed) saying, 'we need you to come in on this day, this day ..oh, and this day. that good?'
and as i'm desperate for the money, i can only agree. ^^; it makes up for not having any shifts at all this week.

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