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I don't know if you would believe that!

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I believe it anyway and i often think about it.
I also think about the poor people from many parts of Africa, because they are suffering too completelly unneccesarly.

Every living creature always and automatically gets affected by the evil lifecircle in many ways no matter how much they try to take care of themselves in many ways as good as possible.
The evil lifecircle is always hurting living creatures completelly unneccesarly, also those times they don't feel they're hurt!

I guess you would ask: exactly how?
For example, if we don't eat anything at all in any time, we would automatically starve and suffer even if we don't want to hurt ourselves, that thing is annyoing me. :">
But our bodies are not able to suffer in that way for more than circa two weeks.

Next example:
If we always would be awake without to go to bed and sleep in any long period, we would automatically be tired and suffer for that! Oh man, i loath that! :razz
Our bodies would stop to work after some days if we kept doing that.

They're so much more things we evily get affected of, but i don't need to mention everything.

We don't want to be affected by the evil lifecircle, is'nt that correct!?

Unfortunelly, we can't destroy the evil lifecircle. :(
The only thing we can do is to take care of ourselves as good as we can, you know. 🙁

What do you want to say about this?

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I get hurt needlessly just by listening to rap music, oh my ears! X_X

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Evil life circle? ^

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Uh, what? o.o

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I believe he's talking about the way that we need to "do evil" in order to survive.

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Well, what's evil or not is all up to opinion.

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so eating and not sleeping is 'evil'?

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Given the question, I thought the whole point was to have sarcastic responses. o.o

I'll do another just in case.

Another thing that's painful is global warming! After all, to hear all these scientists jibber-jabber back and forth...when there's only one simple solution!

We simply need more pirates.

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We are defending ourselves, so i wouldn't say that's evil what we do.

It's the forces or spirits they torture us if we don't eat and drink much enough, sleep much enough, take care of ourselves good and much enough, those are evil!

According to my belief, there are spirits or invisible force that causes harm against all living creatures.
The force or spirits starts to be with them after they were born and leaves when they die.
The spirits are their own suffering, parts of their main spirits

They can stop that thing to kill their technical lives by taking care of themselves as good as possible.
To do so, they should eat food at least few times per day, pretty big variation of food, sleep at least 8 hours per day and more i guess.
Unfortunelly, they will die when they're very old and that's because their suffering causes them to die.

There's another evil force or spirit.

There are bacterias too and they do evil things against other living creatures.
Bacterias are both dead things and living things, but they have no minds.
If humans got dirty teeth and don't brush them anytime, the bacterias will destroy the teeth and we don't know how they do that!
That's less evil but that's still disgusting. :(

Are you satisfied with these explanations?

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Humans die from no food because their cells run out of material to power them.

Or it could be just really bad luck that everyone who doesnt eat dies. ^O^

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..your logic compleately and utterly astonishes me in it's randomness and lack of sence. o.o; but hey, if that's what you believe.

personally i feel that it's hunger that causes me tummy pains if i haven't eaten, not little evil things prodding me with forks.
old people don't die of suffering, many die simply because their bodies wear out and can't support them any more.

Posts: 2915
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Wowza...Sit down before you hurt yourself...


There's another evil force or spirit.

There are bacterias too and they do evil things against other living creatures.
Bacterias are both dead things and living things, but they have no minds.
If humans got dirty teeth and don't brush them anytime, the bacterias will destroy the teeth and we don't know how they do that!
That's less evil but that's still disgusting.

Dude, there are bacteria in your body that help break down your food! Just because something does some bad things doesn't make it evil!

An Example: Bees sting people...Some people die from alergic reactions to bees...But that doesn't make bees bad. Bees also make honey (some bees, I know) and they help spread pollen.

Oh, and if you're looking for a food comparison...Honey tastes sweet and is used in many baking products. Honey can also kill an infant!

I agree with Becca. The pain I feel isn't little devils hopping around, poking me with their pitch forks. It's little electronic pulses sent to my brain.

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I think it's more advanced than it seems to be or really is. :(

Posts: 1437
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You need to take care of yourself. And if you do a sucky job, then when you get sick it's your own fault and not some nonexistent spirits you made up in order to avoid your self-responsibility.

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EDIT: (craps...I hit the quick reply button on accident...whoops)

Anyways...FredrikH...your last post made no sense...

I think it's more advanced than it seems to be or really is.

Spliting the sentence up, we have to separate pharses that negate each other...

1)I think it's more advanced than it seems to be
2)I think it's more advanced than it really is

I'd have to go with're making this more complecated than it really is...

I'm a man of faith...Christian to be exact... so I believe in the Devil and the 'evil spirits'... But I don't believe they cause pain to occur. I believe in most of the things modern science preaches.

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I think Fredrik here has been listening a little too closely to Tom Cruise.

Posts: 666
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The only thing that comes to mind is quote from "Lilo and Stitch"

Lilo "This is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size."


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You need to take care of yourself. And if you do a sucky job, then when you get sick it's your own fault and not some nonexistent spirits you made up in order to avoid your self-responsibility.

You don't understand what i mean with these texts, but i don't know if i am suppose to write anything more about this subject. :annoyed

Do you still think he only have to blame himself for doing a bad job?
I don't think so, anyway.

To be able to eat food he can feel good for, he must find good food.

I don't know if it's much enough only to drink alot of water in months. :?

If there was no food in his country except herbs and plants, it would be much harder for him to survive.

According to me, it would be much better to be immune against all torments and be completelly healthly full forever, mysteriously.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

All this "evil spirits" and "evil lifecircle" talk is nonsense.

The human body is basically a great big mass of tiny sacks of chemicals all working together, held together by a skeleton. For the body simply to live and do all the fun things it does, chemical reactions need to take place and energy needs to be produced.

Now, energy doesn't simply appear magically out of nowhere. It needs to come from somewhere else. The human body gets its energy from food. That's why we need to eat and why if we don't eat we die. Simple as that. No evil spirits.

The human body also needs water, since most of the chemical reactions in the body take place in water and also water is good for moving stuff around, e.g. in the blood. However, this water gets used up over time, such as being lost as sweat or urine. Thus the water needs to be replaced. This is why we need to drink and why we die if we don't. Again, no evil spirits involved. Similarly, a lot of the reactions in the body require oxygen from air, which is why we need to breathe and die if we don't.

The cells in your body can be thought of as tiny machines. No machine is perfectly efficient. Every task takes a certain amount of energy and matter and converts it into different types of energy and matter. Everything the body does can be explained in terms of that. However, not all the energy and mass put is in converted into useful energy and mass, so machines wear out over time and eventually break down. This is true for cells.

Now, if cells weren't replaced, eventually all your cells would die and so would you. As such, the body has to keep making new cells to replace the old ones. However, this in itself is a task and we just said that no task is perfectly efficient. Every time a cell is made, there is a chance that mistakes may occur in the production process and you get a cell that isn't as good. Over time, basically by statistics, there are more and more crappy cells and fewer good cells until the overall machine, the human body, can no longer function well enough to support itself and dies. This is aging. This is why, even if we take good care of ourselves, we die eventually. Still no evil spirits involved here.

The need for sleep can be explained similarly. As I have said, even for the body to stay alive it has to expend energy and it expends a lot more energy when it does anything else. As such, we need rest periods where we use a minimum of energy and what little is used is used for maintenance - keeping the body alive and in good working order - and processing our food and drink and air to get the energy and useful products out of them. If we don't have sleep, we can't do these things and run out of energy a lot quicker. It's not dissimilar to a rechargeable battery. If you just stick the battery into something and keep running it, eventually the battery will go flat. Similarly, humans die from sleep deprivation (except you can revive a flat rechargeable battery, but not a dead human). However, if you take the battery out of the thing, stick it in a charger and hook it up to the mains, it'll get its energy back. Sleep does the same for humans.

Hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation, asphyxiation/suffocation, age and going into outer space where you explode due to a lack of air pressue are pretty much the only ways someone can die (that I can think of, anyway) that don't involve same outside entity coming and actively destroying the body and as I have demonstrated, none of these are due to evil spirits. It's all simple physics and chemistry, which I hope I've summarised and explained in fairly plain English. Note that my understanding isn't necessarily exactly in accordance with current scientific understanding and these processes are in reality a lot more complex, but (hopefully) what I've said is a pretty accurate, albeit simplified, account of the gist of it.

If you want to be "immune against all torments and be completelly healthly full forever", then you'll have to wait around for someone to come along and turn you into a perfectly efficient robot. Or do it yourself. Which ever option you pick, don't hold your breath. ;D

Posts: 3291
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many people can't afford good food, or they live in countries where food is scarce and they've no money or means to go to where food is.

i think we'd all love to mysteriously be immune to all illnesses, sadness and never feel hungry.. but that'd never be possible.


I don't know if it's much enough only to drink alot of water in months.

..? what do you mean by this?

Posts: 2232
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then you'll have to wait around for someone to come along and turn you into a perfectly efficient robot.

With the strength of five gorillas!

Posts: 4336
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Will it cost 6,000,000 dollars to turn him into a robot?

Posts: 1437
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..? what do you mean by this?

Ell oh ell.

Posts: 3468
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If life was easy, it'd suck. Admit it or not, humans live for challenge. Sports. War. Economies. Governments. It's all competition.

Posts: 18
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Think of what your ideas would do to the blosoming science of chemical warfare!

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Oh yeah, I forgot to add one thing.

"bacterias are both dead things and living things..."

This is not true. Bacteria are either alive or dead like any other organism. They're never both at the same time, since that doesn't make any sense. You might be thinking of viruses, but even those aren't both alive and dead at the same time. They're parasites and as such can only reproduce within the cells of other organisms.

Posts: 2915
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I think we'd all love to mysteriously be immune to all illnesses, sadness and never feel hungry.. but that'd never be possible.

Have you ever read Lois Lowry's "The Giver" ? It deals with a society exactly like this... Freaky stuff...and a very interesting book. It's a must read!

If life was easy, it'd suck. Admit it or not, humans live for challenge. Sports. War. Economies. Governments. It's all competition.

Yes, I'd have to agree with Sx there...

Posts: 114
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I don't know if it's much enough only to drink alot of water in months.

I just don't know if it's enough for us to drink alot of water everyday.
Maybe anyone can drink alot of water and avoid food for many weeks to be able to survive in many weeks, but i am not sure about that.
That's what i mean with this quote.

Forgive me, i mean weeks instead of months in the quoted text.

Posts: 4336
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Your body can go without food for a while. It'll just feed on your own body (starting with the muscle tissue and your fat) to make up for the lack of food. That's why people who starve to death look so skinny; the body basically started eating itself to survive as long as it could.

Going without water is another matter altogether.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


Ell oh ell.


The number of evil stuff is equal to the amount of good stuff. If this balance is lost, we get either more evil leaders and poor people OR good guys and people who whine about how come they are not getting their share.


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Posts: 1376
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::Applauds Dub's reaction. Agrees wholeheartedly.::

Honestly, I read your post...and well..I don't know. I'm still not getting the whole point of it. Are you just saddened by thinking about this concept? Did it just pop up in your mind one day, causing you to think about to the point where you had to see what we all think about it, even though MOST {I emphasize most-there was that one person who didn't know jack squat out of their little bubble a while ago..} people know and live with this fact?

No criticism, I'm just wondering like...WHY?

Posts: 174
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*doesn't comprehend much of this situation except for the fact that...*
life is part suffering, part fun. Hopefully leaning more towards the fun. But not always. But it would be nice if life was all fun and a challenge here and there, and near none of the suffering. But it's not.
And that's about it except for tads here and there.
