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I'd like some input on this...

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Posts: 4
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this is kinda embarrasing, and I wouldn't normally ask, but every time Ive tried with a girl in the past Ive failed miserably...

but now Im a bit older and smarter, and I have a plan. There's a girl I REALLY like, and right now she's dating someone, so Ive got some time before I can make a move without getting into a fight(I know the guy)...

she knows me and probably knows that Im interested in her... if she doesnt then Id be very surprised. Im not really one of the friends she hangs out with, but she'll talk to me in class, and doesn't hate me. shes on the friendly side with me, I think, and Im hoping that she might like me a little, but I have no clue there...

so Im going to wait until she breaks up with him or vice versa. I still havent decided what exactly to say to her...
some things Ive thought of are
1 tell her Id like to get to know her better
2 ask if she wants to hang out some time
but these are awkward, and while it wouldnt bother me to say them, I know Id get a no.

so whats your input for what I should do? #1, #2, or something totally different? learning from my own past mistakes, I think #1, but I might as well let the more experianced majority decide!

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Do not tell her directly that you'd like to know her better. Also, do not tell her you like her. These are ULTIMATE NONOs. I speak from experience.

Also do not ask if she wants to hang out some time. What I suggest is to say something more confident such as this:

"I'm going for a movie at (insert place here) tonight. Wanna join me?"

It shows you're living your own life. If she wants to join you, she's welcome, and if she doesn't, it's fine. Just make sure never to appear like a needy, clingy fellow, because many females do not like such behaviour. It's built into them to look for men who are confident and able, I suppose.

I'm no expert, of course, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Still, try it. It might work better than what you're doing now.

Also, never, never, NEVER ever allow her to have complete control of you. You may want to have some fun with her, teasing her as well. It may seem contradictory, but it works. o.o;

I'd tell you more, but I'm a little short on time. Feel free to contact me via email or IM.
