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How do You pronounce the NAMES?

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Sonic X the Kitsune

Not technically wrong since that's what SX stands for... although he tried to retcon it, as it were.

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"Suplex the Kitsune"

lol suplex

lol wrestling

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Bat is technically correct; I got the latin phrase (Semper Excelsus - "Always Surpassing") to fit the shortened form of my first screenname, "sonicx667."

I don't know what he means by retcon other than context clues. Am I out of date?

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Retcon: To retroaticvly change context to fit better. Can be good or bad.

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Jin (like Gin & Tonic, yes, sigh) - Soh - Coo

I guess. That's why it's best to just go Jin for short. 😛

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Ah. Thanks Crim.

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Eh-ree-kah the Oh-see-lot

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Tri - man - us. Do not attempt to add the m to the Tri, that way all kinds of wrong lie...

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I thought it was Air-Ick-Ah the Ah-Sah-Lot

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The first part doesn't change, but I just checked and ocelot can be pronounced both ways.

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Night-Lock Pen-um-bruhl Light-keep-er

Got it memorized?

(My name's just chock full of words...)

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

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lol I always pronounced it Nyloc, like nylon.

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i dont think anyone can messup my name its pronounced
su-preem mass-ter all-ka-misst god i hope you read it he same way i read it....

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"Hidoi Kijo": It's Japanese so "Hi (not hi as in hello but as in santa's hohoho) Doi (do as in dork ^^ and simple e as in easy) and Ki (key) jo (hohoho again)
people call me Hido or Hideo all the time ^^

"Nuclear Factor kappa B": just like it is read, NF ca-pa B

"Fruits Candy" it's English

"Ang Yi" is chinese so sounds like angle not angie so ang-e

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lol I always pronounced it Nyloc, like nylon.


~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

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I just didn't ever pronounce the T.

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Pach as in Pac-man, not Patch. >=(

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Unless you're me. Only I may call him Patch. 😀

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I guess mine's fairly obvious.

The Buzz-Bomb-Err

Feel free to drop the 'the'. Or the 'Bomber'. I don't mind. Drop the 'Buzz' too if you're feeling cryptic. I think ' ' has a certain ring to it. Or lack of ring, one of those. Just punch me in the arm when you want me. Uh, digitally.

Indeed, you could always call me Paul; my crack team of phoneticists tell me it's quicker that way. It's possible there's no such thing as a phoneticist and I just made it up, but I don't have the heart to tell them.

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I think? Hell, I dun know how to spell the pronunciation of my own SN -.-

{Side Note: Sun-kist-lyte...Wow, make me positive and I'm fat free -.-...}

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