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I'm finally 14! ^^
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I'm finally 14! ^^

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Posts: 622
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Yep. It's my birthday today. 10th October, probably the best day of year...for me.

I guess this birthday is much more special for me because for my last birthday, as you may or may not know, I didn't know about the MoFo. I find it so strange that I've only been here a few months, when it feels like I've been here AGES o.o;;
But seriously, I can't imagine spending my birthday any other way, because you guys have helped me through tough times, from those in the chat, to the faithful friends I've made here that IM me with encouraging words! ^^;;
So THANKIES! For being the crazy-annoying-funny online family I never had ;p

Posts: 2232
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*hands over bread roll with candle in it ^^*

Posts: 1201
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Happy birthday, Abi!

*gives Abi a Google image search of a birthday cake*

Posts: 3666
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I was going to wish you a happy birthday in German, but I'm not entirely sure how to say it and I don't trust Google on this one D:

Posts: 622
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*gives Abi a Google image search of a birthday cake*

*throws it in his face again >>*
Thankies, guys! ^^

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

Feliz cumpleanos! That's happy birthday in Spanish(note that without the little tilde thing over the 'n,' that says "Happy Change of Anuses").

Wow, you're birthday's only two days after mine. Which means you're four years and two days younger! I feel so special!

Erm... uh, I guess you're the one who's supposed to feel special today. So, um... have a wonderful day!

I'm going to go get some KFC Snackers now...

Posts: 4336
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Now that you've posted your age, age-related spam will now bombard your computer.



*COME MEET HOT WOMEN! SINGLES CHAT ROOM IN HERE! (Offer valid in Alabama only)*


Posts: 1269
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What, you're only 14?

I thought you were older than that - 18ish.

Posts: 2097
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Man I love October, there's loads of MoFoers celebrating birthdays this month, I can think of four (including myself) but I think there's more.

Oh, and happy birthday Abi! *pet*

Posts: 5035
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Alegre Cumpleanos! 14 you say. "I remember the time..." *shot*

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Cool! Just a few more years and we'll be the same age!

Posts: 286
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Birthday? Happy Birthday to thee AbiJay! Hope you have/had a great day. :)

I can't really be family can I? I haven't been here long. Distant relative perhaps? Oh well, here's your prezzie! :cuckoo

*Hands AbiJay Knuckles plushie*

Posts: 3468
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Habby Birthday, Abi. ^^

I'm mailing myself to you so I can hug you. What's your adress, full name, etc? *shot*

Posts: 1367
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I thought you were older than that - 18ish.

Happy birthday, wife. 😀

Posts: 3756
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Hey, todays my DADS birthday!



Posts: 512
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*eats all the cake*

Posts: 955
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Happy birthday, crazy lady!

Hope it was fun and filled with presents and cake and happiness and friends/family/what have you. **hugs**

Here's to another 14 more, and hopefully many more after that, ey? ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2354
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OMG! Happy birthday and stuffs! 😀

Posts: 1619
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Happy birthday! 🙂

....Wesu, I'll let you do the biethday spankings. ;p

Posts: 1396
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Happy Birthday Abi ^_^, make sure you sreve us cake :D .

*serves birthday Pizza*

Posts: 3291
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*balances 14 cookies on your head* enjoy your carefee teenaged years while you have 'em. :p

Posts: 2610
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Happy Birthday, Abi!


Man I love October, there's loads of MoFoers celebrating birthdays this month

March is better. ;P

Posts: 2438
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I mean, January is better!

I mean...Happy Birthday, Abi!!

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

July is the best month of the year. :p

And Happy Belated Birthday! *showers with japanese candy* Have fun!

Posts: 488
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*gives you this Googled picture of a man in a raincoat riding a giant pelican, as opposed to a Googled picture of a birthday cake and/or anything else birthday related, because I'm cool like that*

Posts: 333
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Happy Birthday!

14 was a great age for me, I hope it shall be for you as well. ^_^


Posts: 1367
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*showers with japanese candy*

... *kills the Japanese candy and all the otakus who eat it*

Posts: 534
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Happy Birthday!


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Happy birthday, Abi, 14th year kicks ass, cuz. like. its like. Yknow. 14. Way better than 13. 13-14 more of a change then 14-15.
Just remember, if a man in a small truck comes up to you and asks where the library is, run for your life.

Posts: 2354
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Quote from Tergonaut:


I mean, January is better!


Is a proud Sagittarian err December born person. 😀

Posts: 276
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Happy Birthday Abi! I always thought you were older too. Anyway, now we're the same age!

Posts: 931
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Happy birthday, young'un.

Posts: 622
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Thankies, thankies. ^^
I was sick the last two days, so I didn't get to reply to all of your comments.


I thought you were older than that - 18ish.

Erm...okay. I don't even act 18-ish o.o

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

And, AQUARIUS. >> <<

Abi is going to be old and wrinkly soon.

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

You've been sick on during the time directly surrounding your birthday... That's too bad.

Anyway, I've wished you happy birthday, so now Happy Recovery! Or, at least, Get Well Soon! whichever is most applicable.

