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Irritated and Vacation: Life's both Sides

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Posts: 1334
Noble Member
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Check the above link to see why, but since the occasional some of you...can't get to DA I will post it here. I believe some words are censored by the censor thingy. I won't mess with that.

I've posted this at DA and my own board I help moderate. i also apoligize for any obsene anger that is in my following post - I do dearly apoligize.

Note: My irritated off subject is included in this I Will be Gone topic.

Irritated Explanation
Tuesday. I was so in a bad and angsty mood that day. Heres why, first off I'll explain what happened to me in real life that day.
It was ten o'clock in the morning and I get a knock on my window besides my computer desk. I open the blinds to see, as I expected my two friends Don and Aaron. I open the window to say 'hey' to them and go about telling them I'll be out in a few. Them of course, whine and tell me to hurry up or they'll leave for our bike ride without me. I nod, but before I leave some other people - people from across the street crowd my window. I blink, "Have I become a sheep-hearder? Whats with all of you sheep around my window?" I ask, one of the freaks - one with a afro. Just a wanna be gangsta narrows his eyes and takes offense. The moron hits the siding near my window - missing the glass barely.
I jump and retort. "What the hell is your problem?" the figures just stand outside for a momment. I close my window, holster a pocket knife, cel phone, and my mp3 player. I figure the dipshits won't do anything with my dad home. I relax, take my bike and zoom past them and me, Aaron, and Don take off for two hours - eventually finding ourselves at Don's for another two hours. We go back to my place. The afroman and company are across the street. Me, Don, and Aaron are setting up for a game -- but afroman. Now mind you afroman looks 14, 15. Afroman leans aganist my gate which I had closed and picks up a rock and opens the gate. He throws the rock barely missing me!
Eventually, he throws a few more rocks all missing me and my two friends. He stops when my friend speaks up. "Why are you doing this?" Don asks.
He says "He called me a sheep."
Friend Aaron says. "He was referring to all of us you @#%$ moron!"
He continues to throw stuff until a few rocks dent my father's garage. I hurry to my house, and tell my father. He sees afroman and company running to their house. Heh. Exposed.
My dad slowly walks to their house, and informs afroman's dad. Who suprisingly doesn't have a afro. He gets yelled at. I hope he doesn't hold grudges.

But only earlier today, Afroman barely missed my friend - James with a steel bat. Missed, then went home. I'm glad hes okay.

Afroman is only a wannabe punk.

Now online, as of Tuesday.
I used to have a friend who I will name as Aerin for privacy purposes.
She is a @#%$, and which I had only realized on this day. I love to RP as most of you know and the thing is......I RPed at her board (MM3). She frankly doesn't RP right in my opinion but I put one psot that described her char assuming either a gun was empty or laoded and led the chocie up to her.
Since I PoV'd her char in his point of view I illegally RPed. I PMed her and said I did no such thing and told her things like she didn't know how to RP de*****ivily, and I have had to DEFINE godmodding and powerplaying to her for the THIRD TIME in my INTERNET life.
She is now off my AIM list, and I don't really go to her board anymore?
Why? Because she gave me a @#%$ response twice. How I should stop being a ass, and I should of switched to Geico, and just stuff that pissed me off. I told her I was in a bad mood from above topic about afroman but she didn't stop. I told her to "go like a whore and Funk off" with that I blocked her and I lost a friend that I think was never a friend.

Oh, and mind you I have only made......4 enemies in my life. Offline and Online.

Happy Explanation:
Now to the happy life topic.


w00t! Vacation rules! If you want to know I will be in the Mississippi in the Arkansas reijon this weekend for a week or so. I leave today around three o' clock eastern time.


I will be going through Chicago, and St. Louis if anyone has a chance to find me. I will be riding in a Ford Contour, white if you see me on the road. ^^

I hope to have fun and maybe I'll find a net cafe! ^^


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Have a nice holiday Mike.

And Jackasses are everywhere, and everywhen. There's no avoiding them. =S

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

The punk with the afro situation. Keep a gun loaded with rocksalt by the door. When you see him, wait for him to take the first shot then grab it and fire. Salt + cuts = baby crying for mommy.

Or just use a can of mace, that works just as well.

The RP thing... Eh hehe, many years ago I RPed a board. The board makers girlfriend was a real witch and I let her know it after she made it clear to me. The kid in charge banned me.

Well Mike, people like that always get whats coming to them. Because that same "kid" RPs at this board.

As for the holiday. Sounds like you need it. Have fun. ;)


Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Man, that's tough.
Enjoy your holiday.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Dude, you TOLD your dad about the Afro-kid?
If he started, you should have let your *ahem* ghetto side out and started whipping **** right back at him.
Or better yet, walked over and suckerpunched him in the face when he wasn't expecting it.

...What, you're all saying that ISN'T what you would have done? :p

Anyway, Mike, hope you enjoy your vacation.
From your post, I'd say you may well have earned it.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Mace works better. And its a legal solution. :p


Posts: 1334
Noble Member
Topic starter

~Hola, it's me Mike from the state of Arkansas! I indeed have found internet access but it turns out it is 2.00$ per 15 minutes and stuff. I will be posting lightly but it has been a nice trip thus far.

And he had rocks. Rocks hurt, and plus why punch him one when I can just relax, without in fear. Heh.

Well four minutes left, gotta go!
