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How to obtain a job.

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Posts: 333
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Alright, this may be the dumbest topic I EVER created. But I needs me a job. So I have some nice black khakis, a nice dress shirt, flat ironed long hair, and a pair of glasses, my wheels got some gas, and I'm going to go out, seeking out each and every "Now hiring" sign.

Now, I've never been hired before.....ever. o.0 And I'm rather desperate to acquire one at the moment. ^^ So if anyone has any tips, pointers...or whatever that can help me out. That'd be widely appreciated. :thumbsup


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Here's a big hint: be a very agreeable person. Don't bring personal ideaology into any discussions with the manager.

Also, if you're not in school, make sure to put down that you can work all hours and that you'll work for any position (very helpful; it gives the manager a lot of options for you). Also, FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING.

Aside from :)

Posts: 880
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Make sure to at least act like you wanna work there if you don't and show interest by asking questions.

Posts: 2928
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Kiss ass. Lots of it. o.o


Posts: 534
Honorable Member

- Ask the manager for the application. Introduce yourself. Shake hands. See Rico's advice. Don't ask some employee to turn in your application for you and don't ask an employee if the place is hiring. Employees (like myself) really don't want to bother with you. I stick applications people give me in a drawer, I doubt anyone ever sees them.
- Harrass. Wait 1-2 weeks after you hand in the application to go back to the places you applied and talk to the manager again. See Rico's advice again.
- Don't go with friends. I know you're smart enough not to do that, but you wouldn't believe how many teenagers try to turn in their applications with 3 of their friends hanging around in the background. It looks really immature.
- Apply for "any avaliable position". Especially show interest in things like dishwasher at places like restaurants if they aren't hiring waiters. At least it's a job.
- Be patient, it can take months.
- Apply everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Apply to a Kroger. They usually hire really fast.

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Be a porter... just like me!:thumbsup

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Or apply to your local UPS...they can always use new workers especially with the crummy turnover rate...


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's your friend :D

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

How is your resume? Write it up, MS Office comes with a few stock resume formats, and have someone review it, preferably someone who has experience reading resumes. If you don't have lots of experience, list what you do have, and list references that you have told you will list as references. Doesn't do you a lot of good if they call your teacher and he launches into a story about you throwing spitwads or the like.

The "black khaki's" confuse me, khaki is a color. No matter the job you are applying for, a suit and tie with dress shoes is the best attire if you have them. If not, just wear your best and carry yourself with confidence and energy. Remember your "Sir's and Ma'am's". Be clean shaven, fingernails trimmed and clean, hair neatly done, keep some mints on you to freshen your breath (but not gum).

Never be late for a followup interview, always be five to fifteen minutes early. Puncuality is a virtue employers encourage.

Or go down to the local recruiting office and see if you are cut out for military service.


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Assuming you are a guy, in which case if you are not I shall apologize, don't have long hair. Go get a hair cut before you go in for an interview.
Everyone I've worked for said they wouldn't hire people who didn't make an effort to at least look clean cut and presentable. I know it isn't fair, but that's how it works, Particularly if the place you are applying to work is a restaurant.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

What Wonderbat said. I work for Burger King, and the Health Department does not allow long hair or if you insist on having long hair you have to have it tied back or hidden underneath your hat. If you applying for a grocery store job, then I have no idea how you must wear your hair. Plus, it helps if one of your parents had a job before at the place you appyling to, or that they know the boss. My dad worked at BK a few years before I started, and the store manager knew how hard my dad work, plus my dad talked to him, so that's how I got my job.
