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I was shot at!

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Now you may think that I'm playing a joke like I did last time. But this is for real. I'm not lying, this really happened.

It was 8:00 PM here and I was just walking down the street minding my own business. Then, these two guys I totally depise walked up and started taunting me saying it was way too late for me to stay out. One pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. He threatened me to give him all the money I had. I really didn't have any but I knew what they would do to me. So I only had one chance. i ran back in the other direction. But it was too late, the guy shot me in the back five times.

I thought I was a goner, but luckily, I was unharmed. The bullets had no effect on me. I turned around to see the two thugs with their mouths a gape. The one with the gun put on some shades. The other thug turned to him and said, "Vegeta, what does the scopter say about his power level?" The thug took the shades off and yelled, "It's over nine THOUSANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND!" "WHAT NINE THOUSAND!" the other thug.

You have been 9000'd

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

...XD I. Freakin. Hate. You.

That was awesome.

Posts: 3468
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Posts: 3756
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That was lame. =D

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New Member Guest

That was slightly more original than your last topic of this type but roughly eight million times more lame =(

Posts: 428
Honorable Member


That was slightly more original than your last topic of this type but roughly nine thousand times more lame =(


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Actually, this was a rubbish attempt at cashing in on a fad far too soon for such a tale to make any impact, poorly delivered.

1.6 out of ten from the sexy judge.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Yoru first try wasn't funny, but this is just outright shameful.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

*takes names*

The next time any of you cry about the forum not being fun anymore. I'm banning you.


Posts: 4336
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I lol'd.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

So did I. I was going, man what the... oh god dammit he did it again.


Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Honestly, I suspected, but I didn't *know* it was fake until he said he was shot five times.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

The caps made it more obvious. With the other one you had to actually read the song to notice, and it was HILARIOUS. So what if some people have seen it done before? I haven't so I laughed hysterically.

Posts: 210
Estimable Member

You didn't catch the earlier thread that had roughly the same title?

Next time we should all just keep quiet and laugh at the gullible people afterwards ;o

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

That was cute. Real cute. Made me giggle.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

For a moment I thought you were serious. xD

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I'd rather allow myself gullibility and laugh than be all Bruce Wayne about stuff. 😛

