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I almost got killed...
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I almost got killed today. Paranoia rocks.

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Yep. Almost got flattened by an idiot in an SUV trying to figure out how to exit the school parking lot. HE apparently went into the wrong lane, realized he needed to turn right, but hte light was about to change. So he cuts right and speeds up, damn near hitting me.

Luckily, I have the paranoid habit of scanning in all directions, especially getting on the road. I saw the guy in time to jump back. He missed me by a foot. Had I been fumling with my Mp3 player, had I not stopped to look around, I'd be in the hospital.

Paranoia rocks. It prevented this, it's spotted people and vans following me, it allows me to know who in my classes cheat off my paper, and it saved my life.

I suggest you all become paranoid right now.

Posts: 170
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Don't tell me that. You'll make me paranoid. <_

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1573
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I know what you mean, SX. I've been paranoid ever since I sideswiped a wrecker going home from school.

Glad you weren't hurt.

Posts: 1381
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Thank God you're okay, buddy. You were blessed and highly favored today, SX!:thumbsup

Posts: 504
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A week ago a car tryed to run me over - WHEAN I WAS CROSSING THE STREET! Whean i was in about to pass the front of his car his tires squecked. I put a jump in my step and the car CHOULD HAVE hit my book bag.

So a few sceounds later, THE SAME CAR went throught the ally on the other side of the street with is tires squecking.

That Burnt Cocolate chip crack head, all he had to do was turn right, not go throught the ally way.

And i was a cross the street from my house.. good lord :|

But i recovered because i been in a car accident whean i was 12 listening to some of my 'friends' and was crossing the from the other side of the street On a Painted walkway and bam. Went to the hostipal and only got a broken coller bone, Had to wear a brace for the broken collor bone, a nasty cut on my right ankle from skidding on the road (Healed, but the mark is still there.) and a trail for cort in two years and didet win.

'OMG SC. I DID'ET KNOW! IM SO SORRY ' I never told you untill now and why are you feeling sorry? In other words don't feel sorry for me. It get a little annoying.

Im glad you ok SX. You do not want a Broken coller bone, EXPICEALLY if you don't have no friends to help with your books for school or book bag. I did'et.

Posts: 1984
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I'm partially paranoid. But its never saved my life before. The only thing I gained from paranoia is weird looks.

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But look at it his way--
If you hadn't been paranoid, you could have sustained minor injuries and sued the driver for needlessly large damages.

After all, it's the American way!

Posts: 3468
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Bat, that's not right - You only get huge amounts of money if they do innocuous things like serve you coffee. If they do something serious, they go to jail or they pay your court fees. That's about it.

Posts: 2016
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Paranoia is for the weak.

I abandoned the idea that 'someone was out to get me at every turn' quite some time ago, and still I've had some near death experiences involving cars and crashes and car crashes, and I've walked away.

I was only 10 feet away when two vehicles collided, and skidded off onto the side of the road. One was a large car, a land rover, the other was a truck which carried prisoners which were doing community work. The land rover came around a corner, and the front end of it was struck by the truck, both vehicles spun off to the side, as the land rover went up on to the foot path, where I had just been, and the truck swerved and took up the three lanes of that side of the road. Everyone involved was so lucky that there were no other cars coming along, otherwise they would've been taken out, too.

Second most recent experience was when I had no control of the situation I was in, and I was sitting in the back of my friend's girlfriend car as we were driving to McDonald's. She almost crashed into several cars after accidently spacing out and running through a red light. My whole life flashed before my eyes, but I couldn't see anything because my eyes were closed.

Last experience came when I almost stepped out into an oncoming vehicle while crossing a major road while trying to put more credit into my cell phone.

OH, and I almost got run over, TWICE, while in Sydney. Overnight! =O

So, the lesson learnt is, paranoia does not always help.

Posts: 3468
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I'm paranoid that bad things are always about to happen. This does not mean all of these bad things are directly targeted to me. o.o

Posts: 1358
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Bleh. Was Almost hit by a drunk/high idiot doing 50mph in a 15mph neighborhod. After it happens the first time, you just blink and move on the next time.

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That isn't paranoia, that's cautiousness.

I don't need either seeing as though I have daredevil-esque 360 senses. Except I have vision, too. Which makes me better than that blind @#%$.

Posts: 1818
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Bleh. Was Almost hit by a drunk/high idiot doing 50mph in a 15mph neighborhod.
As a general rule, people don't speed when they're high.

Posts: 1358
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You obviously do not know these people. The police have made drugbust's at their house. Twice. The police reports in the paper have mentinoed there name several times. Also if the drugs you're on disoriant you, yes you probably would speed through a resident street off a major roadway.

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Trans, have you ever been in the same room with marijuana, let alone smoked a joint?

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Then what the hell are you on about?

Posts: 2928
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Alcohol can cause all kinds of weird reactions. Speeding is one.

Weed though? No. It a very remote possibility reefer would cause you to go that fast, considering what effect it has on the body. I knew enough potheads in highschool and out here to know that most people just don't move when mary j in their system. If they do they tend to act very laid back and giggly.


Posts: 3468
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A topic about me almost getting killed goes to a discussion on pot's effects on the mind.

Should I take this personally?

Posts: 1818
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I've driven while ripped a couple times. I don't ever do it as of about a year ago, but on those occasions when I did do it, I found that I drove about half the speed I do when I'm sober (30-40kph in a 50 zone, instead of 60-70). Also I found myself braking for stop signs and intersections much earlier than necessary, and obsessively checking for hazards (especially darkly-clothed pedestrians).

The overall experience, however, is what I like to call "sketch". That is, anxious, on-edge, paranoid, and generally borderline freaky. As a result, I've sworn it off completely and would frankly rather sleep on a park bench than drive while stoned.

Posts: 3756
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Amen @ Paranoia. It's the only thing stopping my every earthly possession from being stolen at my high school.
