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Posts: 286
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Hi guys! I'm new here. I've been looking for a Sonic fan site for a while. You might know my brother, burmecian soldier dan. He told me about this site.

I'm an 18 year old Sonic fan, I have been so ever since I played a little known game on the Sega console called, 'Sonic The Hedgehog'. You may have heard of it!lol
Interests include Sonic, obviously, manga, acting and Japan!
Is it me or is the final boss music on Sonic 1, 2, and 3 really cool. I do still have to get the emeralds the second time aroundon Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I'm just no good at blue spheres. Oh well. Hope to get to know you guys soom ok?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member


On the boss thing, uh..I guess so. Never found the final bosses very cool, I'm not into the overly common big and clunky last bosses in games.

Watch out for the newbie eaters and 'welcomers'...Tho those fads seem to've calmed down gradually and by now don't pop up very often.

...You know the forum needs a bit of life on the day that I welcome people.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Well hey Emerald!
Yes- I've had a few conversations with your brother- pretty cool guy.
The boss thingy: I've never been that far into the game- always die in the first few seconds.
Enjoy the boards- it ain't that scary!

Posts: 2232
Noble Member


Enjoy the boards- it ain't that scary!



Anyway, Greetings mister Emerald. I'm one of those "Welcomers" you may have heard about...

*Thaps you over the head with the frying pan of justice*


*Makes you into Hedgehog Xiacutti and serves with rice*

Now to dispose of this pan before Blu realises I took it...

Posts: 622
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Hey, crimson- don't do that. You're scary enough as it is.

Posts: 2232
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You don't really find me scary now do you Abi ;)

Posts: 622
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Mmmmmm. I guess not.

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*magically Wolfy does not exist*

*strips the flesh off of Emerald's bones, grills it and eats*


Posts: 286
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Here's hoping that I taste good at least! lol

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Hope that we aren't gonna get any more bombs in London. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Posts: 622
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You can use the edit button instead of double posting.

Posts: 1367
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Hello, I'm Wes. You can just call me Master. Be forewarned that I'm a hardass. 🙂

Posts: 286
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Pleased to meet all of you. Even if I have been whacked in the face with the frying pan of truth. As for being eaten, the clue is in the name. EMERALD hedgehog!lol
Infinite power is mine at all times! hahahaha
But I am aware that there are others who have more power even than I. So please don't hurt me.

Posts: 2232
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Infinite power is mine at all times!

So by eating you I gain more power..

..sounds good to me.

Posts: 286
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Or you could not eat me and we could become allies...maybe.

I'll call you sir!

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Your brother managed "Mr lord boxers sir"

Surely you can beat that at least.

...or course, since Criobun decreed my non-existance this is irrelevant...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I'd just love to know how on Mobius Crio managed to dispose of those darn boxers! They're indestructable!

Hey there Emerald...nice to meet you man. Good to see a new face around (saves us having to look at HSWs all the time...ew ><)

Well that's my yearly outing from the RP Guild done. Until next year all.

*Crawls back into his hidey-hole and resumes feverishly typing away at all the RPs he is a part of...*


Posts: 286
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Topic starter about 'Grand High Boxers Overlord'?

Posts: 2232
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That'll do it.

Welcome to the forum ^^

Posts: 286
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Thank you. Pleasure to be here!:^^

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Okay, now, over there we have the RP guild. For escaping from reality, quite fun, personally, I recomend it, if you like that sort of thing.

Next to it, we have Carni Isle, your brother hangs around there I beleive, good for anything creative, and my usual haunt (lacking recently due

South Isle is for Sonic games talke, Knothole for Usa comics, Special for UK. Acadamy for Any game, and SPA, MFC, and MG for anthing else, the latter for more serious discussion, the first for totally unserious.

And theres the Robot museum and Trading post, but I don't got there.

*Adds you to slave list.*

Posts: 286
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ok, thanks!
Just out of curiosity, may I ask if you add all newbies to your 'gulp' slave list?:nn;

Posts: 2232
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Only recently.

Before Xag went walkabout, I was left with pickings. And there havn't been many new people recently. So welcome to the elite few ^^


Posts: 286
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Posts: 2232
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Good, and so you should be. Now go have fun...

Posts: 1631
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Hey how come I didn't get the slave treatment when I joined?


Posts: 622
Honorable Member

You WANT to be on his list?
I'm glad I never introduced myself to these boards, or I might be on the list too.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I wanna be on his list so that I can secretly steal all his boxers and laugh when he finds he has nothing to wear anymore.


PS: Actually, no, I wouldn't touch those boxers with a ten foot pole...


Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Well, my brother is here. I wondered where he went off too. I just want to thanks Crimson for giving my brother a fitting welcome. wwell, My 21st birthday went really well. I havn't been able to write up the final chapter of tears of blood. But don't worry. I've got another one in the pipeline. look out for them both tonight (hopfully). And welcome to the board Bro.
