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I'll go ahead and s...
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I'll go ahead and salt myself...

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Posts: 159
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Hi all!

I suppose I'd be considered a newbie here. I know I've posted before, but it hasn't been much and it's been so long ago that I don't even remember what I posted. And I don't think I ever posted an official welcoming thread, either, so...

Nice to meet you all!

I have been lurking around lately, seeing what everyone's up to (creepy, I know). Now, I guess I'll start talking!

Name: Jake
Age: 18 tomorrow
Date: Um... this doesn't really apply to my profile. Oops.
Location: Illinois (I live in a clearing amongst the corn)
Likes: Pumpkin pie and a good story.
Dislikes: Clowns, cherubs, sporks, and any and all combinations of the preceding.
Hobbies: I play guitar and I write, mostly.

Looking forward to interfacing with y'all!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*steals your shoelaces, brushes the salt off you and hands you a potato masher to defend yourself with*

welcome officially to the forum, then. ^^

Posts: 0
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I would type out this long thing about how I went and licked the salt off of every inch of your body but It'd be quicker to just eat you. *do*

Posts: 4336
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(cleans kaulimus)

(then eats him)

Yum. Welcome (back) to the Mobius Forum!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Likes: ...a good story.

That wouldn't happen to be an RP would it...?

Hey bud, I'm Wraith, the (or rather ONE OF the) official board RP addict(s)^^

Hope you pop in the Guild sometime, as I rarely leave there, so I may never see you again otherwise.

I'm usually a newbie eater but we had fish and chips for tea so I'm not hungry now.

Welcome and have fun, and feel free to become part of the board's atmosphere, which can best be described in one word: :crazy


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Okay, so let me get this straight:

Acrio ate Lil' Kaulimus here, then Ultra tried to eat him, but to do that he would have to eat Acrio. So... uh...

*Eats Ultra, who ate Acrio, who ate Kaulimus*
I love the food chain.

Posts: 159
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Topic starter

Nice to meet you all!

Good to be here. Granted, the salt-licking comment was a bit creepy, but I can't truthfully say I wouldn't have enjoyed it...


So yeah. Nice to meet you.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member



*dives in multiple stomachs and grabs him out*

...that's... three this week, I think. and like, five this MONTH. o.o

I'm on a roll!

*replaces potato smasher with potato smasher 2.0: Now with Ninjas!*

*and gives you an official ninja lightsaber*

*and sheild*

*and armour*

*yes, armour*

*because it spells old-school that way*

anyway, I'm like wraith, you'll see me alot in the RP guild. ^_^
Also, I visit the spa more than can be healthy, and visit Car isle when I want to. Here, I go for my main job, saving people like you from people like...

them. *points to the people who tried to eat you*

Oh, right.

*pulls out car key, pushes button*

Newbie: *woop-woop*

Technology rocks.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Well hello there^^

Welcome to the boards, I'm sure you'll have a nice time, I'm Crimmy, and I'm your new master.

*boxer hypnotism GO!*

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

You said you were 18 today, right? o.o
Happy Birthday, and welcome! ^^

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Welcome and happy birthday. I myself never made a welcoming topic when I came, since I didn't know there were any other forums aside from South Island. ^^; Hope you have some fun around here! *gives you some bombchus*

Posts: 3468
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Posts: 1702
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Hiya! Welcome to the MoFo. Allow me to welcome you...

*sics a herd of rampaging ChuChus on you*

Enjoy your stay.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Hello welcome to the MoFo.

You've gone through enough young one.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Wraith, duuude! We need to make, like, a poster or something for us to use for advertising the Roleplayers Guild! Don't know why I got that idea, except maybe how wonderfully you are doing at advertising the Guild before anyone else can try to sell any of the other forums to newbies. A poster or something would be a sweet way to enhance the campaign.

Oh and hi Kaulimus.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

ROFL Terg...that's an idea!

I just have a one-track mind though, that's my problem lol.


Posts: 159
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Topic starter

Hmmnnn... more people to say hello to.


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Location: Illinois (I live in a clearing amongst the corn)

Don't diss it or i'll cut you so bad your pappy will bleed to death

Posts: 159
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Topic starter

Whoa, Geogwe! We are brothers of the corn.

Corn is good.

And hi.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hola Kaulimus. And Happy Belated Birthday. *Hope you stay here long time.

*in japanese woman accent* >_>

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

rofl @ silly newbie eating tradition.

Hello there, young padawan. Call me Billy Bob.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Dude, Geo, at least put an emoticon or something after the threats. That's what gets people into trouble when they're taken too seriously.

And I'm actually in Illinois too, it's nice to greet a fellow Illinoisan.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

You're doomed, I tells ya! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!


You cannot stand against us! Gather teams of all skills from around the world, in Speed, Power and Fly Formations, then face us and defeat us with all teams to get the SPECIAL ENDING!!!!

Posts: 159
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Topic starter

Don't worry, Tergonaut, I didn't take Geo seriously. I don't take anything too seriously...

Shall the three of us join hands and sing the Illinois theme-song?

...Does Illinois have a theme song?

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Well, newbie....
I was the head of an organisation that appears to have dissolved. However, we used to do stuff like this...
(Bakes newbie into a pancake, inflates it then has it stepped on by an elephant)

Posts: 0
New Member Guest


Dude, Geo, at least put an emoticon or something after the threats. That's what gets people into trouble when they're taken too seriously.

But the thing is, we never know when he's serious or not. :p

Seriously, though, take it from me. You never know when you'll be talking to a tightwad. (:P THERE IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT YOU BLOODSUCKING LEECHES?!)
