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I'm going to bite your face off because my teeth are deadly

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Not really. Let's face it, evolution gyped us. Have you ever tried to cause real serious harm to someone by biting them? It takes a lot of work. Our stupid teeth are half carnivore and half herbivore, so the best way to do damage with them is just to lock down so hard that it causes damage. And our nails? Fuhgeddaboutit! They're flat pathetic little things, and the most damage they'd cause would be an irritable little scratch that doesn't even draw blood. The entire animal kingdom is laughing at us.

Or at least they would be if we weren't smart enough to invent weapons! Take that, stupid animals! Oh, you want some of this Protists! Come on, have a taste.

So yeah, there have been a ton of weapons invented over the course of human history. Clubs, swords, spears, rifles, pistols. And then there are even imaginary weapons. Lasers, lightsabers, point-of-view guns.

When it all comes down to it, what kind of weapon do you want to defend your stockpile of cheese?

For meelee, I've never been a huge fan of blades. I've always been a staff man personally. JUst a long staff that I can hit things with. Like my hero Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick." That's all I need to protect my provolone.

As for ranged weapons, I've always been a bit dissappointed by science fiction movies that go with lasers. Lasers to me seem so blah. What I prefer are futuristic projectile weapons, like something that might have evolved from modern day guns. Especially ones involving needles. Needle guns or flechette pistols are a great way to inspire fear in your enemy, because everyone hates needles.

Anyway, respond to this topic with your weapon of choice.

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A giant stick with an unsuitable-for-this-board item at the end!

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IDDQD, IDKFA, IDCLIP *hides in the walls*

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^.^ deadly and versitle!

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Whom are the people in that picture and what in the world are they doing?

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that would be me, sporking craig, at a comic convention!

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Teddy Roosevelt said that? I could have sworn it was somebody different. **goes to check!**

When it comes to a close-up weapon, I too prefer something along the lines of a big stick or a staff or something. A walking stick works perfectly 😀 They're so versatile, and if somebody's harassing you, you can beat 'em over the head.

As for a long-range weapon, bow and arrow. Now that I know how to actually use a bow, I can definitely say that's what I would choose ^_^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Nyahahahahaha!!! Fear the cuteness power that makes kittens the ULTIMATE weapons!!!!!!

...alternatively, I'll use a katana or lightsabre.

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Gotta go with Becca. Nothing is scarier than a spork. 🙂

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Wooden Swords all the way, BABYEH...or just recently, I managed to find myself a cardboard tube.

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Hmm. I'd go with a scythe. Reaper FTW, baby. Not that I'd be able to wield it properly. Most likely kill myself accidentally before that happened.

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Hmmm If it's just going on actual badassness nothing beats a good old fashioned Battle Axe or Samurai Sword with which to chop your enemies in twain, But if it's things I'm actually good at using either a fencincg saber or a handgun (Colt revolvers ftw)

And if we're doing fantasy weapons, a lightsaber. Or a lightaxe if such at thing is to be imagined.

Posts: 24
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How exactly would that work? Would the entire axe thing be like one sustained energy field? Or would there be like a projector arc on which the outer side is the laser-thing.

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I'm guessing the second one, in order to facilitate not cutting your hands off.

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Ok... ok... No magic. Well, that really only leaves one choice, I mean since the death star can get blown up with 2 protons.

Posts: 166
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7.92 millimetres of full metal jacket, one shot - one kill goodness.

The Best Assault Rifle On Earth.

SAR-21 Wiki

The above link clears up the mistake in the World Guns link.

SAR-21 users are taught to fire from the right shoulder as a safety measure although the weapon has a built-in brass deflector sending spent casings forward. This negates the chances of a left-hander firing from his left shoulder getting hit by hot bullet casings. :D

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This, or this.

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For blades and short range, I'd use a rapier because they're just awesome, and and I could shout "HAVE AT YOU WITH MY RAPIER, SCOUNDREL!" as I dealt the finishing blow. Hell yeah.

If I were to use a gun, it would either be a silenced pistol, because silenced weapons are waaaaaay cooler, or maybe a revolver. Of course, you can't really fit a silencer on a revolver, which is a shame.

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A tray, of course. What else?

Seriously, I probably couldn't use a melee weapon to save anything, but if I had to I'd go with a strong, durable staff. I wouldn't mind learning how to use a Chinese saber as well.

For long range, I would use a "SHOTGUN!" or "HANDGUN!". But if I was actually playing Time Crisis 4, I'd use a "MACHINE GUN!".

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<3 Seanbaby

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*high-fives Bat and chuckles at the non-cool kids*

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In a show of (perhaps uncharacteristic) seriousness.. I think it's a difficult question to answer.

..mostly because any weapon of choice would have to natively compensate for my physical and mental inabilities of weilding such power with any form of skill or efficiency.


I think for melee I'd need something like Protoss Psi Blades, Dark Templar Warp Blades or Legacy of Kain's Soul Reaver Wraith Blade. Part because they are of pure energy and doesn't really seem to have much in the way of mass (yet still able to do damages), part because they're.. more or less.. attached to your wrist and you can't fumble and throw them away or lose them into a dark pit of plot device or somesuch.

Not that it actually guarantees I'd be able to harm anyone but myself with one, but you know.. it'd be a start.

As for ranged weaponry.. I haven't the faintest. I mean.. sure.. particle weapons, energy weapons, lasers, xasers, plasma, out of phase emitters, anti-matter and all that.. they all require a firing platform.

And my accuracy with any type of firearms are of the "could barely hit a barn from the inside" variety.. I'd need something like a Smartgun or those Predator shoulder-mounted plasmacasters to actually be able to hit anything. Mind you.. it wouldn't be all that safe if you have to stand in the open to fire about like a happy maniac.

How about one-use self-guided flying discs, a'la a one-use predator disk thingy? I think I'd be able to hit with those, and they're kindof nifty (if clunky and requiring lots of open space).

Of course, it'd be kindof cool to have some sort of air pressure cannon that sent people flying, but I don't think it'd be that pretty really, and I have serious doubts regarding the range.

Difficult topic, indeed.

Additionally: Hi.

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The only weapon I like that I can actually use is a dagger/knife.

I've always been in love with swords though, particularly the katana used by Leonardo from TMNT. Staffs would be my next choice.

Hi, yourself, Kompi. Long time no see. 🙂

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A jagged piece of glass gets the message across.

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Leonardo uses a Ninjaken.
They're called Katana in the original comics, but they aren't curved and they're worn in such a way that would make drawing a Katana very difficult.

*star flies overhead trailed by a rainbow and the words "THE MORE YOU KNOW"*

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Hey Kompi. Long time no see.

As far as pressurized air cannons, there was something to that effect in the movie version of Minority Report. They looked and acted like big double-barrel shotguns, but instead of firing shrapnel, they fired a wide burst of air. Of course that movie was full of cool non-lethal weapons, like the "sick stick" which made you vomit uncontrollably when it hit you. Problem was if your opponent knows enough self defense to grab your wrist and twist your arm around so it hits you (which is exactly what Tom Cruise did).

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I think Tom Cruise would be a pretty awesome weapon.

Just tell him that either the enemy is a couch or that they were saying bad things about Scientology =.

Posts: 1583
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Thankie, Bat. I've seen curved swords called katana (though I do know there are other curved swords that aren't katana) and always assumed that there was more than one version. ^^

Posts: 141
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Thought it best not to make a too grand announcement, knowing my habit of fading in and out of a community at times. Can't promise my stay to be long, heh.

As for air pressure cannons.. I seem to remember some Quake.. two?.. mod that had something like that. It was very short range, but oh did people go somewhere. Don't think the landings would be very pretty with regular physics though. On the other hand.. one might not have to aim very precisely. I remember the sick sticks but not the air pressure cannons.. I should probably watch that movie again sometime.

The non lethal ultrasonic burst whatevers they used in the Knight Rider movie were kindof funky too. (I recall KITT making James Doohan(sp?) collapse) I sincerely doubt the mechanics of those though, even if the "*zap* *collapse*" part was appealing.

And there's the whole issue about aim again.

Y'know.. the Screaming cannon from Oni would be neat. Fire these self-contained screeching flying things that leech life from nearby entities (and HOME on entities!). Perfect Fire, Forget, Hide in a corner weapon.

Of course.. there's always the issue of people avoiding the flying screeching ball..

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Or shooting it in the face =.

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I love you, SX.

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Mah naked body is the scariest thing you'll ever encounter!

For melee combat, (Assuming I somehow magically gain full training in said weapons along with the stamina required to weild them effeciently) I would go with dual short swords, twin tonfas or clawed gloves. Basically, fast and furious style blitz attacks.

For ranged combat, I would have some form of Sniper rifle, twin pistols (lolDante) and some form of stupidly-over-powered blow-stuff-up gun.

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A jagged piece of glass gets the message across.

"I like to improvise."

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SX (female) needs a boyfriend IC 🙂 @ Deck

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She needs a girlfriend 🙂

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Ohhhh, kinky.

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She has a wife of course she doesn't need a girlfriend DUH

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That hasn't been working out very well lately, though.

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Back to weapons...

Long range...boomerang. Lighterang actually. It would take a real mastery of the Force to use. I want it, and it needs to happen. Or a whip. Whips are funny. Because they're so danged funny. or Shuriken.

In fact, how about anything that can be thrown, Soda cans, "shaken" of course. Blades. Spears/javelins..yeah, I like to just throw things. Shoot, even a dodgeball :D

Kompi. Yay! Love you. ~_^

As for short range...Umm shoot..nunchucks. I could do some serious damage with that. That or a nice ol
pair of serrated knives :o. No fancy sword. Knife j0o 2 def.

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TEEHEE IT'S FARTING LMAO *poisongasfart*

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That doesnt make any sense.

And off topic, this current theme is crazy I have to highlight everything in order to see the sentences, it took me about 3 mins to read sx's last response.

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I was pointing out the mysterious bright something that is comiungtout of Super's ass in that gif and calling it a fart and saying the fart is a deadly weapon how does this not make sense it makes perfect sense duh you're just not really paying attention are you?

Posts: 1376
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XD @ SX's response

Yeah, that fart is indestructable. You ever tried to track those things? They travel through matter, and possibly can do the same to antimatter.

You simply cant beat the emissions of super forms....

Rectal emissions, that is...

. Who knesw I had such a super weapon sitting right there IN FRONT OF MY EYES X_x
