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Hey, new here

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Posts: 26
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Hello, my name is MecaShadow and I would just like to introduce myself. I just signed up yesterday since I browsed the Main Page alot and thought I'd join the fourm.

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Welcome to the MoFo. Hope you enjoy your stay, yadda yadda. :annoyed

You might wanna start running now. It's MoFo courtesy to eat the newbs and then spit'em back out. I'd gnaw on ya, but I don't think you're Atkin's safe. :cackle

*poofify me, Cap'n!*

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

His grammar is good. This is a good sign. :O

Posts: 26
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I'm not that type that runs away when danger shows. So what that is what happens when some noob comes along, I say: SCREW IT!

Posts: 73
Trusted Member


I don't partake in the eating/"welcoming" of newbies. 😉

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Hiyo, and welcome to the MoFo.

*Gives the 'Gyser Salute'*

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

*burrows deep inside MecaShadow and eats him from the inside out*

Your textures intrigue me.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member


*puts down a large tortilla*

Now, why don't you make yourself comfortable and lay down for a minute while I wrap you up in this wonderful tasty tortilla... *goes to find barbecue sauce*

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Hey Meca. Enjoy the boards!
I may be a little late this time, but I usually ALWAYS welcome the newcomers here. But first page is okay, right?

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Konnichi wa MecaShadow!

Always good to say hi to new people to the MoFo.
Keep an eye out for my brother, Burmecian Soldier Dan (MAN I am getting sick of putting that!)

*Massages temples*

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Hiya! Welcome to the MoFo. Here's a welcoming gift.

*sics a herd of rampaging ChuChus on you*

Enjoy your stay and beware of LNR.

On a side note, is it just me or does there seem to be an influx of newbies lately?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Welcome to the insane random madness of the Mobius Forum, glad to have you aboard. Look forward to seeing you in future discussions, now run along and get cracking pip, cheerio, wotwot and such :)

Posts: 6
Active Member

HIYA!!"> I love Knuckles peace out!:spin

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


I say: SCREW IT! EAT...SLEEP...VIDEO GAMES...what else is there?

My kinda guy!

Just add RPs in there somewhere and I'll love you!

And yeah, welcome to the MoFo!


Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Yo, welcome to the MoFo. *promtply eats you* If anyone tells you not to feed the foxes, ignore them or feed them to the foxes. :3

In any case: Yo!
